Latent Syndrome

Chapter 309 308 Choice

Chapter 309 308. Choice

Machine guns were firing, and human screams were heard from time to time.

Far from the dramatic emotional sounds in film and television works, when people are pierced by bullets and their internal organs are torn apart, they often do not sound like human sounds, but weird howls like wild animals.

The pain of ringworm in his legs made Colin a little lame. He staggered through the narrow streets under the dim lampposts. He wanted to go to Irina's place, a nursing facility on Staten Island in the edge of Liberty City.

She needs to be moved to a safe place before things are revealed.

For some reason, my mind resisted the thought of the most wonderful time since then.

He had forgotten how he insulted that woman. Since one day, Ingrid became hysterical, insane, and her behavior became weirder day by day. She soaked herself in a bathtub full of ice water at two o'clock in the morning. , or get angry without warning and chop everything in the house to pieces with a kitchen knife.

Over time.

Colin couldn't take it anymore.

He has forgotten, forgotten the face he hated at that time, and all the unpleasant words.

The night is cool.

Colin finally arrived at the nursing home in Staten Island. He now dares not even use his personal mobile phone. The Countermeasures Bureau will definitely conduct an intensive search for his whereabouts.

When Irina was researching in the second department, she learned about Colin's defection from the first department and his collusion with the SCT. At least that's what the official news said, and they must spare no effort to find him.

So she has been waiting in the nursing home, overlooking the door and walls of the nursing home from the upper floor window, knowing that Colin will definitely come.

When she saw a roll of wire hooked on the fence, Irina was 100% sure that it was Colin and hurried down to pick him up to prevent others from seeing her.

The scenery in the sanatorium was like a wealthy man's resort. Five minutes later, Irina took Colin to a secluded material warehouse. She saw that Colin was in extremely poor condition. The vision had backfired to an extremely serious level. If not, If you deal with it as soon as possible, you will be swallowed by the abyss in less than a month, no, maybe even two weeks, and die violently after going crazy.

Irina thinks that Opal Pim's matter must have been discovered, otherwise Colin would not be in this situation.

After confirming that she was not exposed, Irina looked at Colin's injuries. His shoulders were bleeding faintly, and there was also a very cold hoarfrost spreading. Just standing next to him, the temperature seemed to be low. several dozen degrees.

"Who hurt you like this?"

Irina knew very well that Colin's abilities were not something that a small character could deal with.

"It's the deputy director of the Countermeasures Bureau."


Recalling the weird ammunition, Colin was still frightened, but there was no time to talk about it now.

"Where's Ingrid?"

Colin asked.

"do not worry."

"Procedurally, she is already dead. I have also assigned a new identity to her. People from the Countermeasures Bureau will never be able to find her."

Irina probably guessed Colin’s purpose of coming here.

"I'm taking her away."

"Even so, I'm still worried."

"People from the Countermeasures Bureau, they are everywhere, and everything in this world is invisible."

Since they could find the refuge hut on the lonely peak, they would definitely be able to find Ingrid.

"You have to... think about it."

"Her condition is already very serious, if she is taken away forcibly."

"Maybe it won't last long."

Irina had no intention of stopping Colin, and it was up to him to decide.

Colin was silent for a while.

"You and I have a connection. We both worked in Section 11 before. Your situation is also very dangerous."

"Take you with me and continue your hibernation therapy."

Colin made this decision and told Irina the truth about the specially-made ammunition, which is tempered from the cerebrospinal fluid of ordinary people. These bullets are made of living people.

But there was no surprise in Irina's expression.

"I know."

"Or maybe I've never believed in so-called neurotoxins."

"The infection is not organic, but mental."

"I secretly studied the components of the bullet and found some impurities in it that had not been completely extracted, which are human brain secretions."

Irina's eyes dodge a little and she spoke calmly.

"Now that you know."

"Isn't there a little... psychological burden?"

Colin asked.

"Many times there is no room for consideration, but it is necessary to do it."

"Otherwise, all ordinary people, ordinary employees in the countermeasures bureau, are just lambs to be slaughtered when faced with infected people."

"Moreover, sleep therapy requires not only researchers like me, but also the support of large-scale equipment and a peaceful and calm environment."

"You can understand that you can't take her into exile and have efficient treatment at the same time."

"Besides, I'm not leaving here."

"Unfortunately...I am not a warrior."

"It's very safe here. You can rest assured. I am now the main staff member of the second department. Although my authority is not very high, such small things will not be exposed. As long as I am alive, your wife will be absolutely safe."

Although Irina did not help Colin make a choice or persuade her, given that woman's condition, as long as she leaves here, she will soon become worse than Colin now.

Colin leaned against the wall a little weakly, not knowing how to make a decision. He still couldn't rest assured because it was too dangerous.

"If you take her out."

"How long can you live?"

Colin didn't give up.

"If the situation is optimistic, it should take about two months."

"It's a lot involved and a little complicated."

Irina looked at her watch. There were still eleven hours until Di Bong's public trial.

"What's the shortest?"

"If it's the worst case scenario."

Colin hesitated.

"Ten days."

"As long as she falls into the memories of the past again, remembering who she is and all the stimulation she has received."

"She will soon collapse quickly, and the vision will swallow her up in an instant."

"Not everyone has the same... willpower as you."

Even if Colin didn't speak.

But looking at the slightly desperate face, Irina had already guessed his choice.

"I can……"

"Take a last look at her."

"Just looking at it from a distance, it shouldn't affect the hibernation therapy."

As Irina said, if Ingrid continues to stay here, there is still a glimmer of hope for her, waiting for the day when the abyssal disease ends. If she is taken away blindly, she will die.


Irina led Colin through the mountain-like nursing home, and finally came to a three-story building, with Ingrid's ward upstairs.

When walking to the gate.

Colin suddenly stopped.

Perhaps it was Irina's illusion, but Colin suddenly changed his movements for a moment. It was a very strange phenomenon, as if the frame had dropped.

"Can I trust you?"

He asked extremely solemnly.

"If you trust Gray."

Irina answered calmly.

"Is it."

Say it.

Colin quickly left the nursing home without entering the building.

Irina came to the ward on the third floor, only to see Ingrid in a hospital gown standing by the window, looking at Colin's leaving back.

"What's wrong?"

Irina asked with concern.


"It just felt like someone had been here."

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