Latent Syndrome

Chapter 364 363 Under Control

Chapter 364 363. Under Control

Twelve zones of destruction.

In a dangerous place in a mountain pass, Sean suddenly woke up from his dream, gasping for air.


"What’s wrong with you?"

"But I've never seen you like this."

There was a bonfire on the pile of rocks under the huge rock to resist the cold of nuclear winter. Next to Sean sat an extremely ugly man.

His face was severely burned, and there were only a few sparse strands of hair. The eyelids and flesh of one eye were strangely drooping. Sean was the pianist who was ordered to be killed by Luca a year ago. He sold all his property to support illegal activities. As the event progresses, it's a must-kill.

But in a nuclear strike.

Sean didn't even know what he was doing and saved him, probably just to prove his damn club theory wrong.

But so far Sean still can't find the words to refute.

In a sense, today is really a fair and just world. Even congenital genes cannot determine anything, only spirit.

This thing without any loss embodies a naked world without any whitewash, peeling off all appearances in blood, expelling the smart members of everyone's club.

The club is no more and this will be a party for everyone.

"I sensed something..."

"Something bad is happening."

Sean emerges from his filthy sleeping bag and leans against the fire while the pianist roasts the chrysalis.

"Where did you find it?"

Sean asked in great surprise. Apart from humans, this was the first time he had seen anything alive in more than a year. Except for those bloody monsters, those things were no longer even living things.

"I discovered there was a hot spring nearby."

"There must be radiation inside."

"But I think there are traces of volcanic activity nearby, and the magma and geothermal energy are concentrated. Maybe I can find something."

"These are bugs that ordinary people can't eat, but we don't have a problem."

"After such a long time, no matter how severe the radiation is, it should be on a downward trend."

"Maybe it will take less than twenty years to get better."

After the Day of Destruction, there were already more infected people than ordinary people. The pianist was also infected and became a D-class infected person, who could barely move around in the outside world.

"Twenty years?"

"It's not about radiation."

"By that time, everyone was dead."

"Unless it's true that ordinary people can survive until that time."

Sean is pessimistic.

"Didn't you say that the Countermeasures Bureau still has a final plan? The people in your organization always have Plan B."

"Those scientifically preserved human embryos should be frozen and preserved in some apocalyptic base, waiting to be thawed and hatched decades or hundreds of years later."

"There must be supporting books and hard drives to tell the new generation what is going on, so that they can start a new life and build a new home."

The pianist said calmly.

Sean frowned. His goal was also to find the base of the Countermeasures Bureau. After the destruction of the future, all communications were scrapped, madmen gathered, and he completely lost contact with the Countermeasures Bureau. Then as the supercontinent converged with a certain place as the center point, I can't even tell the direction.

Sean's goal is to go back.

The Countermeasures Bureau has a safe base dedicated to protecting the families of agents, and his daughter is also there. Sean's symptoms have been getting worse over the past year. It is this belief that has allowed him to survive until now.

"You are one of the culprits who contributed to this situation."

"If you don't support the activities of those terrorists, don't invest money in them."

"Since some military equipment is not in place, we can buy some time."

"This little time may be enough for the Countermeasures Bureau to react and prevent those weirdos from penetrating those nuclear bases."

"In a sense."

"You destroyed the world."

Sean mocked the pianist, took the pupa directly from the tree branch grill against the flames, with ruthless hands, then put it into his mouth and started chewing.

The facial expression was quite exciting. The gelatinous substance on the outside was indeed crispy, but the raw slurry inside was extremely sticky and disgusting, but he still swallowed it hard.

"That's what you want to say."

"It's better to say that the military ruined everything."

"You have to know that those soldiers are no different from the short-haired weirdos. They all have the same shaved hair, and they all just accept orders. All their personality has been wiped out."

"That's why those weirdos can penetrate so easily."

"Because they are similar things."

The pianist said calmly.


"Then you do feel guilty, so you start to deny it."

"You should be happy about this situation."

Sean is holding a map in his hand, which is some of the areas he has mapped. In more than a year, this map has covered many places. All the countries and cities on the human continent have been destroyed like a stew. Scatter and then gather together.

He discovered something very scary, but he didn't dare to draw any conclusions when he completed all the mapping of the map and found the center point of the supercontinent.

"Can't say happy."

"It's just the inevitable development of things."

"This is the so-called extreme situation."

"It's like building a tower with playing cards. As long as it reaches a certain height, it will surely collapse. Even if just a grain of dust touches a fragile part of the frame, it will collapse."

"Obviously, people have reached that level."

“Industry could have made food and clothing available to everyone and satisfied all the flesh.”

"But the spirit will never agree."

"All spirits pursue a higher level, and the easiest thing to do is not to elevate your own spirit, but to subdue and dominate others."

"Extreme meets extreme. This is an inevitable rule."

"If you have any thoughts, please tell me."

"I'm looking forward to how the next club will bring people back together and impress others."

The pianist saw that the insect chrysalis was very unpalatable, so he didn’t touch any of them. He thought too much and was not a natural at surviving in the wild.

"There's no next club, got it?"

"It's fucking over."

Sean stood up and had to set off quickly. If he couldn't see his daughter for a day, he wouldn't be able to live in peace for a day.

"You've been searching for so long and still haven't found a countermeasure."

"They have gone into hiding and prepared for the worst, which is what you said about embryo freezing."

"Maybe we should change our thinking."

"Go find Di Wei."

"Don't you think it's weird?"

"I always felt like something was wrong, and today I finally realized why."

"Those madmen, those weirdos, it's like they all suddenly disappeared."

"Even if a nuclear strike wipes out 99.9 percent of their people, there will definitely be a lot left given their size."

"There's something very wrong with this."

"Since destroying everything is in their plan."

"Then what happens after the destruction should also be planned."

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