Latent Syndrome

Chapter 379 378 Research

Chapter 379 378. Research

For Colin, every death of an infected person can alleviate the symptoms of all those who have suffered from latent disease, even if it is negligible.

But if indiscriminate killing like Colin has a certain effect, the reason why all the infected people in the world are relatively stable and have not completely lost their wisdom even in the doomsday wasteland is precisely because of his approach. So far, he has killed countless people on his hands.

The base number can even reach the point where the world situation becomes stable.

After listening to the reply from the person in charge of the transfer station, he no longer had any value to Colin. Even under the mournful begging for mercy, Colin did not hesitate at all with the blade, wrapped it around his neck and twisted it neatly. Let him feel nothing and be dead.

His head rolled on the ground a few times, and his lips opened and closed a few times with the remaining nerve responses, and then there was no movement.

Hannah stood aside and watched quietly. In the process of working with Colin's father, he was a quite old-fashioned and gentle person.

Even in the research of SCT, the spirit of using animal experiments first and then human experiments is adhered to.

Although SCT did not give him this opportunity.

Unexpectedly, his son was the complete opposite. It was not that Hannah sympathized with these people. No one alive in this world was innocent.

However, not all the Salvation Army are crazy rangers. Many of them were forcibly recruited and had to work for chain saws.

"If your father knew what you are doing now, his expression would be very wonderful."

Hannah began to search some documents in the filing cabinet in the room. This is the main intelligence stronghold in the western part of the jurisdiction of the Salvation Army. It is different from the place where Galilei and the two stayed. It is a summary place. Finally, through the official road forcibly controlled by the Salvation Army, Then transport them back to their base camp.

"Is it."

Colin remembered that he had been arrested for wounding, and even then the bad guy didn't react at all. Now that the situation was more serious, he was looking forward to any reaction if it really happened.

"You guys have been working together for so long, how did you mention me?"

Colin glanced at Nikolai and the two. They were extremely competent as doglegs. Colin said on the way that one of them would be alive, so they both rushed to show their worth. Colin glanced around and immediately rummaged through the massive filing cabinets, trying to find some valuable information.

Colin told them clearly that the people he was looking for were named Opal and Violet. One was a deformed creature with yellow teeth, and the other was a tall woman who liked to dye her hair.

Hearing Colin's question, Hannah thought about it for a moment and was silent for more than ten seconds without giving an answer.


Hannah recalled that when these researchers, including herself, were first caught by the SCT, many of them had a strong desire not to harm their families no matter what, and they were willing to do whatever they wanted.

Because SCT is an organization that completely ignores the law and all functional institutions in the world. Anyone who wants to be killed will definitely die, and everyone's background information is also invisible in their infiltration of the government.

At that time, Colin's father was completely indifferent. For a time, Hannah thought he was an unaccompanied middle-aged man until he escaped through various means.

Even after K's name became popular, we found out that he actually had a child. It wasn't that he had no relatives, but he just didn't care about Colin's life or death at all.

Hannah knew that he did have a son, but he died at a young age. There was always a photo of the child on his desk, and he might have been in the shadows.

"Were you adopted?"

"As far as I know, the Freedom Alliance has a policy of providing subsidies for adopting orphans, and even tax deductions and exemptions."

"Many wealthy people will adopt one to get tax exemption."

Hannah said casually, even though she was just an outsider, she had a slight feeling that the relationship between the two did not seem to be very harmonious.

"I hope so."

Colin said indifferently, but now he is not disgusted with his education method. Perhaps no education is the real education.

Just like Di Bong's unconventional and ridiculous remarks.

Just in a completely different way.

Maybe this can make a real man.

"What did he research that made him wanted by the SCT?"

"Even more powerful than Hagi and Luca."

Perhaps because he didn't have much contact with him, Colin didn't even know what that person was doing all day long. In his memory, he only saw him a few times when he committed crimes or when he had a high fever and was about to die. noodle.

Hannah shook her head.

"I have no idea."

"I only had contact with him during the initial period of research."

"Later he was assigned to other projects. Although the office is not far away, the experimental site is a top-secret place."

"The SCT at that time was different from what it is now. Just like all weapons experiments had corresponding countermeasures, the SCT at that time also had related research on countering latent disease, but they were all ordered to stop later."

“It’s like there’s a replacement at the top.”

"The original SCT was not like this. It was intended to completely utilize latent disease and use it as capital to reform the world."

"But you know, this disease makes people crazy and then it takes over everything and everything goes crazy."

After saying this, Hannah took out a pack of cigarettes from her coat, took one out, lit it with a lighter, smoked it, and handed one to Colin.

Colin was indifferent and did not take it. He no longer needed this kind of thing.

"It's better to study what works."

Although Colin is in jail, he still thinks that Opal's idea is not reliable. The original true page is a magic weapon after all, and everything must be practical.

Although Colin didn't want to admit it, the Countermeasures Bureau's approach was right, even if it extracted substances from human brains and condensed them into specially-made ammunition, this was realistic and there were no such special bullets.

Without these, which can be said to be the remaining power of the symbolic world, the world today would probably be in an even worse state, where everyone would have turned into mindless, deformed monsters that would even eat their own brains if they were hungry.

While the two were talking.

Nicholas, who was flipping the file cabinet, found clues that were consistent with the information Colin mentioned, and it was a tall woman named Violet.

The Salvation Army's spy on the inland sea discovered a lonely lighthouse on a huge rock. This spy was not killed after entering, but met a person named Rhodes and Violet.

But Violet was just mentioned briefly, and more importantly, Rhodes, this person is a stargazer, knows the past and the future, and he is a prophet in the fucking wasteland.

"Old fairy."

"I found it."

Nicholas shouted, he didn't want to end up following the corpses at these transfer stations, and had to take care of Colin.

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