Latent Syndrome

Chapter 38 38 Serial Cases

Chapter 38 38. Serial cases

A month passed.

Due to the deviation of the sun's latitude due to the rotation of the earth, the weather has not become warmer, but has become colder.

Something is wrong.

Colin looked out to the street from the glass window of the fast food restaurant. The continuous drizzle fell from the sky in a string. Pedestrians holding umbrellas stepped through the puddles, causing splashes of water stains.

Since a month ago, SCT's actions have become less and less until they disappeared.

There were no more attacks or violent incidents. Immediately afterwards, even the crime rate in Los Angeles dropped. It was even much lower than in previous years before the SCT came. The mayor was even more loved by the citizens.

This is actually the problem. They are dormant and planning some more terrifying actions.

What is really frightening is that with this efficient leadership, they are not just a mob, but a dangerous organization with an action plan and core characters.

Colin glanced down at his hands, and they were still the same monsters as himself. Could the Countermeasure Bureau really be able to resist them?

Although Colin has no feelings for Gray, and even hates it, this has nothing to do with the Countermeasures Bureau, which is trying its best to save everything.

Perhaps the uneasiness has spread to the depths of each agent's heart, but no one else shows it.

"Why haven't you seen that island girl who's always with you?"

Eugene sucked on the straw, a little confused. The woman and Colin had been inseparable a while ago.

"I don't know, who cares about that crazy woman."

During this period, Colin dealt with the corpses of many people infected with Latent Syndrome. Although most people died suddenly and suddenly, the terrifying state of alienation sometimes caused riots when citizens discovered it, and a small number of them died. It was still aggressive, and many casualties had occurred.

From the database of the communication terminal, we can see that an NGO public welfare organization called Testicular Cancer Mutual Aid Association has a deep connection with SCT.

Before this, this information was only known to Gray and a few of her confidants, but now it has become public intelligence for the Countermeasures Bureau.

It is also wrong to say that SCT has no action at all. It is just some incredible actions. They promote some ridiculous and bizarre ideas in the name of a public welfare organization.

[Your job does not represent you, your bank balance does not represent you, the car you drive does not represent you, the contents of your wallet do not represent you, and your clothes do not represent you. We are just one of many living beings, no different from other organic matter. 】

[You were born a mistake and it will take a lifetime to correct it. 】

[You need testosterone to sign a death pact against this stupid, shitty, bad world. 】

[Committed to making everyone in the world have kind. 】

There were a lot of unfounded remarks, and the authorities immediately defined them as illegal organizations to prevent the further spread of such dangerous remarks.

But this organization did not march or have any violent activities for the time being. It just spread like a virus. Like all public welfare organizations, it only rented an activity room and purchased some furnishings, such as a coffee machine and an oven for baking cookies. , finally get together to discuss something.

Although the authorities have sealed off such chambers one by one, like maggots in the tarsus, they will always pop up again.

This seems to strengthen that conjecture.

"Is there a testicular cancer mutual aid group? It's so damn perverted."

Eugene scanned the communication terminal, trying to find interesting things, but she discovered something slightly horrifying, that is, the database had not been updated for a few days. She didn't know whether it was a system failure or a danger signal.

After such a long time, the two of them pretended to be movie investors and went to various occasions, but they achieved nothing. There was no trace of SCT at all.

Colin gained a lot, and even obtained the contact information of the popular movie star Eva. Eugene didn't know if Colin had gone out to "escape" during this period.

"You know there are always some weird urban legends on the Internet recently. Many people tell their own supernatural stories on forums. I think it's because there are more and more people with latent syndrome."

Eugene guessed that not all infected people would join the SCT. Some infected people who were not captured by the Countermeasures Bureau and were between the two major forces had no purpose and could not tell what they would do.

at this time.

A message came from the communication terminal. It was a task assigned by the Countermeasures Bureau. The two were asked to suspend their current mission and investigate an urgent serial murder case. The murderer was likely to be an infected person.

"Come on...uncle."

Eugene let out a long breath. Perhaps the mission between the two of him failed too much and there was no progress after a month, so it was stopped. But there was nothing he could do. He was indeed not a detective.

But presumably with the methods of the Countermeasures Bureau, it is impossible for only two of them to be investigating at the same time. Other agents are still continuing to target SCT's entry into the film industry.

Colin also took a look at the communication terminal. Unlike the beautiful job of being a movie investor, this is a more dangerous and tiring job.


Dizziness filled Colin's head.

It's all because of latent abyss syndrome. I've been having insomnia recently and will have some hallucinations.

Occasionally, it's a scene when I'm working, and those stock index lines turn into sticky, disgusting flesh and blood that spreads out from the screen and wraps around the keyboard.

The keyboard grew flesh and grew into an ugly insect with no name. It had the most unique physical signs of all ugly creatures, including compound eyes, mouthparts, appendages, antennae, and a filthy palette. The strange and bright carapace colors.


It would speak, stroking its limbs with completely cold-blooded and empty limbs, and say this to Colin,

And it is difficult for him to wake up from that state. Only a sudden weightlessness, like someone having one of the legs of the chair he is sitting on, can wake him up immediately.

Sometimes I have strange dreams.

The pungent smell of hydrogen peroxide will be poured into the lungs, suffocating like a fetus soaked in amniotic fluid, and drowning in a blinding chaos of depression and rage.

The man wearing a blue sterile hat and a leather butcher's apron was holding an axe, a saw, and a three-foot-long scalpel. He was restrained with a belt like a stroke patient. The hanging needle was connected not to an infusion bottle but to a bicycle tire pump.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Eugene saw that Colin was in a very wrong state. He said that he had been like this a lot recently, with his face turning white and sweating. He heard that different infected people would suffer different pains when sinking. Colin...


Colin took out the wine bottle from his arms and took a big sip. He took out the cigarette with trembling fingers and blew it for a few times before he felt a little better.

A high-rise residence located in the Santa Maria district, with an excellent location and a high market value.

A room on the 22nd floor was cordoned off, and the Los Angeles Police Department protected the murder scene so that it would not be destroyed so that traceology experts could investigate and collect evidence.

Colin and Colin were let in after showing their IDs.

Eugene almost vomited when he saw the body.

"No, I can't watch this."

She walked out of the room, leaving Colin alone with the body.

"According to the identification of trace science experts, the wounds on the deceased are not consistent with conventional crime props, and more like some kind of monster killing her."

A police officer said to Colin.

But Colin didn't react at all when he saw the body, and even he was surprised by his indifferent reaction.

Perhaps because of going back in time, I experienced scenes unknown to others.

Whether it was the collapse of the building, whether it was Cohen who turned into blood and mud, or the infected people who died on the stock exchange.

Whether it was the crowd at the Beverly Hills banquet that was blown to pieces by a rocket launcher, or the blond man whose head was exploded by Manatsu Hoshino.

Even...his own flesh and blood.

It has become commonplace.

Perhaps as the Testicular Cancer Mutual Aid Association says, your job cannot represent you, your car cannot represent you, and your clothes cannot represent you.

When all the pretense is gone, it's just organic matter.

"Who is the detective in charge of this case?"

Colin asked sternly, taking out a cigarette from the cigarette case and lighting it. The mission of the Countermeasures Bureau is to cooperate with the police detectives to find out the murderer and kill him.


Strength is useless.

What is required is subtle wisdom.

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