Latent Syndrome

Chapter 387 386 Scam

Chapter 387 386. Scam

The Doomsday not only intensified changes in people, but also intensified changes in landforms, physics, and space.

It's just that people in a specific place cannot detect this fact. Since the chain saw has been traveling in many places for so long, he understands that the formation of the supercontinent is not due to some damn plate drift.

The chain saw uses its power to shake open the haze of nuclear winter on the dark sky, revealing the bright night sky with colorful stars and rivers, which is beautiful and magnificent.

It's latent disease.

Latent Abyssal Syndrome has changed the global landscape, in one center, Destruction Zone 33, which was the last area to suffer a nuclear strike in Days of Destruction.

Because it was the last to be destroyed, it gave them about ten minutes to counterattack, and they suffered the least damage, or were not harmed at all, as if there was a strange force protecting that place.

And it is like the heart of the abyss, sucking in all the continents like a whirlpool, gathering everything towards it, and gathering it to form a supercontinent.

The chain saw traveled around and gradually discovered the fact that with that place as the center, everything was being pulled towards that place at a constant speed, no matter how far or near, no matter how high or low, it was being torn towards that place, just like the celestial bodies were moving away from other places at a constant speed. All celestial bodies are common.

This is a weird, reverse expansion.

His suspicion seemed to be confirmed. The moment he tore the night apart, it was a brilliant sea of ​​stars that he had never seen before.

But this beauty is extremely deadly.

The distance between the earth and the moon has shortened, and all other distant and vast stars have become brighter than before. Everything, even all things, are being pulled towards that place at a constant speed.

In less than a moment, the wind and clouds converged, and the haze of nuclear winter blocked the sky. It became pitch black, with only the motorcycle headlights shining on the blood-stained road, and countless fine ash flying in the beam of light.

The chain saw kicked off the motorcycle's kickstand and stopped.

Maybe there is still some time left in this universe. He looked at the ugly scabs on his arms that had been eaten away by the vision. He didn't have much time left with humans.

Only by opening up another world, a heaven of eternal happiness, a completely independent space of its own, can we avoid this disaster.

He found that there were many such cases in the last era. It is actually simple to open up such a place. It only requires a large number of identical subconscious minds to gather together to form a consciousness cluster. The power of such aggregation can even exceed that of S-class infected people. realm, countless times, thereby splitting the real world, splitting the purest natural things, and forming a place that is completely different from the rules of the natural world.

So far, the chain saw has been researched very smoothly. Through the recruitment of former SCT and former Countermeasures Bureau scientific researchers, let them implant the consciousness of the captured people, and then connect them together through specific methods. Can create the world naturally.

But at this point, it has fallen into a bottleneck that cannot be broken through, because even if it becomes independent, the original roots have not been separated from it, and it can still be affected and intruded by outsiders. It is an invisible and original thing. Still interfering.

Nothing can be extracted from there.

There is only one last step left, which is to completely close this world and completely isolate it, but it is as difficult as climbing to the sky.

Before those researchers can finish, he must prevent chaos from corroding this last hope.

As the information said.

The chain saw came to the place where the short-haired man was causing trouble. It was night, and the surroundings were extremely deep and silent. In the apocalypse, there were no insects or birds chirping, only dead silence.

It's like being on the set of a horror movie. The only difference is that there are no crew members, only one person. The chain saw's motorcycle is parked outside a huge air-raid shelter, and the motorcycle's headlights reflect the scene within a very short distance of the cave.

They were all corpses with shaved heads, lying in various directions at the entrance of the air raid shelter. They were a bloody mess, and in the large area around them, there was only Chainsaw.

He received news that some weirdos were attacking his stronghold, but the situation shouldn't be like this. Could it be that these guys were killed by someone else?

Just when Chainsaw was confused.

There was a howling sound from the depths of the air-raid shelter, and the wind was blowing loudly. The desolation made this place, which was originally like a ghost movie, look even more eerie.

Chainsaw frowned.

Then, he saw the person slowly walking out of the air-raid shelter. It was a man wearing a wide fedora hat and a tattoo of the original codex on his face.

"I see."

Chainsaw understood everything in an instant. It was really a worthwhile trip. The two most important things came together.

"You controlled a group of people and forcibly shaved them into this kind of hair, and then released the news to lure me here deliberately, right?"

"You are the killer from the Thirty Destruction Zone."

Chainsaw recalled the characteristics of the killer described in the intelligence. They were no different from the tall man in front of him. He didn't understand why he wanted to find him and kill him.

"That's right."

"You're very perceptive."

"Do you have anything to say?"

Arnold had not yet loaded the revolver magazine. Even at this juncture, he unhurriedly took out the bullets from the cracked leather coat pocket and slowly put them into the six-round revolver magazine one by one.

Chainsaw once again glanced at the vision that was gnawing at him on his arm, and then took a closer look at Arnold. He suddenly felt a little familiar. After a moment, he reacted and said with some surprise: "It turns out to be You, that person on TV. .”

Arnold was a little confused.


He doesn't remember that he is a Hollywood movie star.

"It was more than a year ago when that person was tried in public. In the last few minutes, you were seen on TV."

"You are from SCT, right."

Chainsaw thinks it makes sense now, and he still underestimated the SCT. They are far from being terrorists who only long for a dictatorial world. They are pursuing something else, a huge horror that cannot be described but can only be understood, so they must Kill yourself for bringing hope to this desperate situation.


"I'm from SCT."

"If you want to complain, just blame you people for being too ambitious."

Arnold finally loaded the revolver, but he didn't raise the gun immediately. His arm was still vertical, staring coldly at the chain saw.


"The results haven't come out yet, right?"

"You can't default to victory."

"Your arrival gave me a very good tip."

"That's my research. It is indeed effective and will be successful."

Chainsaw said this. He knew what he was capable of. Although he ruled almost one-third of the wasteland, apart from himself, there was no one under his command who could deal with the Countermeasures Bureau and SCT.

The reason why someone with such a high level came to kill him could only mean that his research seriously threatened SCT.

"Do you want me to tell you the truth?"

"The truth is extremely cruel."

"Do you really want to know?"

Arnold's tone was extremely cold. Although the fate of these people cannot be revealed, it is also part of the original.

No one can disobey the original.

Just like no one can disobey, they are born as human beings.

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