Latent Syndrome

Chapter 424 Chapter 423 Reinstatement

Chapter 424 423. Reinstatement

Three days later.

"It was because he drowned in the sea, so there is no body."

"I remember it was recorded this way in your death file."

Luka pointed his fingers in the air, extracting memories from the hard drive.

Even after dealing with so many people, Cobain was still the craziest of them all.

In the second department, there are many scholars who were swallowed by the abyss during the research process, and there are also guys who had a flash of inspiration, understood the mysteries of the universe in an instant, and then died violently.

After death, the brains of such people will retain the cerebrospinal fluid that penetrates the truth. Its purpose is completely unknown, and it has also been tried to be injected into some experimental subjects.

There are only two outcomes.

Either he died immediately, and the death was extremely tragic. Luca once asked an agent to take the initiative to receive an injection of cerebral spinal fluid, and emphasized that he should stay awake as much as possible. During the next process, all the experiences would be written down orally and recorded by functional personnel.

But the level of pain is unimaginable. He can't even speak out and will only die violently after losing his mind.

In addition, you either have the experience of traveling in another world. The process is very fast and often ends before you have time to record it. Listening to the description, it seems like you are traveling in other time and space, but you can't remember the specific details. There are many sequelae, not limited to Intelligence decreases, some memories disappear, and nothing seems to happen.

The only special thing is that in the short-lived state of the cerebrospinal fluid, no instrument can detect that person, as if it is just a projection of something, with no life characteristics and no light reflection. The reason why it can still be detected Seeing that it is just a mental influence, it is conceptual, and it will return to normal soon.

In short, this is something that is difficult to explain. If the universe is viewed as a system, this thing can make people outside the system for a short time.

Since this kind of sample is too scarce and there is no more experimental data, it is impossible to know what will happen when such a large dose of cerebrospinal fluid is injected into Coben's body. It may cause qualitative changes, which is completely unknown.

"Does this have anything to do with what happens next?"

Cobain tried not to discuss irrelevant things. The two were already not far outside Cheyenne Mountain at this time. Luca was extremely dissatisfied with the countermeasures bureau's dormant decision a year ago and left the countermeasures bureau since then, but many top secrets He knew all the information.

"You know, although the nuclear haze is slowly starting to settle."

"But the radiation is still there, and it's lethal."

"You'll die soon too."

Luca said this. He could see that Cobain was already determined to die, because the chemical protective suit would bring a lot of inconvenience. Cobain did not wear it for the sake of efficiency, and he could see blood spots appearing on his skin. , this is the initial symptom of radiation sickness. Afterwards, due to metabolism, immunity, internal circulation, and cell decay, people will not survive long.

Even if Cobain has a mechanically modified body, he can stretch a little longer.

"It's been long enough."

"If my guess is correct, the human world will disappear before me."

Cobain said in rigorous and sophisticated vocabulary that it is just the human world. For the entire universe or even all dimensions and frameworks, there is no so-called good or bad, just different ways of existence.

The two of them walked in the military postal tunnel inside the mountain, and it wouldn't take long to reach one of the more than ten passages in Cheyenne Mountain.

The passage they are going to is one of the secret passages that can only be used by special officials. Only Luca and a very few people know about it. Even if there is a defensive force, it will be much weaker than other places, enough for Luca to sneak into it secretly. .

"Have you done any human experiments on Colin?"

"It's like the spy training of the last century, where people will not leak information even under extreme torture."

"Or the subconscious mind can spontaneously reject all thought implantations."

"Brainwash him into a human weapon."

In the empty and dark tunnel, there were only the sounds of two people's footsteps and the echo of their voices.

"Why do you ask?"

"I never did anything to him, he had nothing to do with this."

Cobain answered flatly.

Luka did not tell Cobain about his fight with Colin. He had been studying deeper things and had no chance to mention it.

He really didn't know how a stockbroker could reach this level. It must be some kind of brainwashing by Cobain. Cobain was indeed a person who could do that kind of thing. For a researcher like him, the truth is Desire can annihilate blood ties.

"Is it."

"He seems to be a cold-blooded murderer. Do you know what he has done?"

"Killing people is nothing new. He can even kill his colleagues who spend time with him day and night without any expression on his face."

"That's the thing that surprised me the most."

"You have studied in SCT, and you should know that the collective consciousness of a group can create a field just like S-class infected people."

"Only by erasing all those people can we escape from this realm."

"In the report of an agent named Lister, a colleague he killed with his own hands, it was Colin who used a flamethrower to roast thousands of people and the tree town alive into charcoal before he could escape."

"Can you imagine that after doing this, you can still act like a normal person?"

"It's not so much cold-blooded as it is that it's essentially a mechanical thing."

Luca also told the story about Colin's ability to go back in time, hoping that Cobain could solve the problem. After all, memory is the cornerstone of the soul, and Colin was always created by Cobain.

What I didn't expect was.

As if it was none of his business, his expression was indifferent.

"That's his freedom."

"As for him being able to go back in time..."

"How exactly?"

This fact makes Cobain a little concerned, because going back in time is not as simple as moving the hour hand forward. Whether it is pausing time or even cutting away time, it is within the scope allowed by physics. If time goes back, , Unless it is to reverse the years and reverse cause and effect, that is something only... God can do.

Luca talked about what happened in Los Angeles, and Colin was always able to come up with the optimal solution to SCT's terrorist activities when pushed to the limit.

Cobain was a little surprised after hearing this. Maybe Colin was indeed a very special existence, but it was meaningless. He just wanted to witness the moment when the world died.

The two came to a branch of the tunnel, and after walking around in a maze for a while, they came to a top-secret passage that only Luca and a few people knew about. Luca used hints to effortlessly open the iron gate that could only be exited from the inside. Open inside.

This is not an elevator, but an extremely long spiral staircase. The purpose is to allow important personnel to escape if the base is invaded and the power is cut off.

There was basically no lighting, and the outline of each staircase could barely be seen clearly, with only an extremely dim red warning light.

Looking down from the middle of the zigzag staircase, it looks like a bottomless abyss, which is horrifying.

Luca thought of Cobain's past and his son who died young, and he thought he might know what was going on.

"As long as there are no expectations."

"There is no betrayal."

"Is that so?"

Luca had to say that this was an extremely clever approach.

"Whatever you think."

“It’s like Hegelian freedom and limitation.”

"Any bond only exists as a spiritual concept, and only individuals exist in the real world."

“The most important thing is how to find ways to adjust and transform.”

Cobain took one step ahead of Luca and walked down the abyss.

Luka was silent for a while. In a sense, there were indeed some similarities.

"Did you kill him?"

"Your wife."

Luca asked.

Maybe that's the root of all the problems.

Cobain didn't answer and continued walking without saying a word.

Luca stopped talking nonsense, because it was meaningless now. Anyway, it was Cobain's doing.

It's just a distinction between direct and indirect.

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