Latent Syndrome

Chapter 450 449 The Man in the Mirror

Chapter 450 449. The Man in the Mirror

Di Biao was also being washed away by these tens of billions of light-years, and with the help of the Fresnel lens-like light vortex, the entire universe was pulled closer.

The face was also twisted and deformed in the mist. Under the distorted light that was constantly squeezed and stretched, the already terrifying face looked like a demon from outside the universe.

The entire Palace of True Vision also seemed to be reflected on a surface of sparkling water, with kaleidoscope-like colorful light spots flying across every corner of every wall in the form of fish scales or wings.

All time and space from ancient times to the present has become a flat surface, plundered from all states of matter and made into a stream of light that flashes in a trance. Every place overlaps. What everyone loves, hates, and thinks are like The trains on the track entered Colin's mind in a spiral shape.

It's like stepping out of time, with no past at all, and they are coming one after another.

Colin's brain could not handle such a terrifying thing at all, and he began to convulse like an epileptic patient bound in a straitjacket.

He seemed to see God and the carrier of all things.


It is not rationality or consciousness, nor cognitive ability, nor self-awareness or individual subject, but encompasses all subjects with entities.

Everything is connected to it through channels.

Rather, say yes.

It projects countless eras and universes, as well as countless lives and deaths.

No will can compare with it.

Rather than saying that what descended from the Observer was an alien object from the sky, it was better to say that it was the original white hole that projected this world.

The matter swallowed by a black hole will not disappear out of thin air. An eternal black hole must correspond to an eternal white hole, and the two are connected through wormholes.

When the black hole swallows all matter, the white hole will also eject the matter in it. Only in this way can it appear to be a completely symmetrical mathematical model.

Such corresponding black holes and white holes must exist in two different universes.

The theory of the Big Bang is that all matter was concentrated at one point with high density and extremely high temperature, so an explosion occurred.

This statement seems somewhat ambiguous and implausible.

The ultimate fundamental is that the Big Bang is a white hole, and the entire universe is the swallowing product of a black hole from another universe, which continuously erupts to form the universe in which humans live.

This well explains that all celestial bodies are moving away from all celestial bodies at a uniform speed, which is the cause of the continuous expansion of the universe.

And that vortex of light erupted into this world.

It also erupted into countless universes and countless eras.

It's in there.

During the Planck period of ten minus 43 seconds before the eruption, the strong force, weak force, electromagnetic force, and gravity were all integrated. It was a great force that unified the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics, and was the supreme force that evolved all things. thing.

beyond the comprehension or description of the small human mind.



or it could be.

Absolutely spiritual.

The vast universe is held in the palm of Di Zhu's hand, and he is the supreme ruler of this world.

"Anyone who is hypocritical."

"All illusions, all shadow plays."

"Towards the end..."

"Everything comes back."

Frustrated by the truth, Di Biao truly didn't care about anything. He achieved supreme enlightenment and finally completely destroyed himself.

He doesn't care about justice, power, or even freedom.

It's like fulfilling a prophecy.

Because no matter what.

There is no way he can escape from this eternal slavery.

Ancient jungles, cold cities, and desolate wastelands.

Colin seemed to have noticed something, and suddenly a terrifying smile appeared on his terrifying face.

As Hazy is dying.

The abyss flows even more intensely, coupled with the entire universe spanning tens of billions of light years.

Colin didn't know how many times one of his legs had been blown to pieces, but it was finally completely destroyed, and blood began to ooze from the joints that had been forcibly sutured all over his body.

Is there really no upper limit to human mental power?

This rag that even ordinary people can use can be converted into matter with determination and thought without impurities.

It's like a pen holder without a pen holder, or a sword hilt.

Colin believed that he had finally found a way to eliminate the last mad dog blocking his way.

I didn't expect it at the end.

I am still being manipulated by this... natural stock market, the bond of life.

A huge conspiracy.

No one knows about them.

They are invisible.

The strongest among the strong, the god among gods.

The idea of ​​this original chaos expanding crazily.

Nothing is wrong.

Everything is automatically correct when it appears as reality.

It's also like the infected must lose their minds and gain strength in frenzy.

Colin couldn't sacrifice nothing.

In order to achieve enough to rival the universe.

Matching the absolute spirit.

Rivaling...the power of the God of Gods.

In order to ensure that this spiritual power is completely pure without any impurities, this blade of chaos can burst out with unlimited power.

Colin must completely sacrifice all his past and all his future.

And he knew how to do it.

In every fatal situation, whether it was Randy or Hugo, he was certain to die.

Only this.

Only your own supreme power can reverse the outcome.

He has already seen the voidness of existence, the essential phenomenon, and the complete logic of relative absoluteness.


It seems to have no limitations, but it is bound by itself. Infinite things must exceed all limitations and cannot be defined by anything. However, after making this determination for the infinite itself, it has been refuted by itself and is inconsistent with all things. Confronted.


It seems to have limitations, but it is within a stable framework. It does not need to be opposed to anything to have a stable identity. Instead, it becomes something without limitations.

And now.

Colin used his last strength, and every inch of his skin exploded with endless red and green stock index lines, drawing out not only the past, but also the future.

He sold away all the bonds of sin and life he held to nature, to the universe, to the return of all things.

Completely collapse your own framework.

Thereby refuting itself and opposing everything.

Turn the finite into the infinite.

The red and green threads of madness were drawn from all of Colin's past and all of his future, and were all injected into the unknown thing between the pen and the hilt of the sword.

This completely pure power of self-destruction is poured into the hilt of the sword.

As Cobain said.

This is a prop that transforms both finite and infinite.

But this is not a concept for humans. If a person's spirit can really reach this point, then it is already capable of killing.

Primordial Chaos.


In the infinite and vast scene of heaven and the sound of heaven that contain the universe.

Colin held a tool that was not prepared for humans, and his infinite power exploded from his own spirit.

Not from the abyss.

It is the original white hole of Colin's spirit, which is like the beginning of chaos, erupting into the violent world of the self-torturer.

It is by no means a false shadow in the all-encompassing great will.

But Colin's world.

Real world.

This pure spirit has only one thought.

That makes everyone's death worthwhile.

"You crazy madman!"

It actually made Di Wei, the demon outside the universe, make such a comment.

Colin chopped open countless celestial bodies and traversed the Milky Way star field.

Dominate the entire universe.

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