Latent Syndrome

Chapter 454 453 Original Chaos, Abyss of Stars

Chapter 454 453. Original Chaos, Abyss of Stars

Thousands of colors of chaos immersed everything.

All religions assume that the Supreme God possesses various precious qualities. Their essence is to create a moral foundation and a superstitious law in a society with unstable political power. Most of the teachings are inconsistent with the so-called universal The values ​​coincide.

It is the smartest approach in a world where awareness is generally low or even non-existent.

This kind of god will often act as an interest group.

Utilize objects.

It's just a so-called shadow play.

And this thing in front of me.

It possesses none of the above elements except supreme being.

There is no guarantee that it is life or a law.

Just know that it contains truths that are incomprehensible to humans.


Colin lost all fighting spirit. Even though he had rehearsed it millions of times in his mind, he was still defeated by despair.

Because of this thing, Colin vaguely felt that it was something similar to him, just like finite and infinite.

But there are countless dimensions beyond Colin.

Primordial Chaos.

From pure nothingness.

Nothingness cannot be created out of thin air. It is from the negation of "being" that "nothing" can be relatively produced.

From "nothing" to "nothing" and finally return to itself.

That is, the Abyss of Stars.

From the original chaos to the abyss of stars.

process within.

It is a change from nothing to nothing.

This transcends changes in nature, spirit, and logic.

It is the ultimate truth of the universe and the source of infinite mysteries.


That is.

All things return.

Creation of all things, before the grand opening of the universe.

Intangible and imageless, without space or time, the nothingness forces all things to return and appear. In this subtlety, a point appears. It is extremely small and tiny, subtle and without interior. At this time, there is no all things. , all energy and matter are included in it.

Then it erupted and projected into the heavens.

Not just organic matter, inorganic matter, humans or insignificant things like stones.

They all have a different space, and they will eventually be traced back to this change.


Connected to everything.

Finally, it swallowed up all matter, spirit, ideas, and madness.

Annihilate all things, and everything returns to truth.

to fulfill itself.

This statement of achievement is also inaccurate.

This is inevitable.

This is……


Human beings cannot describe it or mention it.

There can be no doubt, thinking has reached its end there.

It has always been ubiquitous and pervades all media.

The demise of everything is predetermined.

Just this time.

It is displayed in the most three-dimensional image.


All happy and unfortunate things must be put into this abyss of forgetfulness.

Give it back.


The crippled Colin fell into extreme frustration and despair. There is no horror in the world that can surpass this, the indifference and cruelty of frozen everything.

Because it won't be knocked down at all.

There is only one fate for people suffering from latent syndrome.

Burn all aloof dignity, burn out all cold reason, and destroy all unyielding spirit.

Everything dances in despair or madness around the fireworks that burn this world.


Burn to ashes.


Like a clear bell ringing.


Completely broken.

The last base of the Countermeasures Bureau.

It has completely turned into a killing and hunting ground. .

Without warning, more than half of the infected people in the underground base suddenly lost their minds completely and turned into beasts. They went crazy and slaughtered the surrounding staff in this cold and white space.

These bloody monsters are ultimately the apostles of truth who annihilate all things. They have no interest in anything other than destruction.

In the restricted underground base, like a lion killing a flock of sheep, everyone becomes a life to be slaughtered.

The highest alert siren has also been sounded, but it has no effect. The ascending speed of all elevators is far lower than the agility of these monsters. They are just chopping blocks. Several of them are ferocious beasts transformed from S-class infected people. , and those formed by individual ace agents are enough to massacre everyone in the base.

The remaining Nancy, Jessica, as well as many agents who have made outstanding contributions, or the family members of important figures are all exhausted.

There was only one place left that was safe.

As long as we find those great minds who lead mankind forward, everything will be solved.

During the escape, too many people have been disemboweled in extremely bloody ways, with their limbs flying everywhere. What’s even more frightening is that this transformation without warning is still continuing. The people around you who were running away one second ago are now running away the next second. Maybe he will turn into a monster.

A small group of people, including Nancy Jessica, make their way through the passages of the maze.

There are too many people in the countermeasures bureau who are no different from wild beasts. Their madness is no weaker than these monsters. They stay and die.

Finally, they finally reached the death line in the office of the Director of the Countermeasures Bureau.

Even at this moment, the guards guarding them resolutely refused to let them cross, and pointed guns loaded with special bullets at them.

This is the highest order and must be obeyed, even in such desperate situations.

But when he heard the constant screams from behind and the rushing sound of the torrent of monster slaughter, he gave up all his beliefs and stayed with his teammates to break up the rear.

With the deepest will of life and heart, he shattered the limitations of his life, shattered his own life, and fired wildly at the invincible torrent of monsters.

And in the director's office.

In this extremely frugal office, the director of the Countermeasures Bureau leaned back on his chair, one side of his head drooped, his chin and the top of his skull were all bloody.

After seeing the footage outside through surveillance, he committed suicide by shooting himself.

Extreme ominousness and strangeness were conveyed to the hearts of these survivors.

It won't take long for the torrent of monsters from behind to break through here. There is no time, they must go straight to the high command.

In order to buy them enough time to descend to the headquarters, several powerful agents did not take the elevator together, but stayed in the director's office to fight with their last legs.

About half an hour later.

A group of more than ten people arrived at the bottom, walked through the white passage, and opened the door painted with red paint.



There was only the cold cement and Hazy sitting motionless in the corner.

Hazy had completely lost touch and hearing when he saw the people in front of him.

All the heat and hope in their eyes were extinguished at this moment.


His worst fear.

Nightmares that woke him up countless nights.

became a reality.

An ace agent questioned Haori, asking what was going on.

But Hazy couldn't hear it at all.

Not even this final execution for his lies could be heard.

No one can accept this fact.

He fooled everyone.

Cheated this world.

No despair can rival this place.

Apart from this cold concrete room, there is no place that can be called hell.

As for Hao, he knew his fate as early as when he was on the isolated island. Now he has only his last breath left. No matter what, he can kill him.


"Everything is what you think it is."


"it's over."

After the dying Hazuki finished speaking with great difficulty.

An agent's faith completely collapsed, and all his despair turned into rage.

"You damn war criminal, killing machine!"

"It's you!"

"You have dragged everything into this whirlpool of eternal destruction!"

The agent completely lost his mind, his face was distorted, and he fired wildly at Ogi with his firearm.

Nancy and Jessica were stunned in place, as if their souls had been sucked out.

This is what Yu knew from the very beginning, his destined death.

to the end.

Give him the final blow.

Not the abyss, nor the Supreme Being.

Rather, it is led by Hazy or...




Hagi was shot in the head.


He was also freed from the endless nightmare that began in the ancient jungle.

All fell into silence.

And at the back passage.

The sound of the torrent of monsters was also faintly heard.

Until they broke down the door.

So far.

With hazy death.

Countermeasure Bureau.

Total destruction.

Together with this life.

What Cobain didn't cheat on was Luka.

He is indeed here to witness the end of this world.

Violet originally wanted to enter the Palace of True Vision to rescue Colin, but her magic power could not resist this original thing for even half a second.

even so.

She also took a step forward, but was stopped by a hand.

"I'll get him out."

"You take him and leave."

"Run as far as you can."

"You can always live a little longer."

"That's all I can do."

Cobain said calmly to Violet. His skin was already covered in blood rashes, and he was destined to die.

Say it.

The cerebrospinal fluid flowing through the tubes throughout the body reaches the heart, collects into the limbs and bones, and flows directly into the heavenly spirit.


The wisdom of this world's madmen pours into it.

Tear apart this curtain of chaos.

as if.

It was back to the old days, because of his hatred of Cobain, his disgust with his drinking, and the death of his wife, Colin hardly stayed at home and often spent the night at the police station.

And every time, Cobain fished him out, but without any punishment or any treatment.


In his near-death trance, Colin vaguely saw the man, and he finally asked the question that he had never had the courage to ask.

Whether it was him who shot his wife.

When everything was about to end, Colin didn't care about any other questions, he only cared about this answer.

And Cobain remained silent as usual.

Because no matter what, he was the one who killed him, even if it was indirectly.


"Then what are you doing here..."

Colin's smile was mixed with despair. He desperately needed the answer he wanted.

"Don't overthink it, Colin."

"I am the founder of SCT."

"It should be me too."

"Make a break with this thing."

"That's all."

Say it.

The wisdom of the madman in this world is fully effective, and the power that is enough to compete with the ultimate thing bursts out, but that is not something that a mortal can bear.

Violet drags Colin away.

Fleeing towards the bottom of the stairs, Colin saw with his own eyes the man gradually burned to ashes in the door of the Palace of True Vision.

He finally found it.

The answer to that question that has plagued me for years.

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