Latent Syndrome

Chapter 461 460 Great Harvest

Chapter 461 460. Great Harvest

"You three have worked really hard."

"How's the harvest?"

The leader of the thugs had a smile on his face, a very upright attitude, and a very gentle tone. He regarded the nameless person as a member of the murder group. Although he was dressed as a strange person even among strange people, but in the deep world Everyone here is well-informed, nothing surprising.

He was so shocked that he didn't dare to wink or have a private chat. He was afraid of being discovered by the Nameless Doe, and he only hoped for a peaceful solution. If he was targeted by the force that contracted the cemetery, when he was chasing the Nameless Doe, he would definitely be hunted down as well.

Electric power is also like mourning a concubine.

"Oh, thank you for your concern."


Anonymous hissed his cigarette and saw that the thug had a bottle of wine in his hand. He took it unceremoniously and bit it open with his teeth, and drank a few big gulps.

It seems that the shocking and fashionable dressing style made Anonymous feel a little cool, and also imprisoned some conscious souls, leaving only his head hanging on his waist as a pendant.

It seems that soul addiction has come.

Anonymous crushed a conscious soul into powder, poured it on the back of his hand, and inhaled sharply through his nose.

He took a deep breath.


Anonymous shook his head intoxicatedly, let out an exaggerated cheer, and pinched his nose, seemingly enjoying himself.

Several thugs who came to share were stunned. Only extremely crazy people would directly take the conscious soul. The consequences of this are extremely dangerous. It is said that after taking it a few times, addiction will appear, and the soul will be felt when swallowing the consciousness. The joy or despair experienced.

This made the gangster look a little more grim. Serious people would not come here to hunt for corpses. Most of them were thugs who were hanging around at the bottom, and many of them were fugitives. However, such addicts were still relatively rare. They were terrorists and ordinary people. The garbage is different.

"It's a huge amount."

The gangster laughed along with him and continued to add: "As we... agreed before?"

He hinted at Jane Doe's division of the spoils.

With his heart pounding, he quickly opened the private chat mode and explained the situation to the nameless person. These were the graveyard owners, and they tacitly allowed the corpse diggers to kill people and steal goods, but they would get 64% of the stolen goods.

Just when the big shock prays for a peaceful resolution.

Anonymous patted his head and suddenly realized.

"I understand."

"You're fucking trying to blackmail me."

These people are all strong men in their early twenties, so they are qualified to manage such a big cake in the cemetery. Those in the range of 2.1 to 2.5 are high-level thugs. As for those above 2.5, they no longer disdain these battles. , often find comfortable and lucrative positions in big cities.

People who are infinitely close to three are called masters, and they are masters wherever they go.

Before the thugs could react.

Anonymous pressed his hands on the thug's head.


He unscrewed it directly without using any skills, just pressed it with both hands and injected brute force into it. Bang, it exploded instantly.

The top thug in the cemetery was killed directly by the nameless one, and fell into the cycle of eternal suffering.

The other people saw that the situation was not good, this man was incredibly fierce, why would you come here to look for corpses at this level, so they ran away quickly.

I saw Wumingshi wave his big hand, and pure spiritual energy enveloped several people. Then, under the huge squeeze, they all exploded into soul powder and were pulled into the palm of Wumingshi's hand.

"Old rules, you two, go search for their inheritance."

Then, Anonymous put his nose to the palm of his hand and inhaled hard.


"Ma'am, ma'am!"


Anonymous took a long breath, and his fingers trembled, as if they were flying with joy.

The two of them were shocked and frightened for a while, and hurriedly went to search for the relics of several thugs.

After cleaning up quickly.

Anonymous counted the money.

Good guy, these people are extremely rich. They have worked hard for several days and they don’t even get a fraction. He made a rough calculation and it’s about over two million.

It was these small groups of thugs who harvested the harvesters' money and accumulated such wealth.

Da Shock and Electric Power were jealous. With so much money, they could buy a big house in a prime location even in Falan City. It was already an explosion.

However, the two of them didn't dare to ask for it. The Nameless One was moody and might kill someone if he had a fit.

"Look at how hungry the child is..."

Anonymous casually dumped 50,000 yuan, and now the money was almost enough. His expression gradually became colder, and he had an extremely strong desire and obsession. For some reason, even the soul-sucking person couldn't share the slightest bit of the pressure of unknown origin. , some extremely terrifying nightmare is haunting me. If I don't do it, a soul-piercing cold will penetrate my whole body. There is no torture comparable to that cold winter.

He knew he had to do something, but he didn't know where to start. There might be only one way, and that was to find his own essence.


"You are my biological father!"

I was so shocked that I burst into tears. I had never seen so much money in my life.

Electric power is more cautious. After taking this money, you can never look back. Although participating in the corpse hunt is considered a dangerous desperate job, if you follow this madman to complete his journey, you will be in danger. In the deep world There are ways to torture people forever,

What Anonymous means is to earn money in this cemetery for a while, and then leave when the accumulation reaches a considerable level to explore the outside world. Like most undead in the deep world, they long to escape from eternal suffering and find their own essence.

But this is a road of no return. On the road, there are not only madmen who hold the same idea and use any means to obtain resources, but they may also have to face the ancient god of the beginning.

The Ancient God of Taichu is the most ancient and powerful existence in the deep world, because those are all embodied, three shackles, which themselves form the framework of the deep world, projecting the supreme existence of the universe.

Even the Lord is not enough to see those beings.

And the deep world is vast, with too many planes and too many horrors.

Not to mention that there are still strange chaos and crises, and most of the dead souls in the deep world have become discouraged and are willing to fall into this eternal cycle and suffer torture.

The worst part is, I heard from Da Shock that this guy who transformed into a corpse is most likely a guy who has been notorious since ancient times. Otherwise, it would be impossible to have so many soul imprints on his body. There are also limitations to this supreme supernatural power. , one life can only leave very little meaning, and it may take several lives to complete a complete message.

And the mark on him is definitely an existence that is too ancient to be imagined.

"We should get out of here right now."

"The force that undertook this cemetery is called Black Coffin. It is a force that spans several large planes."

"These thugs have marks on their bodies, and when they die, they will send messages to their strongholds."

"Maybe there are still images from before death."

"It's not a wise move to stay here."

Electric power reminds.

Anonymous frowned because he knew nothing about the surrounding intelligence.


"Now it's time for you two to come into play."

"I need to go to a larger city to understand the situation."

"There must also be a safe hiding spot."

"But... it doesn't matter if it's not safe. Even if it's a trap, it doesn't matter even if there is a rift between you and your alliance to lie to me."

"I like gambling."

Suddenly, Wumingshi began to go crazy, as if the cold made his blood surge, and his eyes were filled with madness and ferociousness.

"It's just... reincarnation anyway."

"I'm not afraid! This endless purgatory!"

"So you have to think about it."

"At least I'll get rid of you two before I die."

After saying that, Anonymous took a few sips of wine and stroked the hair on his head and waist with a grin.

Under that cruel face.

Both of them fell into a state of extreme fear, with the hairs all over their bodies standing on end.

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