Latent Syndrome

Chapter 468 467 Judgment Office

Chapter 468 467. Judgment Office

There are many insane madmen in the deep world who love to devour consciousness and souls. Eliminating these pathogens is also one of the top priorities of the Tribunal of Truth.

In a room filled with cigarette smoke.

R22 investigators are investigating the corpse mutilation in the cemetery on the edge of the Deep Blue Realm. They must arrest or eliminate the target within the specified time, otherwise they will be punished and held accountable by the tribunal.

He first found the cemetery contracting organization, the boss of the Black Coffin Security Company. This man is a well-known figure in the Deep Blue Territory. He is only under the control of the Lord. His own strength is quite impressive, about 2.7 or more. You must know that in the Second World After five, every number after the decimal point is a gap that is extremely difficult to cross.

This person also has a background. He is a white glove master who does dirty work in Falan City and has great power in the city.

He was also born into a hard job. Since his awakening, he has been wandering in lawless areas and has attracted a large number of lawless gangsters, so his name is beyond imagination.

Only play short and fast.

This is his name, for fear that others will not know that he is engaged in illegal business.

As the name suggests, all his businesses revolve around four key words: low investment, short cycle, quick results, and high efficiency.

The places under his name include many corpse hunting grounds, casinos, romantic places, and fantasy.

Dreaming is to copy the memory of the conscious soul into a special container, and then sell it to a designated customer group to experience a certain memory.

Although it is much safer than eating a living person alive by a few lawless elements, it also poses a huge safety risk and can cause people to go crazy over time. It has been banned in many places.

But he doesn't care if he only plays short and fast. He has a head of clammy white curly hair, mean lips and a hooked nose. From the looks of it, he is a good person.

"Sir Investigator."

"That's all I know."

"I hope to provide you with more information. After all, you are also doing me a favor."

"It happened on my property. Not only did you kill some of my men, but the key is to discredit me so that no one will go to my cemetery to dig for corpses."

"I don't have any clue. I can only help you find the entry and exit records of those few days, as well as some candid photos."

"But what you know is that the ghost place is not in the city. It is just a small town where homeless people gather. The location of the corpse hunting ground is even more remote. Many people just register under a false name."

"It's better not to have too much hope."

The two iron balls rotated in his short, flat and fast palm as if to exercise his grip strength. These two balls were made by tempering the big stars. They were basic concepts that were so strong that they polished the toughness of his soul and made him even stronger.

The R22 investigator was wearing dark brown traveler clothing and a brown felt hat. His face was as cold as a robot, and he didn't look much different from other people.

But Tan Ping quickly knew that the people at the Judgment of Truth had extraordinary energy. Any investigator could establish direct contact with the local master. He must provide all help to the investigators of the Judgment Office unconditionally, otherwise he would be held accountable by the Judgment Office. .

In less than a moment, a short and quick subordinate took out a thick stack of documents and placed them on the table. Among them were records of the names of all the people who entered and left the cemetery within a month.

But as Danping Kuai said, most of them are pseudonyms, which are just a formality and do not help the search target at all.

People in the Tribunal of Truth are different from people outside. They have numbers, which most of the time serve as references.

The R22 investigator flipped through the list at random, but it was indeed meaningless.

"Since your last awakening."

"How long has it been?"

R22 asked casually, thinking that this mission was the same as usual, to clean up some insane lunatics who were eating conscious souls, but after arriving here, he heard some rumors, which gradually connected him with someone in the information library.

"It's been a long time."

"No one will remember it."

"It's just that the wrestling competition has been held six times in my memory."

Duan Ping quickly estimated that he was probably over six thousand years old.

"I see."

"It's normal for you not to know in such a short period of time."

"Someone witnessed the process of killing people and stealing goods. It is said that they used a chaos knife to kill people alive by washing them to death with their majestic spiritual power."

R22 was hesitating whether to call for backup. If it was really that person, it would be impossible for him to handle it as an investigator. But he was not completely sure yet, just the first clues, which gave him a headache.


"It's really pretentious, isn't it? It's like completely crushing the dead souls of his subordinates who were used to humiliate him."

Although a few million is nothing to Duan Pingkuai, he must express his anger because the zombie actually grabbed his head.

He knew that some of his subordinates were disobedient, messing around in the field, acquiescing to murder, and harvesting the reaper's money, but he did not stop drinking, but was prepared to ask for it after he had harvested it to an objective extent.

Unexpectedly, it was already over.


"That could be a man named Jane Doe."

"It is an extremely ancient existence. In his previous lives, he traveled to most of the deep world."

After the R22 investigator finished speaking, the iron ball in his short, flat and fast hand to exercise grip strength fell to the ground inadvertently. How is this possible? The Deep Realm is so vast. Perhaps the metaphor of vastness is not appropriate. There is no boundary at all. In this ring, there are countless planes that have traveled more than half of the place? What kind of hardcore explorer must he be? Maybe half of my feet are already in the sea of ​​memories.

The Sea of ​​Memories is the most peculiar place in the deep world. It contains all existence, memories of the past and future. As long as you can get there, you can catch your own soul, thereby finding your own essence and freeing yourself from eternal loss.

But it is just a legend. No one has been able to do it throughout the ages, or even find it. Although everyone knows that it is in the center of the ring, they just can't find it. Maybe they have to meet some extremely harsh conditions.

"What a strange person..."

Duanping Kuai has never been out of the Deep Blue Realm in his life, and he doesn't understand many secrets, so he is amazed.

"You should be terrified."

"This man is cruel, bloodthirsty, cunning and despicable."

"Even if the six masters of Falan City attack at the same time."

"I guess I can't stop him."

R22 put aside the name record file and looked through the photos of these corpse hunters. Because Duanping Kuai was doing illegal business and wanted to target corpse hunters, he also secretly photographed some people to mark them. If they found something good and did not respond on the spot, , so they secretly followed him and killed him before he sold the goods.

"real or fake."

Tan Ping burst out laughing, not quite believing it. The master was already an existence infinitely close to 3, and his means were supernatural. This nameless person might have become an immortal.

"I'm just telling you the importance of this matter. Now you must use all your strength to find this zombie for the Judgment."

"This is an order."

After that, the R22 investigator saw two photos, one of a lizard man and the other of a mummy.

Before coming here, he had read the foreign trade registration codes of all the people registered in the city. It seemed that these two people were registered as slave property and were brought into the city by a newly registered outsider.


"We found a breakthrough."

The R22 investigator immediately used the communication crystal to report the progress to the top, and another investigator must be assigned just in case.

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