Latent Syndrome

Chapter 514 513 Doomsday Rush

Chapter 514 513. Doomsday Rush

Three days later.

The speed of thought is infinitely fast.

A speedster once raised such doubts about Fury Road.

The highest level of competition in the wasteland, Fury Road, is all about speed beyond thought.

This is the paradox.

Thoughts can be anything, mental, emotional, thoughts, desires, even subconscious.

As we all know, everything in the deep world is conceptual. In a sense, it is already at the point of infinite speed. This is equivalent to saying that even without this violent road, everyone should be able to leave the wasteland.

But it turns out that this can't be done, so the competition is completely meaningless.

Faced with such doubts.

The lawless zone fanatics who have been cultivating the wasteland for hundreds of millions of years have conducted in-depth research based on the premise that the speed of thought will never change.

Speed ​​of thought.

It is eternal and has nothing to do with any reference system. It cannot be said that if you think while riding a bicycle, the speed of your thoughts will be equal to the speed of the vehicle plus the speed of your thoughts.

Speed ​​equals distance divided by time, a constant rule.

Since the speed of thought is constant but the bike we ride is still moving, the distance must be getting shorter.

In order to maintain the constant speed of thought.

It can only be that the time has become shorter.

The speedster's doubts were also overcome by these speedsters.

When a person stands still, it is thought that he is not moving and is at rest, but this is not the case.

Things always move at the speed of thought in space and time, but when a person is stationary, his thoughts move at full speed, that is, infinitely fast, so his movement dimension is "time".

This also explains why every remaining soul in the deep world is in eternity and cannot be erased.

on the contrary.

If you move in space at a speed close to the speed of thought, according to the constant rule that speed is equal to distance divided by time, the distance is indeed constantly shortening. In order to maintain a constant speed of thought, time can only be slowed down.


After an eternity like this episode where the speedsters debated the universe.

Fury Road became the unquestionable wasteland event.

Just for top speed.

Sacrificing everything, life, soul, relatives, friends, and emotions, just to gain faster speed.

As long as it goes faster, and faster, until it is faster than the speed of thought, faster than infinite speed, and out of time, even eternity cannot catch up with itself.

Only then can we break free from the prison, clear away the clouds, and gain freedom.

Click, click, click!

The flashbulbs flashed wildly.

The scene of the Fury Road competition was buzzing with people, and almost half of the people in the wasteland gathered here.

This is a track that is one hundred kilometers long.

It is only three hundred meters wide, with auditoriums piled up with discarded tires or car wrecks on both sides. It is densely packed with people, and the sound of waves and loudspeakers can be heard constantly.

It’s not what Anonymous imagined, where all the speedsters go on the field together and start racing, but there are batches. Calculated based on the departure time, the last time of falling from the super boundary must be subtracted from the departure time before it can be judged. Overall result.

Listen to what Jinjia said.

At the end after a hundred kilometers, there are endless scrapped motorcycles. Since ancient times, too many speeding motorcycles have lost their lives here.

It must enter the super realm within a hundred kilometers and enter other planes.

According to the random batching, the people from the Anonymous and the Illuminati were ranked relatively low. According to Jinjia, it was more dangerous to be ranked behind. After all, there were no rules in the competition. Once you passed the starting line, you could kill at will, like his mother violent motorcycle.

It once happened that a speedster drove fifty kilometers, then got off the car and started killing people just to help his teammates win the championship.

This kind of thing is not uncommon. It is better for the anonymous people to be careful and never show mercy during the competition. It is best to kill everyone when they see them and kill all the idiots who stand in the way.

Anonymous didn't take it seriously, of course he would do that. Since they are all here to participate in Fury Road, every contestant here has a death consciousness.

If you know the winnings brought by all the forces together, you can already form a super large speeding party.

The Illuminati and others lined up in more than a hundred batches, and behind them there were hundreds of thousands of people. In such a noisy place, I could already feel an invisible pressure.

Fifty people in a row.

Anonymous is an inconspicuous person among the fifty people. The head pendant and the green scale motorcycle are no longer fashionable. There are many people in this row who are more fashionable than him, with mohawks and various earrings and lip studs. , there are many people with three heads and six arms, and there are also all kinds of things that only exist in books about monsters. There are green faces and fangs or animal heads and human bodies everywhere. They are all ferocious and have no good intentions. Those who dare to participate in this competition are all Desperado.

The host of the organizer was talking loudly through the announcement. In order to give Fury Road a stage atmosphere, fireworks were exploding in the sky all the time. Even the scorching sun could not withstand the amount of fireworks. Suddenly, the competition site was filled with smoke, like a fairyland. The brilliance is also colorful and shining, and a large flame spray column erupts every ten meters to cheer up.

On the high platform, the host told some anecdotes about past competitions according to the process, such as how fast someone drove, how miserably they died, and the life stories of some popular players.

The nameless person's ears were about to get calloused, but he still couldn't stop hearing it. There were groups of people queuing up every twenty meters, all waiting.

He glanced at the audience, but because there were too many people, he couldn't find Selene, so he gave up.

When Selene in the crowd was checking the rows of motorcades one by one, she discovered the nameless one. Sitting next to her was an investigator from the Judgment Office. She also found a way to leave the wasteland, but now was not the time. This game wouldn't take much time anyway. For a long time, she felt that the method in the manual was more outrageous than leaving here by exceeding the top speed.

at this time.

Someone in the same row as Anonymous was already making harsh remarks.

"A bunch of idiots."

"If you cross the starting line, I will kill you all."

A mohawk-headed man was licking his dagger as a deterrent.

"Ah this..."

Anonymous is speechless, aren't you afraid of cutting yourself?


"I haven't licked it yet, I haven't licked it yet."


The wolf-headed man in Mohawk feinted a shot, looking like he was in need of a beating.

Anonymous refused to comment, with a cold expression on his face, and decided to be the first to kill this stupid guy when he set off from the starting line.

At this time, strong flashes of light made the speedsters in the row of anonymous people unable to open their eyes.

Anonymous thought that someone was attacking him and wanted to kill him.


"This is normal procedure."

Jinjia said.

Only then did Anonymous discover that it was the fucking photographer who took a picture of each speedster.

"There's an odometer on the car."

"Each row of speedsters also has a cameraman."

"This is live broadcast."

Jinjia said.

Anonymous looked at the giant screens erected around him and saw that the photos of the speedsters were uploaded into pixel avatars. It was really weird.

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