Latent Syndrome

Chapter 527 Chapter 526 Catastrophe

Chapter 527 526. Catastrophe

An hour later.


"Are you fucking serious Johnny!"

"Like a Terminator."

A GT car was speeding crazily on the highway. The car was filled with all kinds of glittering necklaces and jewelry that had been looted. The group of people all had ski masks on their heads. Because they were now out of pursuit and were temporarily safe, they put their heads on All the hoods were taken off.

Anonymous breathed a sigh of relief. Originally, there should be many variables in such a big scene. If the memory is not controlled well, the world will collapse.

Unexpectedly, even though he had done so many unnatural things, there were no signs of instability, especially when he continuously hit the fuel tanks of two police cars with extremely high-precision shooting, causing traffic to be paralyzed. He drove to an underground parking lot without being followed. After changing the car with the jewelry at the speed of light, he was now driving outside the city. He was almost safe and had no worries.

The car drove for more than an hour and arrived at a refuge hut on the outskirts of the city.

This team is extremely professional. Without saying a word, they immediately started dividing the stolen goods. The five people shared it equally. Almost everyone got 800,000 alliance coins. This was the amount after selling on the black market at a discount. These unclean things often cost money. You can usually sell it at a discount of 30% to 30% off the market price.

Only gold is the best. Unlike other metals, which are tossed around, gold will always have a relatively stable price. Even if there are fluctuations, it will not be too exaggerated, because this little thing is even related to the fate of the world. , if gold has reached the point of skyrocketing or depreciating, then you should no longer think about decoration or investment, but should think about how to save your life in a war.

Just when a few people started to divide the spoils, Anonymous didn't know why, but the world began to become extremely unstable in his memories. Did he make a wrong choice?

Or is it because I haven’t done anything and I must do something at this time?

Anonymous thought about it carefully. As the space slowly collapsed, he began to have a headache. He saw the leader of the group sharing the spoils with everyone with a bright smile.

Although it seems extremely fair, it actually has preferences. For example, he gives gems like agate to others, while he gives most of the gold and diamonds to himself.

The identification of gemstone agate is relatively more difficult, and you often encounter multiple difficulties when selling it. However, gold and diamonds do not have such doubts, especially gold. As long as the purity is verified, there is no need to break bones, and it is only sold at 80% of the price. There were always a large number of people rushing to grab the property, not worrying at all that there would be no buyers.

Anonymous understood.


He is simply the king of scum. Although the temporary boss of this small team is indeed a bit unreliable, Johnny is too ruthless.

Anonymous immediately picked up the submachine gun, and the four people were unprepared. There was a sudden burst of fire, and the gun muzzle burst out with deadly tongues of flame. The eyes of these people were all in disbelief, and they did not understand why Johnny did this.

as expected.

The world of memories began to slowly stabilize. This was the normal process, which made Anonymous breathe a sigh of relief.

Since the speed of thought is infinitely fast, the time in the super world may not even be a trillionth of a second, or even much shorter. Anonymous is not worried about what will happen outside if he stays here for too long.

But here's the fun part.

Now that I have entered the super world, where is this place? Is it a transcendent realm?

Anonymous felt extremely strange. If the super world is an obstacle to the wasteland and all planes, then this place is an obstacle to memories and essence.

Maybe as Randy said, even if the memory is recovered, it does not mean that the essence is recovered.

Maybe this time I should calm down and study it carefully. Just like the people in the wilderness trying to break through obstacles and find freedom, I should also smash this diaphragm and find the essence of Johnny.

Anonymous felt very sorry for not finding Randy's essence. He had just experienced his memories. The real essence should be something more mysterious and beyond the shackles of the three.

Except for one person, all the robbers who robbed the jewelry store were beaten to death by the nameless people, and only one person was still alive.

One thing that makes Nameless Doe very angry is that Johnny knows that there must be no such thing as a log. He can only find out that Johnny has a longer history through some clues, or means that others think are weird. Deep past.

"My question may be a little weird."

"But as long as you answer seriously."

"I will spare your life."

Anonymous said honestly and sincerely.

But this did not give any sign of instability in the world of memories, because the Nameless One had already made up his mind that this guy would die no matter what.

five minutes later.

Anonymous simply shot him in the head.

Although I don’t say I know Johnny completely, I at least know what has happened in the past year or two. Johnny and his sister live in a high-end apartment, and the rent is quite expensive. And because Johnny himself is full of all five poisons, the expenses are huge, so he must You have to do some short and quick jobs to maintain your life.

He was not short of money at all, because he took orders intensively in the past year or two, but recently he got involved in something bad and lost all his money, so he had to start again.

Anonymous rummaged through his address book.

Look who's there.

They were all unknown names.

Finally I came across a woman named Maggie.

At first, I received a call from Francisco, in which the name Maggie was mentioned.

"Oh, I see."

Anonymous remembered that Maggie, the brother and sister he met, was probably Johnny's sister.

Since he didn't know what to do and the world of memories was very stable, Anonymous decided to leave this place of right and wrong and go to the high-end apartment he rented to have a look first.

As a result, the memories began to become unstable.

Anonymous patted his head and forgot the most important things. Although it was a world of memories, it was no different from the real world. After he had disposed of all the corpses and quickly put away all the stolen goods, the world of memories became stable. It has to be said that this man named Johnny simply regards wealth as his life. He is an average person in the world and has avoided the detours of hundreds of millions of years.

So Anonymous returned home with a whole trunk full of gold, silver and jewelry.

Because of being too excited.

I even ignored text messages from my bitmap phone.

【Johnny. 】

[You fucking messed with someone you shouldn't have messed with. 】

[The case is so big that you can only solve it by going back to South America. 】

[I can’t settle this matter now. I will take your money and refund it to you. 】

[You messed with your fucking state legislator. 】

【Hold. 】

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