Latent Syndrome

Chapter 536 535 Travel

Chapter 536 535. Travel

There were people coming and going on the small bridge with a steel frame and wooden planks, but no one stopped here. Only Anonymous leaned against the guardrail, put his hands on the fence, leaned against it, let out a long sigh of relief, and was extremely relaxed.

The warm candle flame swayed in the light box, and was first projected on the small river less than twenty meters away. It reflected the sparkling light and dappled the heads, shoulders and faces of pedestrians as the water surface swayed.

Although we are in the middle of a busy city, we are still a bit distracted at this moment, as if we are slowly being separated from this place, but also as if we are gradually blending into its background.

Maggie plans to follow Anonymous until she is mentally prepared. If retrieving the original memory will lead to real death and no reincarnation, it is indeed an unprecedented feeling and worth thinking about.

As people often say, you cannot know what is false if you cannot refer to something that is absolutely true, and vice versa.

No one understands true death, just as no one understands what existence is.

Anonymous yawned, Maggie was a quality ATM now, it was a good thing to keep it.

However, there is one thing that makes Nameless Doe extremely concerned. If he really wants to recover Maggie's memories, he must enter her memory world and play her role and follow the process step by step.

Anonymous looked at Maggie's figure. Although the deep world already has sophisticated technology that allows people to experience the feelings of the opposite sex during orgasm through dreams, Anonymous still doesn't know what it feels like in this life, and the memory world is probably the same.

Looking at Maggie’s ice-colored hair, tattoos, and her heavenly expression.

Speaking of which, what does a woman feel when she touches herself?

Three days later.

The teleportation array was opened on time. Nameless Doe, Selene and Maggie, together with the large army, passed through the teleportation array and arrived at the city closest to All Souls City.

The landing was smooth this time, there were no accidents on the way, the coordinates were accurate, and there was no most horrific downtime incident.

Selene was actually a little scared. After all, it took a lot of resources to get her out of the Judgment Office. In other words, Selene was the highest-level investigator. If she were replaced by ordinary investigators, millions of them would be stuck. The tribunal inside was reluctant to make so many sacrifices.

He breathed a sigh of relief after the teleportation array was successful.

Anonymous also glanced at Selene. The Judgment Office had spent an astronomical amount of money, and in the end, it fished out a young man who helped him. He was really wronged.

However, according to Selene, most people in the world have misunderstandings about the Tribunal. Most people think that it is extremely mysterious and believes in ancient dogmas. All members are united and united, and their faith cannot be shaken.

In fact, this is not the case at all. In very large organizations, you have your performance indicators and I have my performance evaluation. The ruling is all based on the old tradition. One searcher can handle most situations. Two searchers will cause any settlement time. Delays of three or more will result in things not being able to move forward at all.

Therefore, most of the time, one person investigates alone, and can only request support when necessary for combat.

In order to avoid some factors including mutiny and separatism, in addition, the personnel stationed in each plane of the adjudication are very mobile and change their stations regularly, while some senior staff will not be transferred with them, so as to ensure that there is no shortage of troops. If you know the general, you will not know the soldiers.

The most important management methods are communicator black technology with a mature system, which receives reporting tasks and a number of related operations in the management system.

Even though so many methods were used, many factions were still formed in the Judgment Office. The leaders of different factions were different, and their energy was extremely powerful.

For example, the task force that hunts down Jane Doe represents the conservatives who maintain order, while those behind Selene must use any means necessary to eradicate the weird chaos, that is, the radicals.

Even if it develops into a civil war in the end, it is not impossible.

"You really are the Fury Road champion..."

"And you are really the investigator of the Tribunal of Truth?"

Maggie felt incredible. It was just a teleportation array. What a big deal.

Selene was noncommittal.

This girl has been in the wilderness for who knows how many years. She may have even forgotten how she got in.

It took her less than three months from entering the wasteland to leaving. The scene of the downtime of Falan City's teleportation array was still vivid in her mind, and she must not do it again.

If you get stuck in the wasteland again, you won't have such good luck. If you accidentally enter the impossible zone twice in a row and need to spend a huge price to get out, it may be that your thinking and logical abilities have problems, and they will no longer be used. It is likely to be If you are dismissed, you will have no choice but to play that ridiculous Fury Road.

But if even people like Anonymous can't drive at the speed they talk about in the universe, then there is basically no hope in this world.

"It's really fun."

"I can drive faster than this teleportation array."

On the huge square platform, Anonymous looked back at the large door where people kept coming out, and said casually.

He immediately made several passers-by laugh. Where are the cups? However, the deep world knows too much about Brother, so he is not surprised.

Selene was doubtful. She hadn't entered the super realm, so she didn't know what the speed was.

"of course."

"Being able to survive to the final stage of Fury Road, after experiencing that scene, both dynamic vision and neurological reaction speed will become extremely exaggerated."

Maggie replied that if she was given a motorcycle specially designed for the wasteland and a soul-killing speed, she would be able to go faster than this teleportation array.

"I see."

However, Wumingshi thought about it carefully and realized that the method in the wasteland might not work here. There was a smooth road without any obstacles, but it was different here. You couldn't just go through the river at once. Driving out at that speed was completely courting death, that is. There are no obstacles beyond the realm.

If we switch here and drive out at a speed that leaps beyond the critical point, a piece of paper thinner than a cicada's wing can directly smash the person's Tianling Cap to pieces. It may be far more than that, and it will directly turn into a piece of powder. Intangible.

There are many sellers of tools needed for hiking near the teleportation array, including some human skin bags, space backpacks, and various equipment and weapons.

The most important thing is that there is an artifact, which is said to be able to detect invisible portals, a sensor that can allow people to stay away in time to avoid unforeseen disasters.

After all, there are people walking to All Souls City every day without finding their bodies.

All in all, the atmosphere has been rendered extremely terrifying. There are natural portals everywhere. You can't live without them. Moreover, the price of each sensor is sky-high. Two hundred thousand basic souls with an index of 0.5, which is two hundred thousand yuan. .

Anonymous could tell it was a scam at a glance. He could feel that the contents in the plastic case were not worth the price.

"It's really per capita."

Anonymous sighed.

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