Latent Syndrome

Chapter 539 538 No. 169, Youhun Street

Chapter 539 538. No. 169, Youhun Street

Since Maggie was not a threat at all to the Nameless One, it was okay to take her with him.

After paying a large fee to a guide, Anonymous and Maggie turned into a remote alley under the leadership of this man, opened a door and entered a small storage room, quickly passed through and opened another Behind a door, a floating island has appeared. The height when looking down is enough to make one's legs feel cold.

Anonymous didn't take it seriously. He had already seen the horror of the portal. He had been transported to the desert of his thoughts. This level was no longer strange.

Anything in the shape of a "door" here may be a portal. Under the guidance of a guide, you can go around and around, indoors and outdoors, for a while it opens to a city group on a giant wall, and for a while it returns to the underground.

Anonymous is not worried that the guide will take him to some strange place. After all, he will lead the way and will not lead him into a desperate situation. Even if he wants to seek wealth and death, it is just that there is a group of thugs who have already colluded behind the door. , or the base of evil forces, which poses no threat at all.

Except for figures like the Divine Sword in the Judgment Office, the Nameless One stands at the top of the entire Deep World, untouchable.

Fortunately, the guide did not have any crooked ideas and took the Nameless Doe to Wandering Soul Street in All Souls City as promised and completed the deal. Otherwise, he would have fallen into a worse situation than Yongfei, that is, being trapped. Anonymous made into trendy items.

"No. 169..."

Anonymous said to himself and began to search the entire street according to the house numbers.

Before arriving here, Anonymous thought this place was an extremely magical and strange place. When he was there, he found that this place was no different from other streets in the world. It was just a place for people to have fun.

Wandering Soul Street is one of the countless bizarre ravines on the giant wall. All the buildings are relatively retro and have limited heights. The highest is only seven or eight stories high. Vehicles are completely prohibited here and can only be walked. I heard from the guide that there is no such thing. Gangs manage this place, and the people who open stores here are ruthless characters, so they don't need to pay tribute. Each store owner calls himself a sect.

Anonymous didn’t know the specific coordinates here, but it didn’t matter anymore. I poked my head out on the wooden plank road outside and had a look. I couldn’t see the end in any direction, up, down, left, right, only the vast gray mist and dust, like my body. Set in an isolated street.

"As long as you find your own essence..."

"Will it be burned to ashes and achieve true death?"

"What is the logic behind it?"

Maggie was always absent-minded and never stopped thinking about this problem in her mind. Every time she asked Anonymous, Anonymous didn't know the origin of this power.


"It's a nested way of bringing everything back together."

"Just understand this way."

"That's how you understand the entire universe."

Anonymous opened his notebook, glanced at it and closed it quickly. He also tried to figure out the source of his power.

Then there was silence all the way.

The newspaper office and game arcade on Wandering Soul Street are exactly the same as any other unpretentious streets. The only difference is that they are in a ravine with unknown coordinates on the endless giant wall. After passing many buildings, the nameless person finally arrives at the place where he has his tattoo. Destination engraved on it.

Number one hundred and sixty-nine.

With just one glance, Anonymous discovered something unusual. It was a two-story building, completely white without any windows. Instead, there were rock reliefs of gorgeous women. The whole thing revealed a bit of holiness. There was a fountain and flowers at the entrance. In the passage, there are two solemn doormen wearing animal masks standing motionless. They are open for business, but compared to the other stores on Youhun Street, the business is sparse.

Anonymous did not hesitate. Perhaps during reincarnation, he had placed some extremely important props here, or there was someone who knew more about him and trusted him the most.

Without any obstruction, and without any sign from the two doormen standing guard, the Nameless One entered without any difficulty.

Maggie sighed, and when she was about to enter, she was stopped by two doormen.

"Sorry, this is a private club and non-club members are not allowed entry."

So said a doorman wearing a horse mask, and another doorman's mask was a bull's head.

Maggie was startled when she saw Nameless Doe entering as if nothing had happened. It seemed that he was a member of the club.


"Just wait for me outside."

"It will be out in half an hour at most."

Anonymous put down these words and went deep into the building without looking back. He himself found it very interesting. He could feel that even without using the Chaos Knife to measure it, the index of these two doormen exceeded 2.9, which was infinitely close to Third, a being who can be called a master actually acts as a watchdog like this, which shows that this place is unusual.

The club was just some kind of cover, and Anonymous couldn't help but start to wonder whether it was possible that he had created this place by himself to resist the Tribunal of Truth, or an organization that dominated the Deep World.

If there is anyone in the Deep Realm who possesses such powerful qualities, it can only be him. Nameless Doe could not help but speculate as he entered the main passage inside the building.

after an hour.

Maggie was still waiting outside the building. It had already passed the agreed time, and the anonymous person hadn't come out yet. She was already impatient with the waiting. She couldn't help but wonder if something had happened inside. Could it be that the anonymous person had been raped inside? It's impossible to kill him, that guy is so perverted, it can only be because he encountered other situations.

"Let me in."

Maggie didn't want to wait any longer, and didn't know what the two doormen were capable of, so she planned to force her way in.

"Only club members are allowed in."

The doorman still stopped Maggie.

Maggie was about to take out her equipment and start tucking. After calming down and thinking about it for a while, she said, "Damn it, how can I become a member of the club?"

Maggie thought that the other party would definitely come up with something outrageous. After all, this was a place recorded on the nameless person, and it must have its own special features.

“Due needs to be paid.”

"One hundred thousand dollars a week."

The doorman said calmly.

Maggie: “…”

Soon, Maggie entered the gate, went through the necessary procedures for identification, paid the membership fee, and became a member here.

This is a sky-high membership fee. Even Maggie is extremely heartbroken. If converted into fuel, it is enough to gallop in the wilderness for a long time.


The membership fee is 100,000 yuan per week. I don't know how long it took for the anonymous person to return to the City of All Spirits. During this period, countless years passed. How much did he pay in membership fees? You bastard.

No matter what, I am already a member, so I want to see what is going on here.

"You are already a member of this club."

"What services do you need today?"

"An additional explanation, the membership fee only covers basic services, other services need to be priced additionally."

“Prices vary depending on what is offered.”

A woman wearing a fox mask that only covered her eyes said this.

Maggie people are stupid.

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