Latent Syndrome

Chapter 546 545 Memories of the Universe

Chapter 546 545. Memories of the Universe

The top of the Tower of Eternity.

The earth is intertwined with black and white, and the sky is in chaos.


As if with a glimmer of hope rising, the wall clock slowed down for a second and time stopped for a moment.

But fleeting.

No one noticed the change of time, and everything began to flow again.

It is as if the program running in the electronic system cannot feel the change of time, just like the characters in the movie. Even if the pause button is pressed and the playback is played again, it will only develop according to the previous preview.

These characters feel nothing.

Like fate.

"It's you……"

"You're back……"

"Have you found your essence?"

The rickety figure seemed to be very familiar with the nameless person. This was not the first time they had had a conversation.

"Do you know me?"

Although Anonymous was a little surprised, he quickly figured out that he had been here many times, so of course this person knew him.

"Have you found your essence?"

The figure asked, without answering the nameless question.

Anonymous shook his head. He could not see clearly what the man looked like, but in the fog, his stooped figure only showed an extremely vague outline.

"What crime have you committed?"

"To the point of suffering such a capital punishment?"

Anonymous believes that no crime can punish a person in this way.

"I'm paying the price."

"Because I know the right steps."

The figure thought for a while and replied.

"So your crime..."

"Is that correct?"

Anonymous didn't know what to say, this was really...

The figure became excited. No one could remain rational under eternal execution. This made his spirit severely deformed and his mind in chaos.


"My sin is right."

"All people are deceived by fallacies."

"Everyone in this world is useless."

"They have never experienced real pain and regret, so they crave chaos and craziness."

"This pathetic monster..."

"Primal Chaos."

"New idol!"

The figure gritted his teeth. Although he said this, his situation was not convincing at all.

Because of disobedience to the will of this new idol.

He fell into the most terrible abyss.

"How can I save you?"

Even after hearing such extremely conceited and contemptuous words, Anonymous wanted to rescue this man even more, even though he had been tortured into a human shape and his spirit was completely distorted.

"You promised me..."

"You promised me..."


As the second hand of the wall clock rotated, the figure continued to wail in extreme pain.

"No need to do anything..."

"I've done the right thing."

The figure has gone completely crazy, it has been crazy for a long time.

"What are the right steps!"

"What is the right thing to do!"

Anonymous was almost driven crazy by this clock and this eternal prisoner.

The figure who was tortured so violently that I went completely crazy was obviously unable to answer such a question.

"You promised me..."

"A long time ago, I can no longer remember. You killed the three most powerful supreme gods in the deep world. You already have the power, life, time and space, and soul to control everything."

"You are the most powerful person."

"It's been so long..."

"Still can't make the last step..."

"Down with the most terrifying and gigantic abyss."

"You promised me..."


"This boundless monster, the new idol."

The ricket figure held his head in extreme pain, falling into despair again and again.

The Nameless One held his hand. There was something in the deep world that was far more powerful than the Lord. It was called the God of the Beginning. It was the main framework for projecting all the heavens and worlds. It was the most terrifying conceptual existence and had been killed by him. What?

But it is no longer important to the current Anonymous. These weak things are just the watchdogs of the original chaos and Di Wei.

"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you."

"I need to find the portal to the Sea of ​​Memories."

"And this portal is right here."

"Do you know where it is?"

Anonymous looked at the vast chaos of black and white and myriad colors around him, unable to find it at all.


"There is no portal here."

The figure said resolutely, with absolute certainty.


"That can't be the case."

According to Hugo, if there is any place that can lead to the sea of ​​memories, it can only be here.


"You promised me..."

The figure spoke with difficulty during the ultimate execution.

Anonymous knew that this guy was completely crazy and there was no way to verify what he said.

He stayed where he was for a long time.

Suddenly, Anonymous seemed to have thought of something and looked at the wall clock aside.

That's one.

A sudden inspiration.

Only this time, after going through the memories of a madman, the desert of thoughts, and connecting to the city of infinite planes, the inspiration suddenly appeared.

There is only one thing that cannot be denied, and that is negation itself.

Like the dialectic between the infinite and the finite.

A transformation of thinking.

The answer to the ultimate riddle lies on the surface of the riddle.

"you said before……"

"You are a machine that calculates pain, right?"

"Connecting everyone who can feel the flow of time, right?"

Anonymous even looked at the wall clock with some fear.

He had an extremely horrifying idea.

This idea is enough to support...

He is the most evil and terrifying person in the deep world since ancient times.

The wall clock's recognition failed, and it played the default voice just like an attraction prop.

"I do not care who you are."

"I finally understand you."

"You are a great person."

The nameless person's expression was extremely cold and terrifying as he said this to the figure in the fog.

He looked up at the myriad colors of chaos in the sky and made a huge determination.


"Do you really understand?"

The figure who is tormented for eternity believes that no one can empathize with him and fights against chaos.

"Ah...of course."


Anonymous looked at the wall clock.

Some portals will only appear if you have a key. Of course, these keys are not keys in the traditional sense. They can be an idea, a piece of music, a prop, or anything else.


"I already know……"

"The right steps."

Just saying it is not enough.

This secret key.

It also needs to be authentic.

Anonymous must be truly aware of the correct steps.

"Then you must answer for your crime."

"Pay the price."

The wall clock plays like this.

Dragging the nameless person into the gray mist.


Anonymous transcended the entire deep world and was in another incredible dimension.

Pay the price for the right sin.

But this is not the so-called sea of ​​memories, only the endless hazy mist.

and sin against right.

Eternal execution.

And Anonymous finally saw the figure in the fog clearly. It was a hunchbacked man who could not help but twitch due to facial nerve problems.

His fingers were as long and weird as stick insects. They were emaciated under the eternal torture and turned into a monster with a completely distorted spirit.

It was an ecstasy of relief.

"You really do."

"The right steps."

The hunchbacked man's voice trembled.


Anonymous's voice was extremely cold.

"It's a pain-calculating machine."

"Also a pain-inflicting machine."

"A source of error established to punish rightful sins."

"Using time to take away everyone's pain, connect everyone, causing them to fall in eternity and become immortal dead things."

"I just know that now."

“No one can fish anything out of the sea of ​​memories.”

“Things cannot affirm themselves by themselves.”

“Only by negating other things.”

"I now deny everything in eternity except me."

"Come to retrieve..."

"My essence."

Anonymous said so.

Time is not his enemy, eternity is.


The chains burning with karmic fire had penetrated the chest of the rickety man, freeing him from this endless pain.

"this means……"

"You're going to kill everyone."

The rickets smiled beautifully.


"I will make everyone die..."


Anonymous' tone was cold.

"I knew I was right."

"This is the right step."

"You, my friend."

"Who are you……"

"The strongest man."

The rickets were reduced to ashes in this horrific karmic fire.

Anonymous eliminated the first person who was not himself.

As the pain of the entire deep world pours back towards the Nameless One as punishment for the right sin.

The sea of ​​memories cannot be found.

The portal leading there doesn't exist.

Because the sea of ​​memories is...


More chains of karmic fire than billions erupted from the nameless body, following each painful path to the soul of every person in the universe.


The boundless wall of Wanling City is a portal from eternity to infinity.

This boundless wall was instantly broken down, and endless chains of karmic fire poured out from it to hunt every soul in the world, not just Wanling City.

The sin of being right.

This secret key to eternal destruction can open every portal in the world and pass through all the doors to infinity in the City of All Spirits.

Radiating to the entire deep realm.

Searching for the infinite past and capturing the infinite future.


The memory of the entire universe.

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