Latent Syndrome

Chapter 554 553 The most powerful mortal

Chapter 554 553. The most powerful mortal

Primordial Chaos.

The one true God.

This is the most powerful opponent.

"You want all your old friends to be redeemed."

“Just ask the one and only Supreme Lord of the universe.”

"I'm... generous."

"No one will be sacrificed."

"They can all live the rest of their lives happily and prosperously."

"Your wife, your beloved, your best friend, has no worries or pain."

“Everyone has the smiles you dream about seeing.”

"This is indeed possible, but what you did is completely contrary to your wishes."

"It's really incredible..."

"Eugene, Liszt, there are many, they do call them those names."

"I think you're making them suffer."

"Especially your wife...Ingrid."

"She spent her last days in despair, and you made her..."

"Suffered capital punishment."

The original magic sound pours into the human soul, penetrates the heart, and trembles the heart and spleen. It cannot understand it, just as it cannot understand the source of this ordinary person's power.

These words, the spell.

It can crush someone's heart more than the weight of the entire universe.



Has a...

Extremely cruel spirit.

As a result, all the truth that was like a heart-piercing dagger could be pulled out by him with utmost cruelty.

And not a drop of blood can be shed.

Not a drop of blood.

It can extinguish the sinful karma this man has piled up to punish himself.

That extremely powerful heart.

So powerful...


Anonymous only knew that if he gave in here, he would not have the face to face all his deceased friends.

"That's not something I would consider."

"Because a woman named Gray has already shouldered all the sins for me."

"She made me do it."

"A way to make everyone's death worthwhile."

“A way to make salvation available to all.”

"It was never about becoming a slave to Chaos."

"I must……"

"Suppress you."

At this moment, the Wumingshi was so powerful that he looked at the one true god with indifference, as if looking at a dying person.

It actually made Yuanchu a little moved.


Anonymous is what it does not understand.


"You are an ordinary person."

"It's amazing..."

"What kind of courage and courage?"


The original secret power, the mysterious changes of all things, converged into one inch, and instantly passed through the sea of ​​​​stars, splitting it into two, blinding the ancient history of the years, the vast world, and tearing apart the eternal reality.

This absolute power over all things.

Released before the watchdog of the one true God, and the one true God Himself.

Not in the same order of magnitude at all.

It has been upgraded to...

The supreme secret technique.

Penetrating into the nameless chest.

The nameless person's thoughts were focused on his body, but his clothes were still shattered and his chest was split with a few bloody marks. He staggered back several steps and coughed out blood from his mouth.

He is only human.

Stay in the primordial chaos with just your thoughts.

The original manuscript was torn into countless fragments by that powerful force in an instant, and flew into every corner of the years.

"If your power stops here."

"It's going to end now."

"There are many strong people among my people who I recognize."

"Just let them test your mettle first."

With the blessing of the one true God.

There are people who are astonishingly talented, extremely beautiful and arrogant for all eternity, and they have attained the great path, which is unparalleled in power and unbreakable. They emerge one by one from the waves of the Starry River.

Everyone is above the power of the Three Pillars of God, and they are all people who have reached the most powerful peak, only under the one true God.

However, these so-called overlords, emperors, gods and demons, or some strange creatures.

Now he has become a pawn and a puppet at the mercy of the one true God.

If only Anonymous had succumbed to it.

His source of power will collapse and he will become another prisoner of chaos.

Anonymous knew that this was the original way to mock him.

Although the original manuscript has been reduced to countless fragments and lost in the long river of time.

But the source of Anonymous's power does not come from anywhere, only from himself.

These sad heroes are just people similar to Di Biao one after another.

Anonymous holds the blade of truth and moves the truth.

Absolute thoughts are waving.

Eliminate the enemies that come up one after another from the entire history, be forgotten by everyone, erased from the years, and reach the true death.

Crush these weak things.

Not even a moment is needed.

Primordial Chaos.

From absolute nothingness.

It completes itself by creating and subsequently dissolving all things.

Anonymous rubbings take away the concept of eternity and kill the eternal spirit.

And now.

Anonymous is to be shattered in its authenticity.

Eternal, essence!

Let the boundless worlds!

Past and future!

All are excluded!


The death of reality!

The most powerful mortal, holding the most powerful blade, slashes in all existences and slashes in all timelines.

It started even before the Prime began, and it doesn't end even after Star Abyss ends.

His powerful will has transcended chaos, beyond endless madness and madness.

This ordinary person's thoughts jumped out of numbers, transcended existence, and stepped out of eternity.

At the supreme peak, dancing like crazy.

Injuring the essence of original chaos.

So that nothing can dissolve the original chaos.

disintegrating its existence.


"Crazy madman."

The original chaos appears in its true form, all-encompassing and all-encompassing. A mere glance at that boundless great figure will make mortals irrecoverable. It transcends eternal madness and madness, and anyone who knows its name will fall into reincarnation forever.

Except for that, he is the most powerful ordinary person who doesn't even frown.

The One True God also showed some real character.

The unknown and the ultimate great thing collided.

In ways no mortal can comprehend.

Everything that can be imagined and everything that cannot be imagined has their fighting figures.

So tiny that it is present in every particle reaction.

If we master the exact position and momentum of each particle, we can use laws to show the past and future of the entire universe.

It also enables all quanta and particles to be described in particle terms and wave terms at the same time.

Each particle also spans infinite time dimensions and is entangled with each other.

There is no need to exceed the influence of the limit speed to inform particle A and particle B what happened, because including the entire universe, the nameless and the original chaos already know the position of any particle in advance.

In every gust of wind, in every ray of light.

The change of seasons, the melting of ice and snow, and the sprouting of green grass.

Every bloody and cruel devouring, terrifying and exaggerated grinding, or the warm arc of brushing through the hair.

So grand that all the mass released by the collapse, the universe and dimensions created by the collapse, the devouring of the original black hole and the eruption of the original white hole.

Endless, beyond eternity, within all existence.

Violence inflicted on each other in an instant or for a long time.

The Anonymous will liberate history, which has surrendered to the original chaos, from eternity.

They are entangled in everyone's thoughts, ecstasy and despair overlap, blades and blood and tears repeat.

In everyone's mind, everyone's actions, thoughts, loves and hates in life.

The largest and most powerful abyss.

Contains memories of the entire history of the past and future.

Locality, reality, free will.

As they fight, they continue to collapse and reform.

The conceptual form of collapsing nature, the conceptual form of collapsing spirit, and the conceptual form of collapsing logic.

And all the madmen who have broken through the three shackles in the past and future will be burned physically and mentally with just one thought.

"You can't kill me..."

"You are just an ordinary person."

More voices than the greatest infinity repeat the will of the Supreme Being, and thoughts further than the ultimate end convey the thoughts of the Supreme Being.

There is no terror that can match the extreme cruelty of the massacre of all things in the misty and chaotic world.


That is the truth.

That is the beginning.

Original chaos, the abyss of stars.



And Jane Doe is just.



Said by the one true God.

It cannot be killed.

And Anonymous...

Can't be defeated.

"Yeah, I can't kill you."

"But you're mistaken."

"I will make everyone's death worthwhile."



"I really can't defeat you."

"But there is one person."

"He kills you."

"It's like killing someone..."

"Frightened bastard."

The Nameless One holds a sharp blade, the most powerful thing.

Transform mind and matter.

Transform essence and phenomenon.

Convert falsehood to truth.


Infinite and finite.

This is clearly not a concept intended for... humans.

There is only the strongest who is above all.

Although Anonymous knows his name and has regained his memory, he has not yet regained his essence.

Because of his nature.

It is a supremely terrifying existence.

Only he can reveal the ending.

"Now I remove myself from all history..."

"Convert the infinite into the finite."

“Convert falsehood into truth.”

"Convert phenomena into essence."

Anonymous removes himself from numbers, from existence, from eternity, except.

The Blade of Truth burns with the fury that consumes Chaos, in that firelight.

"Finally the time has come."

"Finally I……"

"We're waiting."

What has been watching in this flame is Colin's essence.

This man is going to die.

Colin holds the Blade of Truth, and he wants to make his death...worthy.

Original chaos, the abyss of stars.

Until this moment.

Only then did he realize what a powerful thing he had encountered. There was nothing that could defeat... this ordinary man named Colin.


The roar of the original chaos resounded through eternity, erupting with all its power. The years were rioting, the cause and effect were completely subverted, and it was indescribable. The supreme power that transcended the universe came.

this moment.

Go to the end of your thoughts and escape beyond knowledge.


In forcing.

complete itself.

The supreme thought.

It's performed to the extreme.

Just kill Colin.

It completes itself.

Thus truly unique.

That which exists and that which does not exist, that which is older than all the past, that which is further than all the future, comes to perish and is given back to eternity, to the one true God.

Boundless and endless merge into one.

Just when everything is about to be completed, everything is compressed to the end.

There is no form or image, no time and space, no vast realms, no wisdom, no thought, no past, no future, no freedom, nothing.

Extremely lacking nothingness.

When it looks like it will be a complete success.

Colin held the Blade of Truth, and the flames that punished him burned away the mortal flesh. The flames burning the chaos first burned out a hole, and a small dot appeared.

It is extremely small, microscopic and has no interior. All energy and matter, all past and future, are contained in it.

And as the Nameless Doe was completely eliminated, Colin continued to reach irreversible real death.

This means all past and future.

No one knows.

Transcriber of the original manuscript.




The flame burst out.

Pure and unique.

The will of the most powerful mortal.

Confronting the ultimate power of the universe.


Burned out...


Burned out...

Primordial Chaos.

Latent disease.

be eradicated.

Colin was covered in blood, half-kneeling on the ground, with the Blade of Truth stuck in the river reflecting the stars, and he died of exhaustion.

With the injection of power from the Blade of Truth, all the things that were eternally enslaved in the star abyss were liberated from it and turned into dazzling light spots or gorgeous nebulae that kept rising.

The cold spring reflects a new world beyond eternity.

The souls of Colin's old friends vaguely emerged one after another in this clear spring, and they turned into stars all over the sky.

And Colin died of exhaustion.

It also turned into a point of light, as if chasing them.


That's it.

All things return.

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