Latent Syndrome

Chapter 65 65 Club

Chapter 65 65. Club

Two days later.

Saint-Louis District.

A strip dance club located in an underground secret door.

Beautiful pink-purple light, soft and soothing female voice with occasional fast-paced drum beats.

The auxiliary stage is a small circular stage, and the main stage is a silver iron cage containing some dancers wearing strange costumes.

Eugene's lips were slightly open and he hissed from time to time. This dance was indeed a bit exciting.

She and Liszt were seated right next to a sub-stage, very close to the dancer, with their slender yet plump long legs less than forty centimeters apart.

SCT mainly operates in two areas within the metropolitan area. One is the Shusk District, which has the worst security, and the other is the St. Louis District, which has relatively developed businesses but has many middle-income people.

Infected people generally like to go to the St. Louis area. Even if you don't join the SCT, you can still get a kind of shelter. In addition, there are abundant entertainment activities here. After suffering from latent syndrome, you can hardly go to work and can only go to convenience stores and supermarkets at night. Or "working" in some remote alleyways.

Whether it is the Countermeasures Bureau or SCT, in this kind of urban battlefield, there will be a default rule, that is, no full-scale conflict will break out in regional areas.

At the scale of SCT, an organization can no longer be viewed as an organization. It is more like a collection of ideologies. It attracts either infected people or ferocious and crazy desperadoes. It is an extreme group formed by overcorrected and distorted theories. With the modern military equipment and black industries they control, as they expand, their power has far surpassed that of most countries. They have created a dark country without territory on this planet, and they are just constantly infiltrating.

SCT has no bottom line and cannot be restrained by any moral laws. Rather than not being restrained by morality, this is a direct contempt, trampling and destruction of universal human values.

If a full-scale conflict breaks out and a large-scale battle is carried out in the city, it will be exactly what they want. The SCT can mobilize personnel from other places to join the battle against Los Angeles, which will better spread their ideas under panic.

But SCT didn't dare to act rashly. They didn't dare to bury the flames in risky and radical gambling. Because of the outbreak of latent syndrome, technology has also advanced rapidly in this predicament. Deep-rooted beliefs cannot be easily shaken. If it succeeds, it will still happen. It's easy to say that if you lose, you will lose your momentum.

The development of SCT to the present is entirely due to one trend, an irresistible and overwhelming trend. The army was defeated like a mountain. If this trend is washed away, the hodgepodge that has nothing in common and relies solely on the crazy gathering of interests will only fall apart in an instant. .

According to the speculation of the Countermeasures Bureau, because Los Angeles is an important production base for the film and television industry, it would allow a mad dog like Di Biao to hold important positions. Just like Night City, the art and fashion center of Western Europe, particularly radical cadres will be sent to act locally. .

As for other major urban areas, they adhere to step-by-step rules, and their existence is not even felt, and they only intervene in the most invisible form.

Various targeted strategies have made the Countermeasures Bureau even more worried, because SCT may have kidnapped some sociologists to advise them.

And it’s hard to imagine what kind of crazy man the mastermind behind all this is.

Therefore, infected people operating in the St. Louis area are safer than other areas. The Countermeasures Bureau does not dare to come here directly to arrest people, otherwise it will arouse the common hatred of these infected people without a camp and fall into a melee.

In the past two days, Eugene and Liszt were chatting in various bars in the St. Louis area, claiming to have seen a guy who wanted to kill other selves. They went to the SCT club activity room to steal specimens, only to find that their other selves had jumped in first. This was really fucked up. Anyway, the news has spread, and everyone is telling it as a joke, thinking that it might be one of the butcher’s old girlfriends.

The next step is just to wait for Heller to take the bait.

The chance should not be small, because the real situation of the Butcher is currently known only to the Countermeasures Bureau and himself, and has never been leaked. Heller will definitely come after hearing the news, if it is like what Gray said.

The dancer licked her red lips at Eugene, turned around, swayed her body and posed, giving Eugene goosebumps.

"Well...this figure has far exceeded the average adult female citizen in Los Angeles, and is about in the top 11%."

You must know that in Los Angeles, many women who dream of becoming stars will work hard on their figures.

Lister held a stack of banknotes in his hand, like a seasoned dealer in a Las Vegas casino dealing cards, and quickly chipped the banknotes with his other hand. One after another, large green banknotes scattered quickly and accurately, making the dancer bathe. Among the money, the total amount was no less than fifteen hundred alliance coins, and the dancer danced even harder.


Eugene spread his hands. This sharp contrast shocked her. She froze in place. Could you please stop doing such outrageous things with a serious expression? Is this how you use your salary from the Countermeasures Bureau? Are you really a math professor, asshole?

Such generous behavior and quite handsome appearance directly made the dancer's favorability increase. She took out a piece of paper from her chest and handed it to Liszt with her contact information on it.

Liszt just nodded and put it into his pocket casually.

At this time, a waiter walked up to the booth where the two of them were sitting.

"I'm sorry to bother you two. It seems like someone is looking for you outside. It's very urgent."

The waiter said to the two of them in a kind tone.

Eugene stood up instantly, knowing that Heller might have come to his door. After all, the two of them had been hanging around for two or three days, and it was difficult not to attract attention.

"Yeah...I know."

Finally, Liszt took out a few large bills and stuffed them into the dancer's underwear, leaving a handsome figure on her back.

It happened that the owner of the club was also in the store. He originally wanted to prevent these dancers from having any contact with the customers. He was worried that they would be deceived by some pimps into doing business elsewhere. However, this kind of financial backer who was not short of money was excepted. He was particularly generous to Liszt. He gave a thumbs up gesture and a friendly smile.

Eugene was greatly shocked, and the sense of crisis was somewhat dissipated. He quickly shook his head, tensed up his nerves, and followed Liszt out of the underground club.

Just after leaving the dimly lit club, Eugene was slightly distracted by the bright light of the sun outside.

Liszt scanned the busy streets trying to find Heller's figure, and then he found that it was her. Her hand was already on the holster on her waist, ready to draw the gun, but it was best not to take action until the other party made a move.

Heller's face is exactly the same as in the photo, with wavy black hair, sapphire eyes and moles. Even with a dead face, his charming and seductive temperament is natural. He is much more wavy than he looks in the photo. Wearing a white long-sleeved shirt with her chest exposed, white hot pants that were almost covered by the hem of the shirt, and a pair of sandals that looked a bit slouchy, Lister estimated that her figure had far exceeded the average adult female citizen in Los Angeles, and she could enter the top one percent.

However, Heller was riding on a motorcycle. When he saw the two people coming out, he gave them a middle finger, and then ran away on the motorcycle, avoiding many vehicles while driving in the opposite direction. His driving skills were so superb that many drivers stuck their heads out and yelled. .

"Damn it... run after me."

Eugene hurriedly got into the pickup truck and got into the driver's seat, followed closely by Lister.

She revved the engine and started racing, knocking out a car's taillight before darting into the street and racing Heller.

"You better be as good as you say you are."

Eugene didn't want to die suddenly at the hands of that freak of unknown gender later.

"Well...I'll try my best."

Lister pondered, and through the front window of the car, he could see that Heller had slowed down. She might be deliberately leading him over.

"Don't drive so fast, that will arouse her desire to attack. Just keep the current speed. I think she is just looking for a secluded place. She should have discovered that we are from the Countermeasures Bureau. Well... Yes Possibility of negotiation.”

Lister came to this conclusion after considering all possibilities.

Eugene was not at ease and sent a message to Colin. He should still be in Los Angeles now. If anything happens, ask him to help. That person will not leave his former partner alone until death.

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