Latent Syndrome

Chapter 7 7 Partner

Chapter 7 7. Partner

The next morning.

The pale whiteness of the skyline gradually dissipates the gloomy dark blue, and the rolling dark clouds still shroud the rows of steel jungles in gray and white.

Los Angeles metropolitan area, St. George area.

Colin woke up from the hotel and found that it was past the appointed time and he was going to be late.

He didn't have the habit of eating breakfast, so he smoked heavily at the taxi stand. He still felt that everything that happened last night was a dream and not very real.

There was a text message on the phone, which was sent by Colin's mistress Abigail. She was concerned about his current situation and said that she would find a time to get together. However, Colin was so upset that he had no time to pay attention to her. After a few casual attempts, Just turned off the screen.

After Gray learned of Di Biao's clues last night, she completely ignored her small role. She just gave an address, said she would arrive on time at eight o'clock tomorrow, and left in a hurry.

Because a new type of locator had been injected into his body, after thinking twice, Colin decided to go and take a look. He had already bought a gun through an acquaintance just in case. At the critical moment... it might be necessary to shoot Gray. . This is a very dangerous woman. Will an infected person with low control die? It is hard to imagine how many lives she has on her hands.

But no one would get up so early. It was already half past eight when Colin woke up, and it would be ten o'clock before he could get to another city.

She didn't arrive on time, and her cell phone didn't receive any calls from Gray. It seemed that she was indeed busy with other things and had no time to care about herself.

Last night, Colin specially found an unfinished construction site to practice, and found that his ability was more than that. After searching the Internet for some insect body structures.

Colin can make his hands covered with fine barbs like insects, which stick to the surface of the building, and he can climb a 90-degree straight slope without any points of strength.

The surface of the skin can also produce a hard shell of chitin, so conventional cold weapons are no longer effective on him.

Colin really felt a little disgusted. Although it was his own body, it seemed to be a real monster.

But my physical fitness still hasn’t changed much, and running one kilometer is still enough.

After each transformation, the spirit will be a little sluggish. It is not caused by fatigue, but another feeling. There will be a pause in thinking, and some simple logical problems will become very complicated, as if they are slowly being controlled and eroded by other wills. , this ability cannot be overused in a short period of time.

These transformation powers are extracted from a different space. Colin doesn't know how to describe it. In short, it is not the real world. If the ability is used multiple times, the connection with that space will become weak, but it will be normal after a while. .

Knowing that Di Biao he met yesterday turned out to be such a terrifying freak, Colin felt a little complicated. If he had sent Di Biao's news to Gray on the spot, would the situation have been different, or would he have made other choices? , SCT... The planner of that bombing was some kind of malignant organization, or it was out of some kind of vision that the Countermeasures Bureau was misleading itself.

I've missed several taxis while thinking about things.

He put out his cigarette butt and had to reach his destination before noon, otherwise he would overdo it.

Just when he was about to wave to stop the car.

An all-black off-road pickup truck parked over. The cargo bed at the back was covered with black canvas and had extremely suspicious bulges.

The owner of the off-road vehicle slowly rolled down the window, revealing a very rebellious face in his early twenties.

She has dark green hair, some freckles around her tall nose, wears gothic punk eye makeup, her beautiful facial contours are constantly biting up and down, and she is chewing gum.

This young woman was not dressed like a human being. The sleeves of her blue studded leather jacket were rolled up, revealing an ukiyo-e arm tattoo filled with images of waves and carp.

She stared at Colin and checked on her phone.

"You really have a good sense of time. It's such a gentleman to ask a lady to get up at six o'clock and not see anyone until nine o'clock."

The punk woman put her hands on the car window and said to the people outside the window.

Colin did not recognize this woman. He glanced around and found that she was indeed speaking to him.

"Who the hell are you?"

Colin lit a cigarette and smoked it. He had never been interested in this kind of punk youth.

"In addition to being punctual, you are also of high quality. You are really an excellent partner." The woman showed her ID to Colin, "Agent of Section 11 of the Countermeasures Bureau, Eugene, this is yours."

Eugene threw out a palm-sized document, and Colin caught it firmly, opened it and took a look.

It has the same profile picture as his driver's license photo, as well as various information about his name. The department he is in charge of is clearly written as Section 11 of the Countermeasures Bureau, and his position is new agent.

Colin felt like he had entered a den of thieves.

"I didn't sign anything and you have no authority to do that."

Colin understood that when he entered this department, he would have to deal with guys just like him. He was self-aware. Half a month ago, he was still in the office worrying about the stock index lines every day. Suddenly he had to deal with gangsters in the underground world. Super powers, what a joke.

Although time retrieval sounds very powerful, it is not controllable and has a limit on the number of times. Colin cannot be sure to which moment he will go back to. He does not even know whether he will return to that convenience store if he dies again.

"Didn't Gray tell you? The official high-level attaches great importance to those infected organizations. The money allocated can buy a city with an outlet to the sea. We earn 50,000 alliance coins every month. If we kill an SCT member , there will be additional bonuses.”

After Eugene finished speaking, Colin realized that the watch she was wearing was TAG Heuer.

Colin was noncommittal, but if you have money to make but no life to spend, isn't that putting the cart before the horse?

He thought for a second.

"When will you start saving the world?"

Colin opened the car door and sat in the passenger seat, with a "righteous" face on his face, and said seriously, mainly because he really didn't know how to repay those loans, and at the moment, there was no other choice.

Regarding the SCT, is the Countermeasures Bureau misleading itself, or is it saying that infected people like myself should really stay? It's best to observe for a while. At least it's safe for now. I've gained initial trust by sharing the man's information. It shouldn't be anything bad in the near future. This is just a temporary measure. In the long run, we must find someone to escape. Method.

Youjin had a black line for the first time.

"Well... our main task now is to patrol the southern part of the city. You know, Gray doesn't trust people like us very much. How do you spell that word? What are the talents?"

Eugene patted his head, feeling a little stuck.

"Talent pool."

Colin added, Our kind? Is this girl also suffering from latent syndrome?

"Yes, you also have a locator on your body, so I can find you. They call it a new agent. I think this is a controllable disguised surveillance. If necessary, we and other infected people will kill each other. Of course This is just my guess, I don’t know what they are playing with, so just take it one day at a time. By the way, your clothes are really bad."

Eugene noticed that Colin's coat pocket was a little dirty, so he reached in without noticing, took out a cigarette case, took out a cigarette, lit it, and smoked it. He also took five or six more cigarettes and put them in the storage box in the car.

Colin: "..."

This girl's thoughts are indeed a bit dark, but this is indeed the logic. Gray has killed herself twice, and this so-called eleventh department is not a good thing.

"So our job is to patrol?"

Colin asked, a little relaxed. This girl was not very interested in the 11th subject. She seemed to be a veteran, and there was a high probability that she would be on the same side as him.

"Yes, after all, it is equipped with a locator. I have to go out and walk around every day to make them feel at ease. Once I tried to leave Luo City and was almost killed. You'd better not think about it, and you'd better follow the instructions given to them. Do it, it’s not a joke.”

Eugene took a puff of cigarette, put his hand on the car window, and dusted the ashes on the asphalt road without any quality.

"You're telling me this when we first met?"

Colin was a little confused, should he say he was familiar with it, or was undefended, or something else.

"Intuition, I feel that you and I are the same kind of people. We should be very compatible. You don't look like the kind of idiot with a sense of mission."

Eugene could see at a glance that Colin was a loser.

Colin: "..."

"Where do we go next?"

Colin inexplicably started working directly.

"I know there's a good barbecue place in the Montgomery area. Let's go over there and get some appetizers in time for dinner."

Eugene drew back on a whim.

"So your job every day is to drive around in your car, eat, drink and have fun, and then earn 50,000 alliance coins?"

Colin's eyelids twitched.

"It can be said like this."

Eugene felt no guilt at all.

"Fuck, that's fucking cool."

Colin sighed.

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