Latent Syndrome

Chapter 86 85 The End of Eden

Chapter 86 85. End of Eden

Liberty City, Bay Villas, No. 101.

It was a graceful figure. After using a paper knife to open the package, he took out a beautifully crafted silver watch.

She lovingly rubbed the characters on the back of the dial, then turned it over to look at the front, only to find that the hands were broken.

Perhaps the bumps during transportation and the lack of any protective measures caused damage to the movement.

Now, it has even stopped a long time ago.

Colin had forgotten how many meters he had climbed, and could not see the ground beneath his feet. The lingering black mist shrouded everything, as if he were in a terrifying evil altar.

Human bodies of various contours and shapes are like ridge larvae in the bark of a tree. They are rolling and squirming in dense layers. They are either curled up and twitching, or their limbs are twisting and spasming. There are also mesh-like spikes inside the bark. Under the penetration, there was an ineffective and hopeless struggle to escape.

In order to find a point of leverage, Colin accidentally dug his finger into a raised cyst on the bark of a tree, from which a strange juice between gray and red oozed.

This strange tree has established a symbiotic state with the human body embedded inside it, and has become a strange thing between a living thing and a plant. Like every infected person, it is an existence that transcends consciousness and matter.

Climbing all the way up, Colin could no longer count how many people had been sucked into this big tree. Thousands, or tens of thousands, just from the side he climbed up.

These include the original residents of Baishi Town, as well as tourists and passers-by who have passed through this place for a long time.

No matter how happy or unhappy their lives were, they were now reduced to protoplasmic meat trees that emitted stench, rolled slurry, and had never been seen by humans.

When Colin comes to rescue Jessica, he hears Clay's evil mutterings about her.

Desire for happiness is also an original sin.

Under this logic, no one is moral and everyone is guilty.

The most beautiful music is silence.

And the biggest illusion is innocence.

Colin didn't think so at all, it was just the crazy words of a madman.

After finding a way to destroy this strange tree later, erase its core, or kill some kind of monster that lives in the heart of the tree, these people may be able to peel it off.

Colin accidentally stepped on the air and was about to fall into the cold abyss. He hurriedly grew his hands into bone spurs and dug them into the bark of the tree to stabilize his body. He continued to climb towards the top of the tree, getting faster and faster, and soon reached the top. Top.

The branches of this strange tree become more and more complicated as it goes up. There are no less than a few thousand branches. Like the main trunk, they are densely arranged and inlaid with human-shaped cyst-like shrinking objects. Perhaps the cortex on the top of the tree is softer and tenderer. Against the background of the skin, the facial features of the human body, which are pierced by tree beards and covered with a thin film, are more clearly visible. They all have their eyes closed and fall into a special state of sleep, but the facial expressions reveal endless pain and despair. It was like vomiting, as if the pain that was constantly swelling and expanding in the body was vomited out of the body.

These human-shaped objects are densely packed and continue to bloom to the outside in a three-dimensional manner as the branches of the trees extend.

Even Colin frowned. He had never seen a more uncomfortable and horrific scene than this.

Along these branches, the texture underfoot becomes softer and stickier, as if what is being stepped on is not hard bark, but some kind of connective or skin tissue.

Colin quickly walked from a branch to the center of the tree. In the center of the giant tree, it was actually hollow, with a huge hole of unknown depth.

The scene in front of him was so wonderful that it completely subverted Colin's cognition. The black mist in the entire forest overflowed from it. In the deep pool filled with majestic black mist that was no less than twenty meters in diameter, there was a tumbling wave. The illusory scenes formed by the mixture and spread of smoke are the causal fate of countless people intertwined and mixed together, forming an extremely terrifying picture of torture, showing all kinds of unimaginable and mysterious scenes, or the weird and extremely bloody and morbid intercourse. Or a heavenly scene as holy as Eden, and countless elusive and confusing fantasy events.


Colin actually found his own reflection. The black mist formed his face in a blur, rolling in it and glaring at him.

For some reason, Colin suddenly became possessed and couldn't help but walk towards the pothole.


A familiar deaf-mute scream came to his ears, which woke Colin up from his trance. The weird roar that lacked vocal organs, and when he looked at the source of the sound, it turned out to be the disabled man.

There is no way of knowing what kind of painful way he went through to get here. The useless walking stick has been abandoned, as if he climbed this tree with the determination to never return. His skin and flesh were all worn away, revealing the white bones, which were already mutilated. The bones in one of his hands have been ground into sharp spikes.

Colin couldn't imagine how a disabled person could climb this giant tree. It must be extremely difficult. From his martyr-like tattered body, it can be seen that the almost crazy and powerful idea that cannot be lost even makes it so difficult. He can ignore the interference of something indescribable.

Colin had already learned his true identity. Perhaps due to the man's morbid will, he did not kill the town sheriff, but carried out some kind of grotesque transformation, making him lame and unable to lift objects. , and being unable to speak, leaving him in such constant pain.

At this time, he was on the verge of death, with bleeding from his mouth and nose. Time was running out. He was holding something under his body and tried his best to move it out.

After seeing the object, Colin understood everything and could only do this. Just as Lister said, this terrifying confusion did not come from an individual, but from a collection of crazy consciousness. He also understood , why did he want to beat the man who melted into the tree with a wooden stick when he first met him.

Colin picked up the flamethrower and held it in his hand, but he delayed pulling the bolt.

He could never do it again, ever.

Every move and everything you do will become an established fact.

The disabled man let out a weird scream, extremely harsh, urging Colin.


Colin realized extremely deeply that this was indeed an abyss of madness that would never be restored, and everyone who drew water from this well of despair had no way of knowing the depth of the well.

But he could no longer hesitate. There was no time and no way out.

As the disabled man tore his vocal cords, he roared like crazy.

There were even beads of sweat on Colin's forehead. He opened the bolt, and the raging flame snake began to sweep through everything around him. The dry bark tree beards were instantly ignited, and the raging fire burned the filth. The sinuous vines and stems proliferated all over the unclean place, and the rising red awns splashed out countless sparks, creating a continuous crackling, cracking and shattering firewood explosion, and the fire spread crazily around.

Once he started, he could never stop. Colin walked to the dense position at the top of the tree and sprayed out fierce flames. The already raging fire instantly ignited the surrounding sceneries.

The disabled man's whole body convulsed, and he let out an extremely violent deaf-mute scream. The sound was too loud and violent, and it shook his heart hoarsely. It was impossible to tell whether it was crying, laughing wildly, or a war cry of relief.

At the same time, the flames burned through the membranes covering the human body, and they were unable to escape with the wooden thorns inserted into them. After being burned and wrapped, their flesh and blood were blurred and white and shapeless. They were like crawling animals squirming on the ground, being burned by the flames. As it burned his whole body, he let out a miserable scream like a howling ghost. He tried his best to crawl to the edge of the branch, but was unable to break the strange tree trunks that wrapped around his body.

Colin continued to burn the abyss of black mist and sprayed flames on the paths of the branches until the fuel was completely exhausted.

The sea of ​​​​fire completely submerged everything, including the entire tree, including the surrounding jungle, and everything was swept away.

Lister fled with Eugene who was exhausted, and Colin did it. As the tree burned, Clay also began to spontaneously combust, his face distorted in pain.

Swamp culture, Kakosha, the shepherd god.

all of these.

It's all over.

Idealists are hopeless.

When he was thrown out of the ideal paradise.

He will also create an ideal hell.

Colin froze completely, frozen in place, even though the fire had burned him to a crisp.

Countless crawling and clawing bodies howled in despair as they burned, the endless fire made the crisp sound of burning tree bark, and the hissing sounds of countless cortical fats evaporating, and the sounds of adults. Thousands of stacked, intertwined and echoing shouts rushing from all directions seemed to come from a torture chamber.

Echoes, shouts, roars, and lamentations were poured into Colin's mind layer by layer, and the fire of karma that was constantly burning away the sea of ​​people came into his eyes.

Colin didn't know.

After experiencing such suffering, will they go to heaven or hell?


He had an epiphany.

There is no place in the world that can be called hell except here.

(Volume 2·Crime and Punishment·End)

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