Latent Syndrome

Chapter 92 91 Fatal Lane

Chapter 92 91. Fatal Lane

The weather is suitable, sunny and cloudless.

Colin was in a good mood and was enjoying himself driving a blue sports car at high speed on the road, but there was a muscle car in front of him blocking his way.

The road is not very wide and can only accommodate two cars passing at the same time, not counting the extreme distance.

Colin didn't pay attention, honked the horn again, and quickly turned the steering wheel to overtake the car sideways.

Unexpectedly, the car turned the steering wheel as if staring at him through the rearview mirror, blocking the driveway again.


Colin took a deep breath and honked the horn again, trying to overtake.

However, the situation just now happened again. The car also changed lanes, blocking the road, and drove very slowly. It didn't reach 60 yards on the highway. It deliberately let Colin eat the dust behind and slowed down. The speed slowed down Colin's progress.

After repeating this cycle twice more.

"Fuck you..."

Colin stopped honking the horn. He put on the driver's seat belt with an expressionless expression.

at the same time.

Inside a muscle car.

Heath was quite proud. He was sure that people who drove this kind of car would not dare to take risks. At this time, driving on this road was still a top-notch sports car that cost millions of alliance coins. He knew with his knees that it was for those who lived in high-end hotels in Beverly Hills. community people.

This kind of person is born with superiority. He must be comforting himself and not having any conflict with such garbage. He must be in a terrible mood.

He thought he had exposed his hand to the two people in the back seat, and Terry also thought it was interesting. He opened the window and gave the car behind him a middle finger.

"Now, enough fun, let's rob that place..."

He didn't wait for Heath to finish speaking.


There was a loud noise, and the muscle car jolted violently. None of the four people were wearing seat belts. In an instant, Terry's head hit the front window of the car, shattering the glass, and blood spilled from the hole in his forehead.


Heath was extremely shocked. Is this so cruel? I didn’t expect to encounter a fucking tough fight.

Because he was a little distracted from the impact just now, he turned the steering wheel to prevent the car from losing control. Looking in the rearview mirror, the sports car seemed to have slowed down. Its front bumper was also dented, and it was not in good condition.

Do you want to stop and call it a day?

Unexpectedly, the car behind accelerated again, extremely fast due to the performance of a sports car, and crashed into it again, as if it was desperate.

Heath almost lost control of the steering wheel and lost control of the car when he was in a hurry.

The sports car came directly and hard. Even though the lane had been given way, the car owner had no intention of overtaking. Instead, he increased the speed to the highest speed and directly hit the rear tire of the muscle car from the side.


The muscle car was completely out of control. After drifting for a distance, it hit the middle barrier of forward and reverse traffic before coming to a stop. The already shabby car was even more shabby and was already in a semi-scrap state.

Heath was panting. He was not wearing a seat belt, so his head was banged everywhere and his head was bleeding. After quickly wiping it dry with his sleeve, he no longer hesitated.

"That car..."

We must not let that car run away. We were originally going to show off our skills to the two people in the back seat, but we didn't expect that we were met with a lunatic.

"Before he left, he also stopped."

Terry replied.

"You're so fucking talented. I want to see what kind of ruthless character he is."

Heath loaded the pistol, opened the car door and walked out. Terry and the two people in the back seat didn't waste any time and went to see which rich kid was high, because no one drove a sports car and behaved like this.


Heath turned on the safety, pointed the gun at the sports car, and shouted: "Get out of here."

Colin had been offended for a long time, but he was not sure that the other party was a very vicious person, and he did not directly kill him. He was probably just some ruffians. The crime would not lead to death, but it was still okay to use some punches and kicks.


Colin got out of the car and saw that Heath had a gun in his hand. He took out his suitcase from the car, opened it, took out a submachine gun, and pointed it at several people, but had no intention of firing. Due to Montesquieu's theory of law, Mentally, wait for the other party to make the first move, so that you can defend yourself legitimately.

"Why bother? Kill him."

Terry couldn't help but fire, and the two bald men also pulled out their guns, but they couldn't fire without Heath's order.

What the three of them didn't expect was that Heath quickly stopped Terry's shooting hand. This face was exactly the same as the one on the reward order.


One shot completely missed, and under Heath's restraint, the shot missed at all. Terry was a little confused and didn't know what Heath was doing.

The three of them didn't know it, but Heath was very familiar with it. The man in front of him still had a reward of 8 million alliance coins and the position of the SCT Los Angeles Branch Council. It was that Colin.

The other party was a ruthless person who killed Randy, and he was completely unworthy of me. According to the strategy of the Bureau, Terry could go up to B level, and he could barely be considered an A level at most. You must know that he was almost S level. There were not enough people to do what Randy could do. This guy might have a domain. The killers who went to kill him died violently, and there were many good ones among them.

Colin was a little confused. He didn't know which scene these people were acting in. What about the plot about the prodigal son returning to the sea and his heroic feelings?

"It is against the law to kill people. You should not do this."

Heath said righteously. The three people including Terry were distracted by Heath. Heath was thinking about how to escape. Colin didn't seem to know his group, so he had to find a way to fool them. , but it would be bad if Colin felt that he was recognized. It must be handled properly, and there are so many photographic equipment hidden in the trunk. If he is discovered and any clues are discovered, it will all be explained here today.

"You're very cool, boy. Let's challenge each other."

Heath dropped the gun and said this to Colin, and winked wildly at Terry and the two bald heads, telling them not to get involved. This was the only way to avoid making Colin suspicious.

"What's the point of a one-on-one challenge? If the other four of us beat one of him, can he do it?"

Terry said very naturally.

Heath wanted to kill someone, and the two bald heads understood it clearly, but this guy was still noisy and vowed never to take this idiot out again. He probably didn't thank God for the food this morning, so he was angry. .

"This is a man's business, don't get involved."

Heath knew that he would only understand if he told Terry in the stupidest way possible.

Terry nodded even though he didn't understand very well.

After saying that, Heath stepped forward and struggled with Colin, and then he was beaten violently by Colin with his old fists. Even without using his vision, Colin's big size and his own strength beat Heath until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. Bleeding from the corners of the mouth.

"Stop! Stop!"

Heath waved his hand to signal Colin to stop fighting.

Colin was speechless. He always felt that this guy looked familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before, but he couldn't remember it for a while, and his memory was not particularly deep. Maybe it was his own illusion.

Since there was really nothing to do, although Liszt texted that he would meet with the team later, he didn't take it seriously. Colin didn't mind waiting here for a while. Besides, these people didn't look like good people at first glance. Prepare to hand it over to Los Angeles Police Department.

Colin was about to call the police, and he lit a cigarette and smoked it very leisurely.

Heath complained incessantly. It was not that he was afraid of trouble, but he had to know how to make trade-offs in many things. Those who were brave and foolhardy were just minions. Losing one's life for a fight of will was nothing.

I was planning to catch an honest man and bully him, but I didn't expect to encounter a evil star. What should I do now? When the police came later, they couldn't explain anything more.

Terry didn't know what he was playing at, and was about to use the vision directly, but Heath frantically signaled him to put it away. No matter how stupid Terry was, he noticed something under Heath's series of abnormal behaviors, and immediately became quiet.

"How about we keep it secret? This is indeed my fault. I have a lot of cash in my car. When the police come later, you will lose this opportunity."

Heath said softly, he couldn't think of a better way to handle it.

However, this sentence made Colin suspicious. It was very strange. According to common sense, the other party had overwhelming power. Why were you so worried about an ordinary person? Besides, there was a lot of cash in such a broken car? It sounded like he could really afford the compensation. Just repainting this sports car would cost a lot of money, not to mention that the front bumper and hood were half scrapped.

"Are you from SCT?"

Colin couldn't help but think about it. Because he was famous, maybe he recognized himself and just asked tentatively.

Heath scratched his head and asked in confusion: "SCT? What is that?"

did not expect.

Terry sneered and said, "Yes, are you sure you want to provoke SCT?"

Colin: "..."

Heath: "!!!!!!!!!"

As of now, there is no other way.

In an instant, Heath seemed to have changed into a different person.

"Colin...they made you look like a monster. Is that really true?"

Heath's face instantly turned sinister, and he looked completely different from before. High temperatures began to emit from his arms, and hot magma continued to overflow. His hint was the sun. The vision was swallowing up everything like a volcanic ablation, and the surrounding air changed. Get the mist.

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