Lava Explosion in My Hero Academia

Chapter 221 Room display contest

When I heard that I was about to visit Masata's room, everyone's interest that had faded before came up again.

"The undisputed strongest person in the class"

"Muscular handsome guy

Not only the girls, but the curiosity of the boys is also completely hooked.

"Masata, you guy must have the same style as my room! After all, we are all-passionate men!"

Kirishima said with a confident face. His room was filled with posters similar to "Da Yu" and "Sure Victory", as well as all kinds of fitness equipment. A little bit out of breath.

However, at the same time, she also won the second place in the ranking of [I don't want my boyfriend to decorate the room like this] by the girls.

What? You ask who is the number one on this list? Then of course it is our Mineta-kun!

Hung and Lugu's eyes are also full of curiosity, and he has admitted that his strengths are all accumulated in the usual way, so will there be some places he can learn in the layout of his room?!

"I'm afraid you will be disappointed

Looking at the bleak expression of a bunch of people, Zheng was too speechless and said that the room is just a place to live, and his requirements for this are not very high.

"My room is pretty ordinary.

Open the door without any cover, the inside of the room is very simple.

Entering the door is a clean bed, covered with a light blue quilt, and there is a lovely table lamp with a warm light on the head of the bed; on the ground is a soft and simple carpet, you can see from the outside. The quality is extraordinary; facing the bed is a computer desk with a few pots of flowers on it, bringing a bit of life to the room; the window on the balcony is still hanging

Several strings of wind chimes hung, reflecting the pure white color in the moonlight.

"I can't see that Masata, you are so particular!"

"My dear friend, why have you betrayed me!"

"So you like simple style too?"

Hearing all the people who talked and talked about it, they rubbed their eyebrows too much, and pushed Kirishima away, who was about to pounce in tears:

"So I said, my room is very simple, these are all arranged for me.

Masata's original room was simpler than it is now, with only a simple bed and a table. After all, the only thing that can be done when returning to the dormitory is sleeping, and almost all other things are done outside.

However, when Yaoyorozu came over to "patrol", he felt that he was too lazy, so he helped him "decorate" on his own, and finally it became what everyone saw.

"No wonder this room is so girly!"

"Xiao Baibai's taste is really high!"

"Even the eldest daughter is unexpectedly home-like!"

Upon hearing Masata's words, the girls directly abandoned him and whirled around Yaoyorozu, and the boys' eyes looked a little dangerous when they looked at him.

"I said, Masata, you are too interesting, right?"

Kaminari said with a gloomy face.

"Yes, this is too much."

Sero also nodded plausibly.

"Asshole! There must be something 18X hidden in your room! See if I won't find it for you!"

This is a certain grape that has gone mad.

"Hey, hey, isn't it? Isn't it just a room? As for such a fuss.

He carried the grapes in his hand to prevent him from turning over his own things. Masata said that these people in front of him were too ignorant.

If they know that when they are at home, they will have services such as loving feeding, lap pillows, and waking up to wake up early, wouldn't these people have to tear themselves up!!!

"Damn, this indifferent tone, what do you think of the tone of a married man! Consider our single dog mood!!"

Kaminari finally couldn't put it on anymore, and said angrily, pulling the collar with both hands.

"Next, go and see our girls! Then we will decide a room king!"

After watching the boys’ room, Mina still felt unhappy, so she proposed a competition, "The first class A taste contest, start!!"

"Oh? This is a good proposal!

Agreeing, Masata is also very interested in the layout of the girls' room.Although he is already familiar with the boudoirs of the two girls in the family, he can no longer be familiar with it, but as long as he is a man, he will not refuse this kind of thing, right?

"I think it's so harmful

The first one was Jiro. At this time, she was blushing and her eyebrows were also frowned together, which was obviously very tangled.

"It was even more exaggerated than expected!!

"The number of instruments in the room can already form an orchestra!"

"After all, Jiro is a rock girl!"

The tone of the room is black and white. Not only the floor, but also the ceiling is also pasted with black and white checkered stickers, giving a punk atmosphere.

Masata also curiously walked to the side of a speaker, fiddled with the complicated buttons on it, "It's amazing Jiro, can you use all of these?!

" more or less "

Jiro is now shy and afraid to see people, pinching her earlobes with her hands and constantly tapping them together, which is totally inconsistent with her cool style in daily life.

"There is really no girlish feelings at all~"

"Yes, not a lady at all!"

Just as everyone admired, two discordant voices came out.

Seeing Kaminari and Sero who are still complacent, Masata is a little suspicious of the emotional intelligence of the two of them. In this case, it is reasonable to praise a girl, right? Just want to find a girlfriend?

Sure enough, the next moment Jiro threw out his earlobe, poked them in the head and gave a critical blow.

"Hurry up and go to the next room."

...For flowers...

The style of the next room also opened the eyes of Zheng, full of girly powder Ye Yin, modern style Ashido, and maverick Asui.

Asui actually built a pond in the center of the room! This really surprised everyone.

"My room is very ordinary--"

Chacha touched her head with embarrassment and opened the door. Her room is indeed very simple. This may be related to her living environment when she was a child, but it has a traditional atmosphere, whether it is tatami mats or small electric fans. It gave everyone a feeling of going back to when they were young.

"It's not bad, I have always missed the old houses in the country! I haven't been back much since elementary school.

Masata lay directly on the ground with a comfortable expression, swaying the puff fan in his hand, which seemed very comfortable. Of course, this move caused public outrage among the boys.

"Um, there is nothing beautiful in my room."


The last one was Yaoyorozu's room, and as soon as he walked in, everyone was shocked.

"It's exactly the same as Masata's room!"

That's right, except for a large bookcase near the wall, the room for the two is almost carved out of a mold.

"It's not surprising, right? It's all from the same person after all."

The sharp-eyed Ye Yin glanced in the room and suddenly found a good thing.

"Hey! What is this!"

She picked up a photo frame on the bedside, which was a photo of the two children.

"Ah! That"

Yaoyorozu's face turned red in an instant, and the words rushed, "That is a photo of me and Masata when I was young."

"Huh?! Is this babbled kid actually a Masata? It doesn't look like it at all!

The classmates also gathered around, looking at the two little kids in kindergarten uniforms in the frame, they couldn't believe it.

After all, Masata is walking the muscle line now, and the slightly fat child in the frame looks completely two people.

"Abominable childhood sweetheart"

Today is the third time that the boy who has been given dog food said that his stomach is already very strong and he can't eat it anymore.

"Then, this time the winner of the room king is!!! --"

After visiting the rooms of all the students, everyone returned to the lobby on the first floor and began a secret ballot. At this time, Mina was announcing the final result.

"Sato Rikido!!!"

Won the championship with an overwhelming advantage of 6 votes, Sato Rikido won the girls' votes with his cake!

As for the layout of the room?

Is that important?

The cake is delicious..

Recently, the book review area is very lively. A poll was held to find out what everyone would like to see. Long,

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