Lava Explosion in My Hero Academia

Chapter 236 Before the assessment

"I really have to thank her this time, and you may be colleagues in the future, hundred!

Leaping down from the cliff, Hatsume Mei was looking at the peacefully sleeping Hatsume Mei and said to Yaoyorozu that after falling asleep, she did not have her usual vigorous temperament, instead she was quiet like a doll.

"Huh? When did you bring her into the gang again? And Hatsume Mei is from the Logistics Department, right?"

Because Masata hadn't mentioned this matter before, Yaoyorozu was a little surprised.

"Just when she helped me make a combat suit, although she is a logistics department, our Hero(es) office can't just deal with the aspect of entrustment, and it will definitely expand like other fields at that time. , And the name is very powerful! From now on we will have to count on her in combat uniforms."

After passing through this combat uniform of her own, Masata's prejudice against Hatsume Mei has completely disappeared. Instead, she has a faint admiration for her. In today's society, people who can specialize in one thing and stick to it have already disappeared. There are very few, which is one of the reasons why he has such a high evaluation of Hatsume Mei.

"Just too big! You are so handsome today!"

Just as the two were talking, an untimely voice came in.

Seeing Himiko Toga, whose face was flushed with two small tiger teeth, Masata's cold sweat broke out in an instant.

After all, he slept with others all night, if he pretended to be indifferent, he couldn't do it at all! Such behavior can no longer be said to be scum, but-a further existence!

"Why are you still pestering Zhengma!"

The appearance of Himiko Toga made Yaoyorozu feel like a hen protecting a calf for a hundred moments. As soon as he moved, he stopped in front of Zhengta, and stopped crossing me who wanted to rush forward.

"Because I like being too big, I came here."

Seeing that Jeongtae was blocked by someone, my brows collapsed instantly, and I was a little puzzled why Yaoyorozu would ask this question.

"And the last time I was too big, the person was also in the room... um"

Halfway through the conversation, I was covered by the sweating Masata.

"Haha, that, after all, everyone is a classmate, and will get along for more than two years in the future, so she just said hello when she saw me, right, cross me?"

Some stumbling explanations, Masata winked at To me, and I was not stupid, and my little head was a little crazy.

"That way, I always feel that you have something to hide from me.

Yaoyorozu glanced at the two suspiciously, but after all, everyone has some privacy, and Masata's reason is indeed very reasonable, so she didn't go into it.

Feeling a wet and glutinous sensation in the palm of my hand, as well as an itchy sensation, Zheng too quickly removed his hand from Du's face and put it behind my back and wiped it awkwardly.


The trio's small movements obviously did not hide from the eyes of the classmates, and now a group of boys are already looking at Masata in good faith.

Seeing the ugly faces of Kaminari and Mineta, I was too expecting that their wallets would get blood once, otherwise if they intentionally or unintentionally spread rumors about themselves in front of Yaoyorozu, then they will be in trouble in the future!

"Time is up, Class A!!!"

Suddenly, there was a loud roar from the door, which attracted everyone's attention, and also took advantage of the situation to help Masata out.

"According to the order of appointment, it's our turn to use the training ground in the afternoon!"

I saw Brad King, the head teacher of Class B, led a group of class B students and walked in from the gate of the training ground.

"What a coincidence!"

Kaminari yelled sadly. He hasn't revealed his secret weapon yet. In the past few days, there has been a huge improvement in his combat uniform, which has made a qualitative change in his fighting style.

After all, if it is the same as before, and can only discharge at close range, his attack methods are too monotonous, and the sequelae are too terrifying.When really fighting villain(s), others will not treat you because you are an idiot. Be merciful.

Originally, he was going to use his skills as the finale, and set up a good wave of b, but now he knows that the training ground is no longer used by Class A, and his waiting is wasted. Can he not be sad?

"Eraser, take your students to retreat."

"Every second counts

Although Mr. Aizawa and Mr. Brad are very good friends in private, they have been secretly competing at work. For such a long time, Class A has been overpowering Class B. Brad's heart There must be some upset.

"Do you know? The passing rate of the temporary license exam is only about 50%. Class A will definitely fail the exam collectively!!'

The outspoken Grandpa Wujian saw the people in Class A and ran over to activate the group taunting skills as soon as his eyes lit up. However, for his character, everyone was basically immune to him, so he should be a joke now.

……For flowers………

"The battle clothes between the objects are a bit interesting!"

Masata looked at the combat uniform worn by the opponent and commented while pinching his chin.

"This is ordinary clothes! Where do you find it interesting?

Kento also came over from the side and murmured after hearing Masata's words. After all, the quirk in the object is [Copy], so the combat uniform is not destined to play much role. This is somewhat similar to Masata.

"The three stopwatches in the belt are very careful. It seems that the quirk he copied is time-sensitive, right? I don't see that he is actually quite rigorous.

After listening to Masata's words, Kento also observed carefully and found the three dials that Masata said, which actually changed her influence on things.


"Since we are going to take the same exam, then we are villain(s). We are destined to not escape the fate of fighting each other."

Wearing a black robe, Tokoyami made his second-degree exaggerated remarks, but it was mocked by Mr. Aizawa.

"That's why Class A and Class B applied for different examination rooms separately. You will never meet together."

Just now, I was still talking about things, and when I heard Mr. Aizawa's words, it was petrified. He really didn't know it happened.

"In June and September each year, the Hero(es) qualification exam will be held at the same time in three domestic examination rooms. It has long been unwritten regulations."

The encyclopedia Yaoyorozu popularizes knowledge for everyone, and it also makes students realize it.

"But I still have to compete with other schools for places."

"And we also advanced the normal test-taking process

However, even so, the students were still a little worried about the upcoming temporary license assessment. Hearing what the students said, Mr. Aizawa added fire.

"Even if you look at the whole country, there are very few who go to take the temporary license test in the first grade, that is to say."

"There will be many competitors who have experienced more training than you, and have the unknown [quirk] that have been tempered to appear in this exam, I hope everyone must be aware of it."

The days passed by, and soon came the day of the temporary Hero(es) license exam!

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