At the moment of crisis, Kirishima showed his passion for being a man of blood, and completed the hardening of the whole body in an instant. His body squatted slightly, as if he was accumulating strength.

The fierce eyes and the weird appearance made the little bastard standing in front of him with a pistol a little frightened.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!

The fighting power of this gangster didn't seem to be very strong. Facing the oppression brought by Kirishima, he chose to believe in the pistol in his hand.

A few shots were fired again, but facing the hardened Kirishima, these bullets only left a few white spots on his body and did not cause effective damage at all.

"These things are useless to me!"

Repelled a few steps by the shock brought just now, Kirishima did not move his footsteps. After all, the eclipse ring was behind him. Just now Kirishima blamed himself for his negligence for causing the eclipse ring to be shot. This time He won't be backing down.

He glanced back slightly, wanting to see how the eclipse ring was injured, but it was this glance that made Kirishima stunned.

The eclipse ring, which was still lying on the ground just now, touched his head blankly at this time, then turned to Kirishima and said with some confusion:

"It's not as painful as I imagined.

"So you are okay, senior?! So handsome!!"

Kirishima was naturally very happy to see that the eclipse ring was slowly standing up. Not only did he have an excellent offensive power, but he also had first-class protection. Even bullets couldn't harm him.

"What's the matter with this broken pistol!!"

However, the gangster on the side panicked. There was originally a Kirishima who was immune to bullet attacks. It was very difficult. Now even the person who was shot just now stands up like a okay person. He is about to face a 2 on 1 situation. How happily this makes him save people!

"I'll take him to justice

Although I don't know why he was unharmed, the eclipse ring is obviously more concerned about the villain(s) in front of him at this time. Tied up.

However, what he didn't expect was that the quirk, which is usually instructed by the hip arm, would not be able to play a tiny bit at this time, as if it had failed out of thin air.

"I am not injured, but the quirk cannot be activated!"

Rao is an eclipse ring who has experienced 420 training. Faced with such a situation, he is also panicked. In this society, losing the existence of quirk is almost equivalent to saying goodbye to the profession of Hero(es). In other words, the failure of quirk negated his efforts for more than ten years.

"You bastard!!!"

The angry Kirishima rushed straight up. Although I don't know why this happened, it must have nothing to do with that little bastard. When the FAT is not there and the eclipse ring cannot use the quirk, he is the only one to take the shot at this time. NS!

"do not come!!!"

Seeing Kirishima, who was like a devil, the gangster turned around in a panic. The longer the time was, the lower his chance of escape.

However, Kirishima naturally wouldn't let him go so easily.After nearly a year of exercise by Xiongying, his physical fitness is naturally not comparable to this little bastard. Although the little bastard keeps moving in the corner of the alley, Kirishima is still in prison. He followed behind him firmly.

"I told you not to come over, don't you understand?!"

"It looks like you want to save your comrades! Then don't run away alone! Go back and help them!"

During the chase, the two kept talking, but the content of the conversation was a bit strange.

Why is Kirishima in a preaching tone!

"I shot and shot people because I was afraid of running away alone, are you still a man!!"

He was very uncomfortable with the masculine behavior of the gangster, Kirishima directly criticized it verbally, and hearing Kirishima's words, the gangster gritted his teeth unwillingly, and seemed to be patient.

After chasing like this for about a minute, after turning into a small alley again, facing the gangster, it was a blocked road.

"Give up! You have nowhere to run!"

Seeing this, Kirishima was overjoyed and immediately speeded up to catch up. If it is a heads-up, he has strong confidence in himself.

"It's annoying!!"

The gangster, who was originally on the verge of collapse because of running into his mind, was finally overwhelmed by Kirishima's language offensive and turned around to counterattack.

A dense cluster of sharp blades suddenly appeared on his arm, and then he swiped forward strongly and slashed Kirishima's face straight up.

In the face of the oncoming attack, Kirishima didn't have the slightest timidity. He kept his whole body hardened and chose to be hard, with his right fist clenched and five fingers clenched, and his hard fist also slammed into the face of the gangster.


There is no doubt that the blade on the bastard's body has no effect on Kirishima at all, only a trace of sparks was drawn, but Kirishima's fist hit his face firmly, bursting out a burst of blood. fog.

"I've been merciful, so behave and catch it! You black spear bastard!"

Kirishima punched the opponent with a punch. Kirishima looked at the little bastard who was beaten by himself, and said with a heavy tone. He is still a little worried about the eclipse ring. If the opponent has reinforcements, the eclipse ring that can't be used by quirk is probably not an opponent. .

Just when he wanted to go up and completely suppress the little bastard, the little bastard lying on the ground suddenly made a swallowing sound.

"Is this crying?

Kirishima has a headache, and why a big man shed tears when he is so good, which makes him really puzzled.

"This is unfair. My quirk can only extend a sharp blade within 10cm of the body surface. It will be as long as a fruit knife. This is too unfair."

This little bastard even had a crooked nose at this time, his tears and nose were running, and a few teeth seemed to be missing. This miserable look matched his confession, as if Kirishima was a big villain.

"Do you think I don't want to be the eldest brother? But I'm afraid!"

"Just having the courage to shoot is already worthy of praise!"

Faced with this situation, Kirishima, who was dealing with the case for the first time, stepped up helplessly and helped him up, "Look at you! I also said that I was afraid and crying. Since this is the case, I shouldn't participate in this. This is something illegal!"

So Kirishima is still too tender. If you change to a Masata here, you will definitely stun the bastard first without saying a word, in case there are too many dreams at night.

Of course, if it's a Masata, this little bastard may have passed out in the first punch.

"I want to be a strong man

Supported by Kirishima to stand up, the bastard lowered his head and muttered to himself.

"As long as you are with powerful people, you can change with them.

"As long as I mix with my eldest brother and them, I can achieve my strength!"

In the shadow that Kirishima couldn't see, the gangster's tears remained, while a medicine was dangling out of his cuffs and held tightly in his hands, seeming to be doing a psychological struggle.

At last, it seemed that he had made up his mind, and the tears of the gangster stopped, and he threw off Kirishima's arm, then put the medicine on his neck and pushed it down hard.

"Those who have the ability to be Hero(es), don't just say this kind of sympathy!"

"!! "

Kirishima, who was thrown away, finally saw the gangster's actions, and was stunned.

"You what did you just inject?! Are you okay!!"


However, Kirishima's inquiry only resulted in a cry of extreme pain. At this time, the whole body was twitching constantly, as if experiencing terrifying pain, the pupils of his eyes disappeared, and replaced by white eyes.

"what "

The screams finally stopped slowly, as if all the strength of the whole body was hollowed out.


Numerous sharp blades popped out of his body frantically, and then quickly stretched forward. In a blink of an eye, the little bastard's body became like a hedgehog wrapped in a sharp blade.

Faced with such a sudden attack, Kirishima was also injured for the first time. The hardening of the shoulder was directly penetrated under the changed blade, and blood also flowed from the wound.

"This guy suddenly became so powerful. Is this what Zhengta said before, is it the drug that can increase the quirk burst?"

Clutching his shoulders, Kirishima started hardening again. He was only out of the range of the blade now. In order to prevent the other party from rioting, he also reserved more of his heart.

"Hey hey!!!"

At this time, the little bastard had regained consciousness, and he looked at the changes that had taken place in his body, as well as the alleys that were pierced by the blade and turned into fragments, and his face showed an arrogant smile.

"Go back, everyone! Get out of the reach of this guy's sharp knife!"

Although there were not many passers-by in the surrounding area, there were also a few sparsely walking in the alley. The attack from the gangster just now made them directly limp to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Kirishima was also a little anxious, but he also made a decision in his heart.

He must be defeated here!

"You are so self-righteous!!! You still feel good about playing justice games? Big buddies have already told me that the era of Hero(es) shit will soon fall apart!!"

Like all nouveau riche, they suddenly gained this powerful force. The first thing the gangster did was not to escape, but the self-confidence swelled wildly.

"The next time is the era of the unwilling people like me! Get out of the stinky kid! Borrow your auspiciousness, I should be able to save the big brothers!!!"

He kept laughing wildly in his mouth, and his eyes were completely different from before. If the eyes of the little bastard were depressed, now he is like a winning gambler, full of desire and madness.

The countless blades on his body were like a fountain, all gathered together and pierced towards Kirishima's body.

"I was really underestimated."

The other party's speech also ignited the anger in Kirishima's heart. He had been releasing water just now, and he was even looked down upon by the other party because of this? It's simply unforgivable!

"The fierce rage fought against each other, An Wuling passed Wuru!!!'

This is the name Kirishima has given to his current strongest move, that is, he awakened during the sports festival and hardened his skin into a pair of armor.

As for why this name is so obscure, maybe only he knows it

The appearance before was terrifying, but after launching this trick, Kirishima's appearance was completely separated from the "human", like a granite monster with sharp protrusions all over the body, even the hair was hardened and turned into With an indestructible spear.

Activating this trick, Kirishima rushed up the tower as soon as he stepped in, and collided with the whirlwind of the gangster's blades, producing a symphony of metal impact.

"It hurts?!"

I cut Kirishima's blade before, but now there is no achievement at all. Instead, it broke because of insufficient hardness. This also drove the skin and flesh attached to the little bastard, causing him to cry out in pain.

"Men's hardening, don't have to make small moves!!!"


"Furious and stubborn fight to crack the slaughter!!!"

Kirishima's character is to move forward bravely, and his fighting style also continues his character. There is no skill at all, it is to overwhelm villain(s), and then directly use the big move!!!

Resist the countless blades, Kirishima broke through their blockade. After getting close to the punks, a powerful straight punch hit the punks' abdomen like a siege hammer.


After receiving a heavy blow, the gangster flew out like a rocket, and slammed into the wall behind him, and all the blades on his body were retracted into his body due to poor control, so this time The impact is real.

After struggling a few times, the gangster finally ran out of his last bit of strength, and passed out in a coma when his hands and feet were paralyzed.

"No more drama to sing!!

Kirishima also relieved An Wuling from passing Wuru at this time, which was very physically exhausting. After confirming that Villain(s) had been in a coma, he was also relieved.

"Thank you so much, young man!"

"It's amazing, I'm all fascinated!"

Passers-by who had not left before also stepped forward at this time and praised Kirishima.

"You fight that way to protect us, right?! I have seen a lot of Hero(es) over the years. Normally everyone will be afraid of this kind of blade! Thanks to you, we can be saved! !""

Surrounded by some crazy passers-by, Kirishima was a little at a loss. Perhaps, this is why the Hero(es) profession has so many restrictions and shoulders huge responsibilities. There are still people who are longing for it.

"Senior, are you okay!"

When rushing back to the previous scene, the police had already isolated the surrounding area. Kirishima looked at the celestial eclipse ring standing silently and asked with some concern.

"It's very uncomfortable. I can't activate the quirk. It's too painful for Hero(es)."

Pulling the brim of the hood, completely covering his expression, the tone of Tianshihuan was a bit erratic.

"Speaking of which, you protected me at the time. It seems that you are like a million, the kind of person who is as dazzling as the sun."

"If you say that, the senior who introduced me, you are also the sun!"

"Really, you are really good

Facing Kirishima's words, Tianshihuan turned his voice a bit embarrassed. This is a powerful sentence. I don't know if it refers to Kirishima's strength or whether he can say this kind of unspeakable words in the public.

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