Law of Fire

Chapter 296: Something wrong

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Gao Qi has vicissitudes that he shouldn't have at his age.

I really don’t know what the consequences will be if he fully accepts his own memory in the future, but Gao Qi feels that at least he will become an old man's mentality. For a young man in his early twenties, he has a youthful appearance. The match is an old heart, which is really bad.

The strong man's heart is too strong, and your high rise in the past two days hardly feels any danger, because he feels that he can easily cope with anything.

As for now, Gao Qi feels that he is transitioning from a middle-aged mentality to a young man. He is getting rid of the state of not being interested in anything, because he is gradually absorbing and digesting his future self in the mentality of a young man. Mentality.

This is a process of mutual integration, but in general, because there are only some fragments of knowledge and memory, he should not appear in the state of being old before he is old.

The first subtle change was Gao Qi's discovery that his thirst for knowledge had revived.

After eating breakfast, Gao Qi didn't think about whether the combination of bread slices and bacon and fried egg milk was delicious, but who would be the first to visit today.

Niu Lidong picked up the empty plate, and then he put it back on the table with embarrassment. After taking a glance at Anna, he obviously hesitated.

Anna said seriously: "Everyone here serves you. If you want to eat, then you continue to eat."

Niu Lidong no longer hesitated, he stood up with the plate, but at this moment a middle-aged man in a suit beckoned him, and then a plate with a few slices of fried bacon was placed in front of Niu Lidong.

Niu Lidong breathed a sigh of relief, then he used a fork to pick the bacon into his mouth with a little effort.

A quiet and peaceful morning, a full breakfast was provided.

If it weren't for the sudden appearance of the fireball outside the window that suddenly made the sun seem to lose its brightness, then today is really a good day.

Gao Qi and Anna stopped for a moment. They looked at the window, but the light outside the window was only a flash, and the old butler in the tuxedo jumped over, and then closed the curtains with a brush.

Shrugging high, Anna exhaled, Niu Lidong stood up in a daze, and then he trembled: "What was that just now?"

Gao Qi felt that it was necessary to explain Niu Lidong's question, so he said in a deep voice, "If you guessed it correctly, it's a nuclear bomb."

"Nuclear bomb, nuclear bomb?"

Niu Lidong's mouth has grown up, he lifted up and knocked on the table lightly, saying: "Sit down, eat, don't make a fuss."

Niu Lidong sat down on the chair, and then he said with a dazed face: "Brother Qi, someone bombarded you with a nuclear bomb!"

"Well, I think if conventional missiles are ineffective, why no one uses nuclear bombs? It seems they still use them now."

Niu Lidong said with a sad face: "Are you not afraid of it? Nuclear bombs..."

"If we are within the power range of a nuclear bomb, then we can't run. If we are not within the kill radius of a nuclear bomb, then we don't need to run. Big explosions can't run. Small explosions don't need to run. Nuclear bomb explosions are actually similar to earthquakes. "

After speaking with a relaxed expression, he raised his head and looked at Niu Lidong and said, "So relax, don't be afraid. In the original war of different animals, nuclear bombs were useless. Haven't you seen it?"

Niu Lidong shook his head blankly. After a moment of contemplation, he suddenly said: "Brother Qi, what do you think about using a nuclear bomb to land mine?"

"There are nuclear mines, Lidong, you are not allowed to talk about mines when you eat later."

At this moment, someone knocked on the door, and then did not wait for them to respond, Leo Ni directly pushed the door in.

Leonie looked a little tired. When she came to the dining table, she said without hesitation: "Miss, we should leave after breakfast."

Anna looked sideways at Leo Ni, then she smiled and said, "Okay."

He stood up calmly and said, "So urgent, because of the nuclear bomb that just exploded?"

Leonie said with a serious face: "To the west of us..."

Suddenly, the whole house shook. This was a shock wave, but the vibration was only slightly felt. This shows that the nuclear explosion was not too far away, but not too close. In short, it must be outside the dangerous range.

Leoni paused for a while, and then she continued: "A nuclear bomb was still detonated after being intercepted. It is about one million tons in the order of magnitude and has a single warhead. Although the threat is not great, it is now blowing in a westerly wind. To avoid the impact of nuclear dust, we'd better change the sponsorship."

Gao Qi said seriously: "Could you tell me how many missiles you have intercepted from yesterday to now, and then the nuclear bomb, is this only one?"

Leonie was silent for a moment, and then she whispered: "Forty-one medium- and short-range conventional surface-to-surface missiles and 27 intercontinental missiles all carry nuclear warheads, but the nuclear bomb just now is not a surface-to-surface missile, but a spacecraft. Long-range air-to-surface missiles launched."

Gao Qi said with great interest: "Do you know which cities have launched missiles? Can you tell me? It's inconvenient."

"There are not too many cities that can accurately locate, modify launch data, and then launch intercontinental missiles."

It was not Leonie, but Anna, who said with disdain: "I think these missiles are just an expression. They can't really expect to kill you with missiles."

Leonie smiled slightly embarrassed, and then she said seriously: "Sorry, but you are wrong. It was Bollywood that launched the intercontinental missiles. They launched almost all of the intercontinental missiles, a total of twenty-six, and the other one. It was launched by Daehan City. As for the short- and medium-range missiles, of course they were launched by nearby cities."

Gao Qiji said in a puzzled way: "Asan and Dabangzi? Are they sick?"

Leoni nodded and said: "According to our understanding, they just have something wrong."

Gao Qi waved his hand and said with a look of disdain: "These two cities, if I look at them with a straight eye, I will count as I lose. There is nothing to say. What about the one that exploded just now?"

Leo Ni whispered: "Red Square!"

"You can't stop it?"

"No, UU reading and their nuclear bombs blew themselves up."

He exhaled and laughed: "Understood, this is Maozi's way of saying hello. They want to say hello to me with a nuclear bomb. Okay, maybe they should be coming soon, so what will you do?"

Leoni said seriously: "We are only responsible for providing you with a temporary camp where you can rest. We don’t care about everything else. See or not, it all depends on how you choose, but if you don’t want to be disturbed, we can try our best. Help you decline visitors."

Gao Qi was really surprised this time. He hesitated and said, "No! Bernhard... Isn't Mr. Planck okay?"

Leoni still said calmly: "No objection."

Gao Ji didn't understand what Bernhard was making. He thought that Bernhard would not allow other cities to make his ideas, but now, he was really confused.

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