Law of Fire

Chapter 354: Obsolete

The Hellfire Commando was formed.

The commandos have all passed the shooting test and also passed the literacy test. Only forty-two players were officially selected. Together with the candidates made by Gao Qi, and Gao Qi himself, it was finally worth 50. personal.

These people have all passed the marksmanship, and their personal survivability is good. In fact, these people don't need to try, and they can survive in the wasteland. Whether as a deserter or a robber, there are definitely two things.

The basic order and prohibition can be achieved. The most basic kind can also form the most basic cooperation, but the smaller the number of people, the better. Once the number of people exceeds ten, it will be difficult for them to complete one cooperation.

But now is not the time to train, and there is no time to train. On the day the Hellfire Commando was just formed, they had to be pulled into the battlefield when they got up high.

Sin City’s offensive ended in failure, but the strength is still there, and it is still much stronger than Hellfire. Even without tank helicopters, it has the ability to wipe out Hellfire.

Whether it is to cover the transfer of the hellfire's large forces, or to grasp the accurate position of the Sin City army, and the next move, Gao Qi must lead the assault team.

The personnel have all assembled, ate a full meal, collected backpacks as much as possible, and asked the commandos to put on at least complete clothes and shoes as much as possible, carry three-day rations, and strengthen their arms to the greatest extent. It is guaranteed that there are more than 300 rounds of bullets, more than three grenades, plus eight rocket launchers at the bottom of the press box, and this team has completed all preparations.

When the commando team departs, Chuck will lead the remaining people to move to the mountain first, and after receiving the safety reminder from the commando team, Chuck will lead the large force to move to other places.

The three cars have been warmed up, and all of them have been seated in the car. At this time, Chuck approached the raised window with a tangled face, and then he whispered: "It’s best if you take the hellfire away. People who took away most of the rocket launchers and bullets, I want to know, you won’t just leave like this and never come back again?”

Of course Chuck would have doubts. Not many people were taken away by the height, but they were the backbone of the hellfire, and bullets were scarce. The fifty commandos took nearly half of the bullets.

If Gao Qi took the commando team and never returned, Chuck would really have to take the rest of the men as slaves.

Gao Qi didn't say anything, because he knew that nothing could dispel Chuck's doubts, so he just said faintly: "Waiting for my news, well, we should set off."

Chuck, who was lying on the car window, stood up, and then said with a complicated expression, "Good luck."

The raised car was in the front, he stretched his hand out the window and swung it forward twice, and said loudly, "Go!"

The car started slowly, and a total of three cars drove slowly along the highway under the gaze of many people.

Wang Ke drove, and Wang Mingyuan sat in the co-pilot. When the car started, he looked irritable and said, "Did we just start off like this? Don’t you send someone to explore the road? Seriously, I think you lack Respect for heavy weapons, many people don’t know what a real war is. Do you think you can fight with a gun? Don’t be kidding, the cannon will tell you what the **** of war is, and don’t forget, today They do have cannons, they have cannons!"

Wang Ke whispered: "Dad, don't talk about it, Boss Gao knows."

Wang Mingyuan frowned, and said angrily: "He knows what a shit! Do you think the supernatural being is omnipotent? Do the magicians know everything? Even if he has gone through a hundred times, he can know what to fight without having experienced modern warfare. ?"

Gao Qi felt a little jarring, so he could only say: "Pharaoh, take your peace of mind, don't be so scared, I know it in my heart."

Wang Mingyuan immediately turned his head, he stared at Gao and said: "Tell me, how can you spot the enemy in ambush ahead? How do you know if someone is already aiming at us with a cannon? If you don't know this, how can you guarantee me? Security?"

He grinned and said, "Do you know why I only bring three cars, because the three cars keep driving at the shortest distance, which is the limit I can control. If we really encounter an enemy, at least I can promise not Will be served in a pot."

Wang Mingyuan sighed, he hesitated for a while, and finally said: "Or you can explain it to me in detail, why are you sure you won't let us be sent to the sky by a cannonball?"

He said in a high voice, "I don't know how to explain it to you, because these are two completely different systems. I can't talk about the better one, but in this world that doesn't understand magic at all, as a magician, I am sure It will be greatly convenient. Let’s put it this way, I am not afraid of long-range attacks, I am only afraid of close attacks, so if the enemy uses aircraft and cannon, I am not afraid, but if the enemy is a very powerful genetic warrior, I will be in trouble. "

After speaking, Gao Qi said seriously: "You must be a very powerful genetic warrior. Even if you don’t have a strong body, skills and experience are equally important. For most genetic warriors I have seen, They are not great."

Wang Mingyuan spread his hand and said, "So we are invincible? Just like this, we swayed along the road?"

Gao Qi laughed and said: "I know what you are worried about. You are worried that we will be counter-ambushed, but it is unlikely that we will encounter an ambush now, because the army in Sin City also has to maneuver along the road. They don't need to be too much. We will fight back if we are too careful."

Wang Mingyuan frowned and said, "You are not an did you know."

Gao Qi found that Wang Mingyuan not only had a problem with his brain, but he was also a good man. He could only helplessly say: "Well, don't say it. Fighting is not a fixed formula. You just have to watch it carefully."

Fighting is not that simple. Gao Qi won't be silly and lead people to slam into the past, but he now needs to seize the time, at least to grasp the enemy's position and movement as soon as possible, so he has to take a certain risk and speed up as fast as possible. Follow the enemy's only way.

Is it possible for the enemy to set up ambush? It is possible, but the possibility is very small, because even if the enemy suffers a defeat, it still has absolute strength to wipe out the hellfire, and the reason why the enemy loses is because of the existence of this uncommon sense. Caused.

So the enemy’s greatest possibility now is to flee, to escape at the fastest speed instead of ambushing. Even if you want to ambush, you should also ambush a super powerful superpower.

No one would use cannons and bazookas to ambush a super-powerful person, because it's useless.

The times are different, and the methods of warfare are changing, but Wang Mingyuan's understanding of war is obviously still stuck in the past, so what he said is not unreasonable, it's just outdated.

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