Law of Fire

Chapter 366: Not a secret

Wang Mingyuan could apologize because Gao Qi finally couldn't help but put his hand on the handle of the gun, and then he couldn't help pulling out the gun halfway.

I am definitely reluctant to shoot Wang Mingyuan in the head, but he really can't bear it when he gets up high, so this is just his subconscious action.

But the effect was very good. Wang Mingyuan not only shut up, he even knew that he had apologized.

Gao Qi finally got out of the car, and he returned to his car. When the car started again, he began to search for things in his bag.

"What are you looking for?"


Although Gao Qi has not contacted the outside world during this period, he must bring something like a phone with him. Watching Gao Qi took out the box containing the phone, he took out the phone without hesitation. Anna finally Could not help but said: "Are you going to call Otto now?"

"Yes, since I can ask in the most convenient way, why is it dragging."

Anna was a little nervous and hesitant, and said: "Otto's conditions are bound to be excessive. If you call him like this, he will definitely take the opportunity to blackmail you."

Gao Qi was turning on the phone, and he said calmly: "It's okay."

Anna held her raised hand and said with a serious face: "I don't want to be a hostage. I don't want to be a hostage used by Bernhard and Otto to threaten you. This makes me feel very bad. I would rather... "

Gao Qi is a little impatient now, and his temper is not very good when he is impatient.

"Don't say it, since there is the simplest solution to the matter, use the simplest solution."

He raised the phone to his ear, he had already broadcast the phone.

Anna wanted to stop, but in the end she didn't say anything, just sighed softly.

After the call was connected, Otto whispered on the phone: "Hello, Lord Huo."

There is no need to go around and say directly: "Tell me what happened to Anna, then tell me if you can solve it, and finally, what conditions do you have, follow the order, otherwise I won't talk to you."

Otto was silent for a moment, and then he whispered: "I knew you were going to call me, but I didn't expect it to be so fast. Well, did you make a mistake about your situation?"

"You made a mistake in the order. I will give you one more chance at the end. If you don't tell me, I will tell you this in another way and somewhere, or I can talk to another person. I think Bernhard must be interested. Talk to me about the terms."

Gao Qi still didn't know the situation, but he knew that since Bernhard was still in charge of the Science and Technology City, and Otto bypassed Bernhard to find him, then Otto must be hiding from Bernhard.

I looked at my watch and said in a high voice, "I'm about to fight soon. I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. You successfully scared me. I am really afraid of losing Anna now. So I am now in order to protect Anna. Really do everything, I may immediately declare war on Bernhard, but if I feel that I do not have any confidence in victory, I may immediately surrender to Bernhard."

Going up and hitting the key point, his meaning is very simple, that is, if Otto can't give him the answer he wants right away, then for the sake of Anna's life, he is likely to surrender to Bernhard immediately, because Bernhard is the one Someone who can solve the fundamental problem.

In this way, no matter what Otto was planning, he lost the opportunity.

Otto said without hesitation: "Anna has some instruments in her body that can monitor her location, detect her environment, hear what she says, and even kill her in an instant."

Otto is very prosperous, but his raised heart is even more gloomy. He whispered: "Is it some instruments? How can it be done, how can it be removed."

"I don’t know how to remove it. In my opinion, it’s not the technology of the earth, so I don’t know how to solve Anna’s problem, but Bernhard has an experimental team, and I have begun to infiltrate this team, so you If I can meet my conditions and agree to cooperate with me, it is still possible to solve the problem."

He took a deep breath and said, "State your conditions."

Otto said without hesitation: "Help me kill Bernhard."

Unexpected answer, Gao Qi will not be surprised by Otto's answer. After thinking for a moment, he said in a deep voice, "Is this your condition?"

"This is my only condition. I know you want to kill Bernhard, so I know you will agree. We are natural allies."

If Otto wants to kill Bernhard, then he and Gao Qi are indeed natural allies, but if one must choose between killing Bernhard and saving Anna, Gao Qi must choose the latter.

"You don't know how to save Anna, but Bernhard must know, so I might as well surrender to Bernhard and be loyal, so that Anna's problem can be solved completely."

Otto was caught off guard, and then he said in amazement: "Your way of thinking... is unique."

"Join if you can't beat her. Anna is very important to me. I can't bear the consequences of losing her, so I choose the simplest and most direct way. If you can solve Anna's problem, we will have talks, otherwise there will be no talk at all."

Otto whispered: "It really is the most direct way, but you are bluffing me. You know Bernhard is not a negotiator, because he is a complete lunatic."

Gao Qi tried to take the initiative, but he found that he couldn't do it because he and Otto both knew enough about Bernhard.

Fortunately, this is just a temptation. Although there is no way to take the initiative, it will not stop talking about it, so Gao Qi immediately said: "Well, talk about your conditions and plans."

"Kill Bernhard, I will be able to take over the entire laboratory, and then I will naturally relieve Anna’s hidden dangers. Listen, this is a cooperation that is beneficial to both of us. I didn’t treat you as a fool, and you don’t want to. Treat me as an idiot."

"Agree Any plans?"

Otto was silent for a moment, and then he whispered: "Science and Technology City will send powers to participate in the Powers Contest in City One. Bernhard will attend. I hope you can kill him by then, for Anna and for you. Yourself, you have no choice."

Gao Qi said without hesitation: "Why kill him in City One?"

"Because Bernhard is invincible in his own home, and he has no chance to kill him in the Tech City. When he is in his own spacecraft, he can't kill him either. His most recent travel plan is only for City One. We can prepare early for the superpower contest."

"Well, we cooperate to kill Bernhard, are there other conditions?"

"No, I know you will agree to it. As an ally, I now tell you a secret without any strings attached that will allow you to quickly get to Sin City."

Gao Qi said: "What you are saying is that the city lord of Sin City is a spiritual supernatural being?"

Otto was silent for a long time, and then he finally whispered: "How did you know?"

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