Law of the Devil

Chapter 42: Du Wei's Plan to Get Rich

Chapter 42 [Du Wei's plan to get rich] (Chapter 2 today)

Soon, the Black Pearl, which hung a new flag, turned around and headed for the nearest port.

After a day and a half of voyage, this former pirate ship encountered the imperial navy warship that had been chasing them for the past two days!

After a tense confrontation, the officers on the naval warship were surprised to see that it was not a pirate flag hanging on the other side's mast... but a... weird flag!

Then the subordinates reported that the flag bearer on the pirate ship called a semaphore and demanded to surrender...they were not pirates.

The next thing is much simpler.

The captain of the naval warship ordered to be alert, accepted the "surrender" of the pirate ship, and then learned that the young master of the Luo Lin family who had been missing for many days was on board the pirate ship...

Even, that young master actually captured such a ship of pirates!

The captain of the imperial navy stared round his eyes! According to the laws of the empire, the nobles themselves have the right to directly dispose of any captives of the nobles... Of course, treason and other major crimes are not included!

However, this young master dealt with several pirates... the captain of the naval warship is still willing to turn a blind eye to such a trivial matter.

After all, this is the young master of the Luo Lin family! He is the eldest son of Earl Raymond!

Earl Raymond, who once served as the general of the Imperial Navy's expeditionary fleet, has a wide network of contacts in the Imperial Navy! Has a very high prestige!

Naturally, the navy's ship would not embarrass Earl Raymond's son!

After the two boats stopped in parallel, the honorable Master Du Wei was transferred to the warship with a sampan. For safety reasons, the navy ship also sent two teams of soldiers to board the pirate ship to monitor the pirates.

"Master Du Wei!" The captain of this naval warship is a typical naval soldier, without any armor on his body, in a uniform, and short in stature. Bronze skin that has been tested by the sea wind and waves, and rough hands: "Our entire fleet has been broken up and searched for your whereabouts in the nearby waters! A military order has been issued in the fleet. Find your ship first, and you can get your whereabouts in the nearby waters!" A one-month vacation on Walker Harbor! God bless, let me get such a big credit! Hahahaha..."

Du Wei was slightly surprised...the whole fleet is looking for him?

Although his old man used to be a high-ranking general of the navy, and is now the number two in the imperial army...but he doesn't like himself... It seems that he wouldn't go to such lengths to find him?

With doubts, Du Wei and the captain had a conversation in the captain's room. Du Wei quickly learned something.

It seems that he has become a key bargaining chip for the imperial army to bargain against the magic union.

Find yourself and make big things small.

I can't find myself... The conflict between the military and the Magician's Union will intensify! This is what no one wants to see!

"These two are..." The captain looked at Vivian and Joanna beside Du Wei.

"My two friends." Du Wei said vaguely.

Of course he wouldn't say directly: They are the two magicians who made a big fuss in the barracks! See that woman in armor! She was the one who almost killed me! It was she who attacked the local barracks!

If you say that... then I'm afraid it will cause trouble!

Now Joanna's magic has been fully restored! If she makes a fuss, I'm afraid that the people in these two boats will be buried in the sea easily!

This navy captain is not a fool, but he didn't ask any more questions, just skipped the topic: "Well, please rest, I have prepared food and water... If you need anything, I will try my best to arrange it... Please don't be polite! My younger brother once served in the Imperial Expeditionary Fleet, and he was an officer under your father's command! I also respect Earl Raymond very much, he is the pride of our Imperial Navy!"

Before leaving, the navy captain couldn't help asking: "Forgive me...Master Du Wei, what do you plan to do with those pirates? They are some desperadoes, you..."

"They are my captives, and I have the right to deal with them first. Isn't that right?" Du Wei said with a smile: "Just in time, I will have a fleet, and I will incorporate them into my fleet. I need some Experienced sailors and seamen. And I like their boat, too."

In fact, the navy captain really wanted to remind Du Wei: You don't have a formal title yet, so, strictly speaking, you can't actually own a private army.

However, in fact, the descendants of all the big families in the empire will be awarded titles. People will turn a blind eye to build a private army earlier and later. Who will really pursue these? .

"I have named this ship 'Black Pearl', and it will become the flagship of my fleet." Du Wei continued with a smile.

"So, what's the name of your fleet... Oh no, I'm not talking too much, but they are pirates after all, although they belong to you now, but after landing, I need to do some paper work, so I have to Know this, and fill out some paperwork to cross them off the Navy's sweeping targets. So, I need you to provide the names of your fleet."

Du Wei smiled. He dragged the captain to the deck and looked at the "Black Pearl" not far away.

"Did you see the flag on the ship?" Du Wei smiled happily.

"... I see it." The captain was a little strange: "I've never seen such a strange flag... What does that mean?"

If there is a person from Du Wei's previous life next to him, he will definitely faint when he sees that flag!

Because, on that flag, there is clearly a huge, chubby uppercase English letter "m"! !

"McDonald's!" Du Wei replied without changing his face: "The name of my fleet is 'McDonald's Fleet'! You can declare this name on the document."

Watching the captain leave with a blank face. Du Wei was thinking maliciously in his heart...

How interesting will it be one day in the future when more than a dozen warships are flying the "McDonald's" flag?

After the two ships sailed at sea for a few days, they arrived at the port city on the east coast of the Lille province in the south of the empire: Port Walker.

This is a typical small coastal port town, a natural arc-shaped harbor, which has become the best sheltered port. There are countless large and small ships moored on the pier, merchant ships from all over the world, private armed merchant ships... The pier is full of disembarkation. Fun sailors, busy clerks, tax officials, coolie porters, porters...

Of course, there are taverns, large and small, and cheap prostitutes dressed in colorful colors, who will drain the last copper coins in the pockets of sailors who have been at sea for months!

After the two boats stopped, Du Wei and others finally landed on the mainland!

After so many days at sea, Du Wei felt a little weak when he stepped on the ground for the first step.

Fortunately, he came back alive. and……

Du Wei smiled, and touched his head calmly.

He wore a fine hat and had now changed into a naval officer's uniform without epaulettes. He looked like a handsome young naval officer... only a little too young, and a little too thin.

Walker Harbor is a civilian port, not a naval port. There is also no navy stationed here, and the nearest to here is a local garrison barracks, stationed with a thousand infantry regiments.

This prosperous port city can provide the empire with a large amount of tax gold coins every year, and maritime trade can also provide a large amount of profits.

When Du Wei walked out of the port, he immediately felt the prosperity here!

This is different from the majesty of the empire, which is full of the luxurious atmosphere of the upper class. It is also different from those peaceful and harmonious cities in the Luolin Plain.

Here... the first impression is... crowded!

There are all kinds of people on the road! Drunken sailors, sailors, and potbellied merchants, tax officials on horseback.

There are also various shops on the streets on both sides.

It can be said that the developed maritime trade has provided Port Walker with almost all kinds of goods from all over the world! You can find and buy anything and everything here!

Du Wei even saw a stronghold of the Magician's Guild in such a port city! !

Under the protection of a team of navy soldiers, Du Wei didn't have enough space to hang out, so he went straight back to the hotel - the entire hotel was taken over by the navy.

So, what's next?

Du Wei waited patiently.

Two days later, Robert Cavalier, Ruo Lin and the others arrived, after they got the news from the Magicians Union using magic. Immediately came without sleep.

Robert Cavalier lost weight twice, looked extremely haggard, and blamed himself extremely. Ruolin's complexion was pale, and she had just recovered from her injuries, and it was very hard to run back and forth these days.

These two men brought a whole group of Luo Lin's private army light cavalry, a whole thousand people!

It also brought bad news.

Because of Du Wei's accident, the Luo Lin family was pushed to the cusp of conflict with the Magician's Union! In that case, even if they don't want to be enemies of the Magicians Union, the Rowling family has no choice but to confront the Magicians Union for their own honor and face! .

In this way, Earl Raymond was in an embarrassing situation.

And all of this, in his opinion, was caused by this son!

Knight Robert brought not only a team of cavalry to protect Du Wei, but also a severe reprimand from the Earl, and an order:

Du Wei had to answer the castle in Rollin Plain immediately, and within a year, he was banned from going out! This is his punishment.

And, cut off his pocket money for a year... the three hundred gold coins every month are gone!

Du Wei was also ordered not to interfere with any property in the family territory!

During the lockdown period, Du Wei was not allowed to step out of the manor around the castle! At the same time, he must obey the old steward in the castle.

If Du Wei causes any trouble to the family again... Then, what awaits him is probably a more severe punishment!

But Du Wei didn't care!

He had expected that he would be angered by the Earl.

Banned for a year? Anyway, for the next year, Du Wei also plans to stay in the castle honestly...

He needs to digest it... Chris's giveaway! hum...

Just in time for a lot of study time!

As for pocket money... three hundred gold coins per month? Du Wei doesn't care anymore!

"I'm grounded and not allowed to interfere with the family business... That's all? Nothing else? Then I do other things, or send people out to do something, is it not within the scope of the restrictions?"

Robert shook his head: "This... there shouldn't be any."

"That's good."

Du Wei smiled with satisfaction: "Oh, Ruolin, is your injury healed? That's great. I happen to have one thing that I've been thinking about for a long time. I'm afraid I can only leave it to you to do it."

Afterwards, Du Wei asked everyone to retreat, and then invited Joanna.

"Joanna, look, this is your partner." Du Wei smiled and said, "You won't go back on your word?"

Joanna felt a little helpless: "Okay, kid, I do owe you my life! But remember, it's just this one time! I'll only help you with this task!"

What Du Wei asked Joanna to do was very simple... This master of both magic and martial arts will take Du Wei's "Black Pearl" sea!

The task is: sweep up all the pirates you can find! !

Du Wei's idea is very simple: I can neither do business now, I have no capital, and I have no experience in doing maritime trade... I don't even have pocket money. Where do I get the money to experiment with magic...and my fleet of McDonald's?

After much deliberation, there is only one word!


Grab the Imperial Navy? Du Wei didn't dare.

Grab the merchant ships at sea? Du Wei didn't want to cause any more trouble.

Then...the only thing left is to grab the pirates!

It's not illegal to rob pirates! It's even an act encouraged by the Imperial Navy! There are even bounties from the Imperial Navy! Big bounties are on the heads of some famous pirate bosses!

Then, with a master like Joanna, with a Black Pearl who is familiar with everything in the pirate circle, sailing on the sea...

No one else can find those pirates! But Captain Jack Sparrow is sure to find it! After all, they were originally pirates too!

Then, the next thing is easy!


Grab money! Those pirates must have savings! They must have hoarded the wealth they robbed over the years! Just enough to replenish the dry wallet of Master Du Wei.

Steal people! Du Wei can continue to "capture" those pirates, sell the disobedient ones to the Imperial Navy in exchange for bounties, and keep the obedient ones and organize them into Du Wei's private fleet...

Grab the boat! Du Wei will not tolerate only one Black Pearl in his "McDonald's Fleet"! He has no money to buy a ship, so he can only grab the pirate's ship!

Joanna's strong strength is the greatest guarantee!

This kind of costless business...Of course no one else would think of it...But, who can find a master with the identity of a great magician to help with such a boring thing?

Those great magicians raised their jaws to the sky! Even the royal ministers may not buy it!

"Legally let your wallet bulge up as soon as possible!" This is Du Wei's guiding ideology!

Of course, this matter cannot be entrusted to Joanna. The chick Joanna just helped him for three months temporarily because she owed Du Wei a favor! In three months, the chick will be gone.

Of course... when persuading her, Du Wei also used a little trick, such as... looking into her eyes.

Then, Ruolin is the best person to do this! This female knight has experience in adventures, robbing, catching people, and offering rewards. She is the most familiar with these things.

Moreover, with the signboard of the Rowling family, the navy will not embarrass her outside.

After everything was arranged, the female magician and the female knight went out. At this time, a person who had been waiting outside the door for a long time finally ran in. When he came in, he fell down in front of Du Wei and hugged Du Wei's arm. leg.

"My respected master, I am your most loyal servant Made..."

Du Wei glanced at the former groom and said with a smile, "Oh, dear Mad, long time no see."

Ma De is also living a miserable life these days. He knows very well that everything he has is based on this young master... If the young master is finished, then he may have to go back to be a groom!

"Okay Mad, you've stained my, pack your bags, we're going home!"

(The two chapters are completed... I ask everyone to vote~!)



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