Law of the Devil

Chapter 447 What are you

Du Wei took a deep breath, and suppressed the ambiguity in his heart.

"Miss Delly." Du Wei's voice sounded pleasant, gentle, and polite, just like the children from the most outstanding family that Miss Delly has met... But, on such an occasion However, Du Wei's tone made Delly feel chills in her heart.

"Miss Delly, I'm Du Wei. I think you must be looking forward to meeting me." Du Wei smiled. He took two steps closer, and the smile on his face was as elegant as at a nobleman's banquet. And there is no flaw: "It's a pity, I really didn't expect that our first meeting would be on such an occasion... Your Royal Highness."

In a calm state, the title "His Royal Highness" seems to have deeply stimulated Dai Li's heart!

Yes, I am the princess! She is the future queen of the empire! She is one of the most noble women on this continent...

It's a pity that after this kind of stimulation only made Dai Li's heart tremble for a while, the flame was extinguished by Du Wei again in an instant!

The method Du Wei uses to extinguish Delly's self-confidence is very simple... he uses movements!

With a relaxed movement and even a bit of elegant manner, Du Wei has already sat down gently - sitting on Delly's bed!

His body is only a little distance away from Delly's curled up legs, as long as he stretches out his hand - no, not "as long as", because Du Wei's hand has already been stretched out!

Du Wei's fingers are slender, the skin of the palm is fair, and the shape of the hand is very beautiful-at first glance, it looks like the standard hand of a child of aristocratic family. It's a pity, at this moment, such beautiful hands. But it became Miss Delly's biggest nightmare!

Du Wei's fingertips touched Delly's calf delicately. The first time her fingertips touched the ground, Delly exclaimed as if she had been electrocuted. Hurry up and shrink back desperately... It's a pity. She's already in the corner. There is no room for retreat!

Therefore, Du Wei pointed. It didn't take much effort. It has been completely pressed on Delly's calf, and then. The slender fingers grasped Delly's plump, strong and slender calf.

Delly just felt that she was about to die of heart beat-he, him! The Tulip Duke. His fingers are still sliding up! ! !

Du Wei's fingers are extremely dexterous. It seems to have some kind of strange rhythm. Gently stroked across the skin of Delly's delicate legs. Fingertips slide gently. flick gently. Then stroked gently. Delly's face was so red that she was about to bleed, and her breathing became extremely short without knowing it. In a pair of eyes. In addition to fear. It seems that there are still some differences...

"Look, Miss Delly." Du Wei suddenly stopped the movement of his hands, and his hands stopped on Delly's knee, and then looked straight into Delly's eyes.

Delly's heart trembled suddenly, and she felt ashamed to die for the strange thoughts in her mind just now. And when she saw Du Wei's calm and almost cold eyes, Delly felt an unspeakable humiliation in her heart - him. He was playing tricks on himself on purpose! His eyes are so calm, he doesn't want to possess himself at all...

"Miss Delly, I think you should understand some current affairs now." Du Wei smiled lightly, and tapped his finger on Delly's knee. Looking at Delly with weird eyes: "Look. You are the future princess. But, as long as I want, I can taste your taste to my heart's content right now! So, before we start talking, I hope you understand one thing: your That princess status is worthless in my eyes. As long as I want, I can tear off all your masks and disguises at any time! Now, do you understand?"

Delly nodded vigorously.

Du Wei smiled again. His eyes swept over Delly's waist and chest: "You are indeed beautiful—this should be regarded as a sincere compliment from a man."

Delly's heart tightened: "Master Tulip Duke, you. What do you want from me?!"

"No no no no..." Du Wei repeatedly shook his head: "You are already in my grasp. No matter what I want from you, do you have the ability to stop or resist me? So, your question is wrong .This question should be asked by me: beautiful Miss Delly, what do you want from me?"

"I... I just want to go back freely." Miss Delly shed tears: "For the sake of Almighty God. Duke Tulip. I surrender. You let me go back, I swear on the soul of my parents, I will never I will not pursue this matter... And, I will keep everything I know! I swear..."

When Delly said these few words, her tone was very sincere—and. At least at this moment, she really thought so in her heart, and she didn't lie.

But Du Wei laughed.

He smiled contemptuously. With a hint of mockery... and this smile fell into Delly's eyes, but she felt the wisdom in the eyes of the young duke in front of her, looking at her smile, like an elder who sees everything, Looking at the little hairy child playing immature tricks in front of him.

"Hehe, Miss Delly, I'm starting to like you a little bit." Du Wei smiled as if the two were ordinary friends chatting: "Really, I found that you really have some pleasing You are really innocent like a virgin. Oh, please forgive my analogy: you are indeed a virgin. But unfortunately, I am not interested in the content of your oath." Du Wei shook his head seriously: "In this world, there are three kinds of people The oath, in my opinion, is like bullshit."

As he said that, Du Wei raised up three fingers, fiddled with them one by one, and said with a smile: "The first type of person is a magic stick. I don't believe the oath of this kind of person. The second type of person is a politician. In my opinion Come on, the oaths of prostitutes are more credible than the oaths of politicians. The third type... is women, especially beautiful women."

Looking at Delly's pale face, Du Wei suddenly stretched out his finger, and gently flicked away a teardrop from the corner of her eye, and said softly: "Dear Miss Delly, of course I believe that you are really afraid of me right now. Yes, I really regret it, what you swear now is also a true portrayal of your heart at this moment... Unfortunately, I still can't believe you. Because, I understand a truth better: women are extremely fickle! Maybe as long as You walked out of here for less than three days. The flame of revenge will be ignited in your heart. Then you will find a way to seek revenge from me."

"I won't, I promise not to..."

Delly wasn't done yet. Du Wei has stretched out a finger. Gently pressed on Delly's lips

... Take it easy, dear Miss Delly. Don't worry! "

Du Wei withdrew his fingers. Looking closely at Delly's face, this girl has a pair of charming eyes, especially when the eyes of this kind of eyes are shimmering with fear and submissiveness like a newborn antelope, it can indeed make a man's blood boil.

"First of all, I want to introduce myself." Du Wei said slowly, "I'm not a kind person—never have been! So. I'm not a gentleman, you can call me a villain, or a hooligan. Or Call me shameless and despicable... That's up to you. But I'll just tell you my decision now: I'll give you two clear paths to take."

Du Wei continued lightly: "The first one, I can taste your taste right now... I never refuse delicious food. Moreover, I think it is very rare in this world to be able to possess the body of a beautiful princess. Few men would refuse! Moreover, after I have tasted your taste... I will reward you to others. My dear, I am a magic pharmacist. I have at least a hundred ways to make you Get pregnant as soon as possible, and then... when the time comes, I will throw you back to the imperial capital! Can you imagine what will happen to you?"

Delly felt that her fingertips were getting cold!

What will happen to me?

no doubt. If he was really ruined like this, then in order to protect the family's face, he would be secretly executed by the family, and then make up a reason... Maybe what was waiting for him was a cup of poison, or a rope! Then. I will disappear from this world so silently!

So many ambitions I had since I was a child, those brilliant lives that I have imagined so many times in my heart, will disappear with it! Cut off! !

And in a fit of rage, Prince Chen. Maybe he will do something terrible to his family!

"But..." Delly felt that Du Wei was looking down at her, and even the tip of her nose was about to touch her face. This feeling of "weakness" made her unable to bear the thought of resistance, so she counterattacked: "But, Duke Tulip, you will be unlucky too... If you really treat me like that, then rape and You can't escape the crime of insulting a princess..."

"Hahahaha..." Du Wei laughed. Once again, this kind of smile made Delly feel guilty for no reason.

"Miss Delly, I can only say this to you very pitifully: It seems that you really don't understand men."

Looking into the eyes of this prey, Du Wei's understated words broke the opponent's self-confidence: "For you? For a beautiful girl, a civil war started? Do you think Prince Chen is that kind of stupid monarch? Let me tell you, at that time, Prince Chen will definitely be the first to cover up the truth! He will never allow such a scandal! I can even imagine that he will personally order you to be executed in secret! Then announce to the public You unfortunately fell ill and died... As for me, Duke Tulip of the empire! The largest creditor of the empire's finances! Hehe, do you think he will turn against me just because of you as a woman? Gather hundreds of thousands of troops and fight me again in the northwest Civil war? Two consecutive civil wars within five years?" Du Wei looked at Delly with a sneer: "I really doubt how you got those talents... Do you think your fiancé is a pig's brain? ? Or do you think you are the kind of goddess who is beautiful enough to make men faint for you?"

In the end, Du Wei's soft words completely made Delly's complexion collapse.

"Little girl, what do you think you are?"

This sentence was like a whip, and it hit Delly's heart fiercely! The self-confidence that had almost dissipated in her heart immediately collapsed.

Delly thought about it carefully, it seems that... this Du Wei is not simply threatening himself.

If you really reached the step he said, waiting for your own fate must be very miserable!

Secretly executed, that's for sure! After all, it is impossible for the royal family to marry a woman who has lost her virginity as the princess of the empire!

And if he falls out of favor and causes such a scandal, there is no guarantee that the regent who is stimulated and angry will not anger his family... Even if he is a smart monarch, he will not anger his family, but the family should not expect to be angry in the future. It was continued to be reused!

Just imagine, when a monarch sees you, he will think of something that makes him very unhappy-then, the monarch will definitely keep you far away, the farther the better!

And Du Wei... It's really hard to say whether the Tulip Duke will be punished! After all, judging from the previous records, the regent really had a lot of trust in him.

Most importantly, what Du Wei said is correct... The empire will not start two large-scale civil wars in a few years!

As long as this Tulip Duke imitates Lu Gao of the Northwest Army and owns a large area of ​​land and troops in the Northwest, then even if he is obedient to the central government, he can at least be a happy warlord for decades!

Delly was frightened. She was subjected to round after round of continuous psychological offensive by Du Wei, which almost destroyed her self-confidence and normal thinking ability.

At this moment, she didn't expect... This kind of situation is definitely not what Du Wei wants to see!

Du Wei didn't want to fall out with the regent because of a woman! More importantly, there should be no gap between the two sides now! Du Wei didn't even have the idea of ​​becoming a warlord in the northwest...

Everything is to blame this Delly! This stupid woman!

"I don't believe in women's oaths, but I believe in everything else... For example, handles." Du Wei said lightly: "Miss Delly, I can let you go, but you must give me a way to make me feel safe." The handle. Do you understand?"

Delly was stunned, she felt Du Wei's eyes looking at her, and immediately had a bad association - now she has become the other party's prisoner, and he can easily get whatever he wants... Did he say that because he wanted to possess his own body? .

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