Law of the Devil

Chapter 45 Semel the Gossip

Du Wei has made many assumptions, imagining what is sealed in this oil painting.

The "video" left by Semel with the magic circle has already stated that this is a magical creature left by Semel.

Maybe it could be a ghost? a monster? Even if Semel left behind a talking skeleton, Du Wei wouldn't be the slightest bit surprised.

But all the guesses were wrong!

Walking out of the oil painting is Semel himself!

Looking at the silver-haired red-robed woman in front of him, Du Wei took a deep breath and murmured: "I didn't expect... I didn't expect..."

"I didn't expect anything?" Semel said, her voice was the same as that in the magic video that Du Wei had watched, soft and pleasant, with a little sexy hoarseness.

"I didn't expect you to seal yourself in the painting." Du Wei smiled wryly. After all, he had experienced too many amazing things. He quickly recovered from this blow and looked at the woman in front of him. : "What should I call you? Great Master Semel? Or... my great-great-great-grandmother?"


Semel smiled, and when she laughed, her eyes were crooked like bright moons.

"Neither." The silver-haired woman looked at Du Wei, and she seemed to have a very friendly attitude: "I am not Semel himself, just a...a replica."

Du Wei looked at her puzzled.

"Sammel left me as a guide for future generations... I am a magical creature who inherited part of her own knowledge... To be precise, I am a spiritual creature. I have no body, no real body... I It's just a shadow, a phantom." She looked at Du Wei and smiled, then stretched out her hand and slowly touched Du Wei's face.

Soon, her tender little hand "passed" through Du Wei's head.

"Look, my body is invisible, without a fixed form...I am just a copy of Semel's memory. As for my appearance..." She blinked suddenly: "This is my own choice. I My memories are all of Sammel, of a woman. And Sammel is the only woman I've ever met... In a way, I am Sammel, only a fraction It’s just Semel. So, I finally chose my own form, and I chose the appearance of Semel to see you.” Speaking of this, this “Semel” looked at Du Wei and said in a low voice: “ My master."

The gods testified that when this guy shouted the word "Master", there was a cunning light in his eyes.

Du Wei immediately realized that this magical creature released by him might not be that simple... let alone the kind of guy who is 100% obedient!

Not Semel himself...

This made Du Wei heave a sigh of relief. There are enough things to face.

Adding in a...resurrected great-great-great-grandmother would be a real pain in the ass.

"You...can you change into another look?" Du Wei sighed: "Your current appearance will put a lot of pressure on me...and what's more, if your appearance is seen by others."

"Don't worry, I was released by you with a spell. I am only related to your spiritual power... Others can't see me." She was still smiling.

"So, what should I call you? You gotta have a name?"

"Sammel." She thought for a while: "I still like this name, so just call me Semel."

Du Wei couldn't help wiping his's still a great-great-great-grandmother.


"Can you teach me star magic?" Du Wei frowned.

This Semel has probably been imprisoned for too long, and now he seems to be curious about everything.

She actually sat tall on Du Wei's desk, and her two white legs were right in front of Du Wei's eyes... dangling back and forth. Good God, doesn't she know that the hem of this gown of hers isn't very long?

After wandering around like this, it is really a bit suspected of being exposed.

Such a beautiful woman walking away in front of you... It was originally a very pleasant thing.

But if she looks exactly like your's not's weird!

Although Joanna's appearance is 80% or 90% similar, she is another person after all. Although they look alike, Du Wei will not feel uncomfortable because of his personality.

But the Semel in front of her not only looks alike, but even part of her memory is completely copied from the real Semel!

"Okay, come down!" Du Wei couldn't help turning his head away, then walked to a corner of the study, took a blanket from the sofa and threw it over: "Put this on."

Originally, Du Wei was going to spend the night in the study, and the blankets were prepared for him by the servants.

Semel's body flashed, not only was not covered by the blanket, but "worn" out from under the blanket, teasing maliciously: "Oh, young man, boy, why are you blushing? Am I not beautiful?"

"No, I just feel embarrassed..." Du Wei said with a straight face, "You are very beautiful, but I can't help but think of you as my great-great-great-grandmother."

"Hahahaha..." Semel smiled happily, then suddenly squeezed his eyes: "That might be interesting too!"

Du Wei has already started to have some headaches.

This Semel is not a mindless tool, she is almost a living person. After being created by the real Semel, she was originally just a copy of a memory...but after being sealed for nearly two hundred years, I'm afraid she has held back for too long!

Perhaps when this magical creature was created, her character was blank, but... two hundred years later, there is no doubt that her character has been "filled in" with something.

"Do you know? My lovely, handsome little master." Semel finally jumped off the table, but her body floated towards Du Wei like a ghost. There was a smile in her eyes: "I have been in the past two hundred years. I have always lived in this study! In this study, I have seen many things with my own eyes!"

Du Wei's heart moved: "What is it?"

The ancestors of the Luo Lin family will make some important decisions here! There are also many important matters related to the prosperity of the family, all of which were made in this room.

Of course... there must be many family secrets!

But... Du Wei was disappointed.

This Sammel, she is not talking about any secrets or important family events...



Yes, it's standard gossip! .

For example... a young master of a certain generation once had an affair with a certain beautiful maid in this study. The patriarch of a certain generation once wrote a love letter to his lover on the desk in this study... Even Du Wei heard about his "grandfather", that is, the father of the current Earl and the former patriarch of the family, from this Semel , a man considered to be serious and old-fashioned: after a banquet in a certain castle, he took two noble girls to hold an unobstructed meeting in this study...

"These... I saw them all with my own eyes!" When Semel said, there was still some curiosity and excitement in his eyes: "I also know that there are some prohibited books hidden on a certain shelf in this study, Would you like to take a look at the private collection left by your ancestors? My lovely, handsome little master?"

Du Wei smiled unnaturally. He looked at Semel with a malicious smile on his face, and sighed: "I'm not interested... Listen up! Your cute, handsome little master, the only one who is interested now It's... star magic. I want to learn the star magic left by Semel, understand?"

"Star magic...It's star magic again..." Semel's expression darkened suddenly: "Why does everyone like to learn magic... Is magic really that fun?"

The mischievous smile on this woman's face disappeared, and her eyes looked a little heavy: "Do you want to learn star magic? Well, I need to remind you, don't regret it in the future! Let me tell you, if it wasn't for star magic... Semel won't die so soon!"

Du Wei's heart moved: "What did you say? Didn't Semel commit suicide because of his grief after the death of her husband?"

"Sorry, this... is the only secret I can't tell you." Semel blinked: "The order... I was told is: unless you learn the magic of the stars, the last and the most difficult spell, otherwise, until then, I can't tell you about it."

Du Wei was already a little impatient: "Okay, I'm not very interested, so can we start studying?"

"Sorry, not tonight." Semel shook his head: "Star magic is different from ordinary magic, we can't practice it here... Semel left the white tower in this castle, and the white tower can be seen most clearly It is a very suitable place to practice... This study room is dark and the starry sky cannot be seen, so it is not suitable for learning star magic."

white tower...

Du Wei frowned: "Does it have to be the White Tower?"

Semel thought for a while: "If there is no White Tower...then it's best to be an empty, quiet place where you can clearly observe the starry sky...The most important thing is that you must be able to see the sky."

Du Wei looked at the time: "Then we can only start from tomorrow night... see you tomorrow night."

Du Wei didn't plan to say anything more to this "Semel"... After all, watching his great-great-great-grandmother running around in front of him with her calves lifted up in her robe... It's really not interesting. .

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