As everyone waited, the screen started playing.

The picture was a little shaky at first, but it gradually became clearer.

The first person came into view, and then a pack of cigarettes fell on the screen. The protagonist of the video did not pick it up, and seemed not to notice that the cigarettes had fallen.

When he came to his senses, the screen shifted, and three people just picked up the pack of cigarettes.

"Hey! That's mine, put it down."

"Sorry, this is what we found, you can't prove that it's yours, hahaha, we're leaving."

The yellow-haired man in the lead picked up the cigarettes and rode away on the electric bike, and the other two followed with laughter.

"You! You are committing robbery!" Lin Mo's exasperated voice came from the video.

The yellow-haired man in the lead laughed and said, "Haha, this is indeed what we picked up. If you don't accept it, go and sue us."

The three people on the screen were the Tian Yingguang trio.

After watching it, everyone was shocked again.

Is this what you call robbery? !

At this time, Lin Mo continued to speak: "Judge, these three people blatantly snatched a pack of Furongwang cigarettes worth 30 yuan from me. No matter from which angle, they have committed robbery."


Both the live broadcast room and the court were in uproar.


Is this the robbery charge that you, Lawyer Lin, confidently proposed?

You obviously threw that cigarette yourself!

Your own camera captured it, but you didn't pick it up and threw it in front of the three people.

Any lawyer will have a hundred angles to refute you!

The simplest one is how to prove that there is a cigarette in the cigarette shell? What if it is just a shell?

"666! I thought three people were robbing Wang Lele, but they were robbing Lawyer Lin, hahaha!"

"Pfft... I can't hold it anymore, I thought Lawyer Lin could come up with some serious evidence."

"It turns out that he faked the robbery scene himself, hahaha!"

"Lawyer Lin performed steadily again!"

"This... is unreasonable."

Luo Daxiang sighed at this time and explained: "This is not enough to be a crime of robbery, at most it is a crime of embezzlement, and the amount is relatively low, and the cigarettes are also disassembled and packaged, and the value cannot be proved..."

In short, it is ridiculous to want this to prove the other party's robbery.

The lawyers couldn't hold it anymore.

Wang Tao laughed directly on the chair.

Huang Jiancheng and others also laughed out loud.

Huang Xuan in the dock was so angry that he laughed. He thought Lin Mo's level was low, but he didn't expect it to be so low.

He can win this lawsuit with his eyes closed.

After Lin Mo finished speaking, he squinted his eyes and stared at Tian Yingguang and the other two. As a gold medal lawyer, how could Lin Mo not know his absurdity?

How could you not know that your evidence is just a bunch of crap?

But, this is my last chance for you.

"Judge, my statement is over."

Lin Mo stared at Huang Xuan and said coldly.

Wang Zhenghua sighed, then nodded slightly and looked at Huang Xuan in the dock.

"The plaintiff has submitted evidence now, and the existing evidence has been handed over to the defendant's lawyer. The defendant's lawyer can now review the evidence and raise any questions in court."

After reading it, Huang Xuan didn't even take out the materials.

Instead, he smiled and started to refute confidently.

He had read the record of the last trial. Since Lin Mo used the same materials, he just used the same rebuttal.

"First, the plaintiff's lawyer said that our client coerced Wang Lele to self-harm bullying, but it was just the other party's oral statement, and no evidence of the facts was produced..."

Simple and easy rebuttal of the first point.

"As for the robbery mentioned by the plaintiff's lawyer, I think it is unreasonable. If the value of the cigarettes is true, it is at most a crime of embezzlement. But the plaintiff's lawyer, this pack of cigarettes has obviously been opened. Can I assume that you threw away the empty shells after you finished smoking? In this case, it is worthless, so the crime of embezzlement cannot be established."

The robbery is easier to refute.

Easy, simple and perfect counterattack.

At this time, Huang Xuan added fiercely:

"Judge, I think lawyer Lin Mo has not figured out what the court is. I have reason to suspect that he is deliberately wasting legal resources and everyone's time."

Seeing this, anyone with a little legal knowledge knows that Lin Mo is doomed to lose.

Those who have expectations for Lin Mo all bowed their heads.

"Hey, I actually have expectations for lawyer Lin Mo, it's really fucked up..."

"The level is too low, I suggest that lawyer Lin Mo be banned in the future!"

"There is no evidence, and you still come up to sue! Isn't this unreasonable!"

The audience in the comment area was very angry.

"Wu Jia, is Lele going to lose?" Jiao Wendong asked blankly.

At this moment, the live broadcast room they were watching was full of words cursing Lin Mo.

Wu Jia's little face also drooped, and she sighed and said: "It seems... yes"

At this moment, all the students in the Fifth Middle School who were concerned about this matter and who were bullied by the three people lowered their heads in pain.

Lost again!

Luo Daxiang also said in the live broadcast room: "If lawyer Lin Mo can't produce strong evidence, this lawsuit will be lost."

"Then lawyer Luo, can bullies all over the country learn the bullying methods of these three demons in the future?"

The live broadcast room was silent.

Yes, I have been defeated twice. Doesn’t this prove that the bully is the stronger party?

Then the bullies across the country are even more unscrupulous!

in court.

"Presiding judge, I'm done."

Huang Xuan laughed confidently and ended his statement.

Huang Xuan laughed, and Tian Yingguang and the other two laughed.

Lin Mo stared at them coldly. Bad people are bad people. They will not reflect on their mistakes. These three bad people even laughed out loud.

I thought I had won again.

The eyes he looked at Lin Mo were full of contempt, and he looked down on Lin Mo at all.

I am unrepentant and my heart is completely dark.

In this case, forget it.

Lin Mo's expectations for the three people completely disappeared, and his last kindness also disappeared.

The only way to treat such people is severe punishment!

Lin Mo's expression turned cold, and he said coldly:

"I originally thought you would realize your mistakes, but the second time the court was held, you became more and more arrogant and showed no intention of repenting. Do you really think that I can't punish you school bullies!"

When Huang Xuan heard this, he was stunned for a moment and quickly raised his hand:

"President, I suspect that the plaintiff's lawyer is threatening our client."

Tsk, threat?

The court is a place where evidence is discussed, your emotions are of no use!


The presiding judge Wang Zhenghua banged the gavel.

"Lawyer of the plaintiff, please calm down! This is a court. Everything is based on legal provisions and factual basis. Warning once!"

At the same time, in the live broadcast room of the court hearing.

"It's urgent. Lawyer Lin Mo is really anxious."

"Hey, I can't win, I'm starting to get emotional."

Luo Daxiang said: "Don't worry, everyone, Lawyer Lin seems to be able to produce evidence."

"Come on, what conclusive evidence can he have?"

"Hey, from a certain point of view, Lin Mo also performed exceptionally. At least he didn't send Wang and his son in."

Everyone no longer believed that Lin Mo could reverse the situation.

During the entire trial, Lin Mo acted like a piece of shit.

At this moment, Lin Mo raised his hand.

"President, the evidence I submitted was wrong before. I am now applying for additional evidence. I think Tian Yingguang and the other three committed a home invasion and robbery against our client."


Lawyer Lin proposed a new charge of "housebreaking and robbery!"

As a judge, Wang Zhenghua was also stunned. He didn't understand what Lin Mo was up to, but he still agreed: "Agree to the application."

At this time, there was another commotion in the live broadcast room.

"Broken-in and robbery? Can this charge also be brought?"

"Huh? Lawyer Lin is still alive!"

"Forget it, if these three people just broke into the house and robbed a bucket of water or something, Lawyer Lin can also break into the house and rob."

Obviously, everyone no longer believes Lin Mo.

And this "home invasion" is too outrageous.

Even Luo Daxiang didn't quite believe that Lin Mo could really produce any evidence of "house invasion and robbery".

At this time, the evidence newly submitted by Lin Mo began to be played on the big screen in the court.

I saw four figures appearing in a somewhat rundown bedroom.

Everyone can see it by looking at his hair color and figure.

It was the Tian Yingguang trio and Wang Lele.

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