Lin Mo's words were like a thorn, piercing Jiang Duan's brain, making his brain sober up instantly.

Yes, Xingfu Real Estate's chief lawyer Ye Gu has come here, so who is defending his son?

Before the trial, Ye Gu patted his chest and promised him.

He guaranteed that his son would be fine and would definitely be acquitted.

How did it become like this today?

Seeing Jiang Duan stunned, Lin Mo added:

"In the absence of a defense lawyer, my lawyer only needs to prove that your son knows that eating poop can transform his violent personality, and he can be convicted of intentional homicide."

"And you are here, and your pretended schizophrenia has been completely exposed, so your whole family must go in neatly."

"And you can continue to pretend, and smash your crotch to pieces. The final result will be determined by the appraisal agency."

After saying that, Lin Mo looked at Jiang Duan with a sneer.

Hearing this, Jiang Duan completely collapsed. How could he not know that he had walked into a dead end?

"Before...Is your promise still valid?"

Jiang Duan raised his head and looked at Lin Mo.

At this time, Lin Mo showed a real smile, which meant that Jiang had completely given up resistance and chose to cooperate.

"It depends on how much evidence you can reveal. If you can fully point out all the evidence of Xingfu Real Estate's illegal crimes, your sentence will be reduced accordingly."

Although it is said that the sentence will be reduced, it will not be reduced much. It is still the death penalty, but it may be exempted from immediate execution.

What awaits Jiang Duan's family is life imprisonment without commutation!

Some people think that immediate execution is good and it is a pleasure to kill, but some think that such a death is too easy for the prisoner, and life imprisonment can torture the criminal more.

There are different opinions, but in legal theory, immediate execution is a higher level of deprivation of human life.

But in Lin Mo's opinion, immediate execution is too pleasant, and some are even injected, which is no different from euthanasia.

It is better to be imprisoned for life, step on the sewing machine in prison, make umbrellas for heaven, and work as a laborer for a lifetime to atone for sins.

Of course, there are some radicals who think that the death penalty should be severe....

But the abolitionists believe that severe punishment will stimulate the brutality in the criminals and make them kill more cruelly. Anyway, they will be miserable if they kill people, so they might as well continue to kill.....

Law has always been a complicated thing, including philosophy, human nature, psychology, etc.

At this time, Jiang Duan raised his head and sighed: "You will always have to pay for what you have done. I confess everything and I want to atone for my sins."

Lin Mo sneered: "Come on, you are so righteous. You just see that Wang Fuyao and Xingfu Real Estate are at large, but you are sentenced, and you are unhappy."

Suddenly, Jiang Duan showed an awkward smile.

Here, Lin Mo began to contact Hongyun.

It is better to leave this kind of thing to purely official people.

The appraisal agency was also very tactful and did not intervene. It evacuated a large number of appraisal personnel and created a small secret room for interrogation.

Lin Mo called Hongyun.

Hongyun was very anxious when he answered the phone, because he had been paying attention to it, but he didn't expect that the most critical part, the live broadcast was turned off.

Seeing Lin Mo calling over, he immediately answered: "Lawyer Lin, is there anything wrong with you?"

"It's okay, you come to the appraisal agency, I have good news to tell you."

"Oh? Good news? Could it be that the Jiang Duan couple revealed a flaw?" Hongyun was happy.

Lin Mo kept it a secret: "You will know when you come."

"Okay! I'll come right away!"

Hongyun set off immediately.

On the High Court side, since the defendant Jiang Wu's defense lawyer Ye Gu had run away, it has completely become Xia Ling's home court!

"Judge! Look, Jiang Wu showed obvious rejection of other people's excrement! What does this mean? He doesn't like to eat poop at all!"

"Then why did Jiang Wu eat his own? It means that he must know that he can change his personality after eating!"

Xia Ling pointed to the picture of Jiang Wu on the screen and said.

At this time, Jiang Wu was sitting in a room with a bowl in front of him, which was brought by the appraisal department of the High Court.

At this time, Jiang Cong would habitually look at the defendant's seat and listen to how the defendant's defense lawyer explained this phenomenon.

As a result, no one....

Then Xia Ling would add: "Your Honor! You see that the other defense lawyers did not respond, which means that they also agree with my statement!"

Jiang Cong and several judges were speechless.

There is no one in the defendant's seat!

How did he respond to you?

Well, there is indeed no response, no rebuttal, and your argument seems to have some truth, so consider it.

At this time, Xia Ling sat in the defendant's seat with a proud face, her mouth raised high.

In her first battle, she made the other defense lawyer speechless!

Which novice has such strength?

So Xia Ling said again: "Your Honor, I apply to use Jiang Wu's own excrement for a more rigorous argument. Just tell him that this is someone else's excrement and see his reaction."

Jiang Cong nodded.

In fact, at this time, if there is a defense lawyer present, it can be objected.

Unfortunately, no....

So the experiment continued quickly. Sure enough, when the staff took Jiang Wu's excrement from the mental hospital, they told him that it was someone else's.

Jiang Wu once again showed an expression of disgust.

There is absolutely no love for excrement that was shown during the previous identification process.

Then Xia Ling pointed at the screen: "Presiding judge, you see, Jiang Wu doesn't like this kind of thing at all. He eats it because he knows that as long as he eats it, he can change his personality!"

"Since he knows that he can change personalities, his behavior is consistent with free behavior, and his behavior is completely consistent with the crime of intentional homicide!"

After saying that, Xia Ling stood up excitedly and pointed at Jiang Wu on the screen.

It seems to be more imposing this way.

"Presiding judge, I have finished my statement."


Jiang Cong banged the gavel and said habitually: "Defendant's lawyer, do you have anything else to say?"

After I finished speaking, I realized that the defense lawyers had all run away...

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but clenched his fists.

After being a judge for so many years, I have never encountered a lawyer who is so contemptuous of the court!


Everything is developing for the better, and the truth of everything will be revealed. My persistence, despite being burdened with infamy, is still effective!

"Ahem... The court will be adjourned now, and the verdict will be announced in two hours."

Jiang Cong stood up and walked down the court with his huge body.

At this time, Xia Ling stopped Jiang Cong. Because Jiang Cong was not guilty twice before, Xia Ling was actually very dissatisfied with him, so she asked forcefully:

"Presiding Judge, it's clear that Jiang Wu committed such a heinous act, why did you acquit Jiang Wu twice before?"

Jiang Cong turned around, with a smile on his wrinkled and scarred face: "Little girl, if I don't insist on such a verdict, I will be blaspheming the sacred law. Besides... if I don't insist on this extremely controversial decision, Big verdict.

It will not arouse widespread public opinion and attention, and the truth will be buried forever.

Those who have been affected, suppressed, and oppressed will never be vindicated.

So, little girl, sometimes when things get big enough, there is a solution. "

After speaking, Jiang Cong turned and left.

"Jiang Yuan..."

The judges on both sides also looked at Jiang Cong with emotion. Only they knew how much pressure Jiang Cong was under.

Not only do they have to endure the infamy from the public, but they also have to endure the pressure from certain officials.

At this moment, Xia Ling, who was shocked in her heart, stood dumbly on her chair during the court hearing.

In fact, she just wanted to show off, don't you, Judge Jiang, like to give innocent verdicts? Now that I am about to win my appeal, how should you respond?

But Xia Ling never expected that Jiang Cong would reply to him like this!

Yes, if Jiang Wu had been sentenced on a lighter charge.

Then who cares about this case?

At most, I just lament that the sentence for mentally ill murderers is really light.

The forced demolition case behind this case, in which more than 800 people were threatened with forced demolition, did not receive a lot of attention.

"So...that's it..." Xia Ling was a little embarrassed.

But think about it.

"Fortunately...fortunately I didn't rush to beat him...otherwise it would have been a big mistake!"

Xia Ling was a little lucky. In fact, he had wanted to beat Jiang Cong before.

Especially Jiang Cong's face looks like a gangster. Which judge looks like this? He is like a gangster. He must be with Wang Fuyao...

"No wonder the boss said before that my ideas were too young." Xia Ling scratched her head.

Suddenly Xia Ling thought of something and made an OK gesture to Lin Feng and Hu Hong's family members in the auditorium.

At this time, Lin Feng, Hu Hong, and Zhong Xiao showed sincere smiles. Their appeal from beginning to end was that Jiang Wu could be sentenced!

It's about to be achieved now, how can you not be happy?

On the other side, Hong Yun has already arrived at the appraisal center.

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