Lawyer: The bully is not guilty? I will send him to death!

Chapter 107 Profits, the first long-term contract!

Jiang Wu's verdict caused great discussion.

Everyone applauded unanimously, but some people still didn't understand why Jiang, as a thug, would be executed even if there was a mastermind.

Because modern law considers killing less, when the mastermind has been identified, Jiang Wu may be sentenced to a suspended death sentence at most, which will be converted to life after two years.

Unexpectedly, this time the verdict was directly executed.

So it shocked many people who knew a little bit about the Fa.

At this time, Luo Daxiang explained in the live broadcast room: "I believe everyone is also confused about why Jiang Wu, as an unconscious thug, was executed. According to the information I know, Lawyer Lin submitted new evidence before the trial.

It is shown that he was also the mastermind of this violent incident, possibly asking his parents to provide him with excitement for the violent incident.

After considering various aspects and multiple evidences, we have indeed come to this conclusion. The most important evidence comes from Jiang’s mother’s words, “My son cannot calm down and must engage in violent activities to dissipate the violence in his heart.

At first, he just hunted some stray cats and dogs, and then started beating homeless people. Eventually, he forced us to look for exciting and violent projects. We had no choice but to help him find them, otherwise he would kill us too. ..."

"So from another perspective, Jiang Wu is also a mastermind to his parents, but the purpose of his crimes is completely different from Wang Fuyao. He only acts to satisfy his violent heart, but suffers from poor mental state. Well, we can only entrust it to our parents.

After his parents tasted the sweetness, they couldn't control it. This was a mutually beneficial and win-win situation for them.

Therefore, Jiang Wu’s murder of three victims was not an unconscious killing at all, but a premeditated murder!

That's why he was executed. "

After saying this, most people understood. To put it simply, Jiang Wu was also the employer and mastermind of Jiang Duan and his wife.

After understanding this, the people sighed:

"Is this what Lawyer Lin has in mind? He doesn't leave any way for the other party to survive!"

"Yes, the nature has completely changed!"

"Yes, this brain circuit is really incredible. How did Lawyer Lin come up with these things?"

"Lawyer Lin was afraid that Jiang Wu would not die, so he took the time to present a brand new piece of evidence!"


In the court, when Jiang Wu heard the verdict of execution, his brain collapsed, and his remaining sanity looked incredible.

"No! It's impossible! I'm a pure mental patient! How could I die! Ahhh!" Jiang Wu roared.

Suddenly, the next moment, Jiang Wu suddenly laughed evilly: "Ah hahaha, okay, the court is great, I want to massacre here! This is a brand new battlefield!"

He licked his mouth, clasped his hands, and took out a bunch of dried beef jerky-like stuff from his pocket.

When I took a bite, it was soft, but had an inexplicable smell.

"not good!"

Xia Ling's eyes widened. She didn't expect that this guy actually had "beef jerky" on him!

The next moment, Jiang Wu's eyes instantly turned red!

That’s right!

He ate his own...

"Ah! Roar!" Jiang Wu had already entered a state of madness.

He began to violently hit the railings surrounding the defendant, and at the same time, he pulled hard out of the handcuffs with both hands, even though his fingers were broken!

The next moment, Jiang Wu broke free from the restraints and flew away the three bailiffs around him.

The sudden change made everyone unable to recover!

Then, Jiang Wu crashed towards the center of the auditorium.

There were almost all ordinary people watching the trial, and those standing at the front were Lin Feng and others.

The corner of Lin Feng's mouth twitched wildly. He thought of the scene where Jiang Wu tortured and killed his wife. That time he had just returned home and the whole house was sprayed with blood. Jiang Wu was committing the crime against his wife who was covered with injuries.

And now Jiang Wu's expression pulled him into that time and space.

"Me! I'll fight with you!" Lin Feng, furious, rushed over involuntarily. He was much smaller than Jiang Wu.

And at this moment, boom!

A figure fell behind Jiang Wu, held down Jiang Wu's head with his hands, and smashed it to the ground.

"Where do you think this is?! This is a sacred court, not a place for you to be arrogant!" The person who came was none other than Xia Ling.

Then, Xia Ling raised her head and looked at Lin Feng who rushed towards him: "Mr. Lin, don't worry, we are here."

At this moment, Lin Feng relaxed completely and collapsed on the ground. After a while, he shed tears: "Xiao Ling, did you see it? The murderer, the murderer has been tried!"

He had waited for this moment for too long, too long.

The old man who lost his granddaughter came up and patted Lin Feng on the shoulder with a moved expression on his face.

Afterwards, Jiang Wu was injected with a sedative and taken away. What awaited him was the imminent execution.

At the same time, the government also began to rectify unfinished buildings.

All the residents of Shunfeng Market were resettled into public rental housing until the construction of the resettlement building was completed.

The construction progress will be broadcast live online and will be subject to public supervision.

For a time, Pengcheng’s popularity surged into hot searches across the country.

The unfinished buildings were renovated, the leaders of the demolitions were shot, and mentally ill criminals were also executed.

Netizens expressed their extreme comfort!

The day after the verdict, residents of Shunfeng Market spontaneously organized at the gate of Pengcheng Procuratorate.

Many people held banners in their hands, and some carried various gift bags in their hands. They all wanted to enter the procuratorate to give gifts to lawyer Lin Mo.

"Let us in! We want to give lawyer Lin a banner!"

"How can you stop the gift-giving team outside the door? Let us in!"

For a while, the scene was very lively.

But when the prosecutors who came to work saw this scene, they felt cold in their hearts, thinking that the people came to protest and defend their rights again.

Some even went to the back door.

After asking around, it turned out to be a misunderstanding.

Not only did they not come to protest, but they came to give a banner!

This is the first time I have seen it.

At this time, Lin Mo and his team are still busy. In addition to several principal offenders, there are a lot of criminals who need to be prosecuted.

Fortunately, there is Zhang Houcai, a top non-litigation lawyer, who is really good at sorting out materials, so the speed of handling is not bad.

Hongyun had just heard the news, and he came to Lin Mo excitedly.

How could he not be excited? !

He had been in Pengcheng Procuratorate for so many years, and it was the first time that so many residents came to send banners and thank-you letters!

"Lawyer Lin! Go out and see, there are so many people looking for you!"

At this time, another middle-aged white-haired man walked in.

Hongyun looked: "Chief Prosecutor? Why are you here?"

Hong Quan, the Chief Prosecutor of Pengcheng Procuratorate.

Even when the public opinion was the strongest a few days ago, he was nowhere to be seen.

He showed up now.

"Ahem, Lawyer Lin, please forgive me for the poor hospitality." Hong Quan strode to Lin Mo and stretched out his hand.

Lin Mo laughed lightly. This guy is a heavyweight, he ran very fast, and he showed up very quickly after the matter was resolved.

It's normal not to want to take responsibility.

But it's right to use people. Hongyun is at least not a mediocre person.

Lin Mo also stretched out his hand and shook his hand: "It's a small matter. Prosecutor Hong is very capable."

Then there was another round of business flattery.

Soon Hong Quan got to the point: "It's like this, Lawyer Lin, you performed very well this time. I think we can sign a cooperation contract with you and hire you as our long-term public prosecutor. What do you think?"

Hong Quan looked at Lin Mo's expression, and he loved him.

It's fine if he won the case.

It actually brought such a high reputation to the procuratorate. The people lined the streets to welcome him and gave him banners crazily.

He had never seen such a scene.

It's conceivable that if Lin Mo continued to stay, the performance of Pengcheng Procuratorate would be so good!

That's a reputation that can't be sought after. It's what Hong Quan wants most!

At this time, Lin Mo raised his eyebrows.

Here it comes!

Although the head of the Pengcheng Procuratorate doesn't look very reliable, this is a real cooperation contract.

The first profitable long-term project contract for the law firm!

"Yes, but I hope that your procuratorate will sign a long-term cooperation contract with my law firm. Not only can I be a public prosecutor, but our law firm can also send excellent talents to assist at any time."

After speaking, Lin Mo paused, and then said meaningfully: "Chief Prosecutor Hong Quan, our law firm is full of excellent lawyers like me. I think you don't want to miss this opportunity."

Lin Mo knows the dilemma of the procuratorate.

Equally excellent prosecutors and lawyers, it is definitely the lawyer who makes more money.

Even more in this world.

Many prosecutors will leave their jobs to become lawyers after their level reaches a certain level, which has caused a large loss of talents in the procuratorate.

The system of public prosecutors was introduced out of necessity.

Many well-known red circle firms have cooperation projects with the procuratorate.

For example, Jianghai's Jinhan Law Firm had in-depth cooperation with the procuratorate at the beginning, but after Ning Hong was sent to prison by Lin Mo, the procuratorate immediately terminated the cooperation.

At this time, Hong Quan became interested: "Oh? So, Lawyer Lin's law firm is full of talents?!"

Lin Mo smiled evilly: "Of course!"

Then he pointed to Qiu Ying who was busy sorting out materials: "Qiu Ying, Lawyer Qiu, I don't think I need to say more, everyone knows her reputation, her appearance will bring great confidence and psychological comfort to the disadvantaged groups."

Hong Quan and Hong Yun both nodded, this is a fact.

At that time, Qiu Ying appeared to sue the residents whose houses were demolished, which gave everyone great hope.

Then, Lin Mo pointed to Xia Ling who was gritting her teeth and was about to stand on the table to read the materials:

"Xia Ling, my right-hand man, recently passed the assessment and officially became a practicing lawyer. In the first battle, she solved Jiang Wu's schizophrenia case, which shows how strong she is and how profound her legal literacy is! Such talents are hard to come by!"

Hearing this, Hong Quan was stunned for a moment, feeling something was wrong, but Lin Mo left the case in the middle, and Xia Ling was in charge of it all.

Especially the move that made Jiang Wu eat shit to prove himself, it was simply a stroke of genius.

It was really amazing.

But when he looked at Xia Ling, who was gritting her teeth to get the information, he felt that she was not very reliable.

And she was too young....

Hong Yun's mouth twitched, forget it, he knew that Lin Mo was starting to fool people.

Then, Lin Mo continued to point to Zhang Houcai: "This one is even more important."

This time, Hong Quan frowned. He watched Zhang Houcai's trial and felt like he was being hung up and beaten. How could he be so heavyweight?

Lin Mo continued to smile and said, "I know that everyone is questioning his ability. In fact, his previous trial was just a pretense, just to cooperate with my performance. His true identity is actually a genius criminal defense lawyer, very suitable for the position of public prosecutor!"

"Really...really?" Hong Quan smiled awkwardly.

Lin Mo didn't say much, but directly brought the topic to the compensation for cooperation: "Chief Prosecutor Hong, the compensation for cooperation offered by our Shunhe Law Firm is 800,000 yuan a year."

"800,000 yuan?! There are only 4 people in your law firm!" Hong Quan was also very shocked. By this calculation, one person's annual salary is 200,000 yuan, which is about the same as the salary of a prosecutor, or even a little higher!


In addition to you and Qiu Ying, this Xia Ling is also okay. It seems that she has a lot of tricks.

But this Zhang Houcai, stupid, can't even fight a lawsuit, what is his basis!

Hong Quan complained crazily in his heart.

Hongyun also widened his eyes. You know, this kind of contract is not work.

I just come here to fight a few lawsuits and have the priority to use the lawyers of the law firm.

Lin Mo narrowed his eyes: "Do you doubt Zhang Houcai's ability?"

Everyone is not a fool, of course they all know.

As he said, Lin Mo smiled: "There will be many people to sue next. Give half of them to Zhang Houcai and you will know. He is definitely the most suitable candidate for your Pengcheng Procuratorate."

"This..." Hongquan and Hongyun looked at each other, and finally Hongquan planned to give Lin Mo a face: "Lawyer Lin, it's not that I don't believe in the strength of your law firm, but we have limited funds and have to consider using it on the cutting edge."

Hongquan didn't look down on Zhang Houcai, he was really worried!

The budget was not much.

"I understand, we just watch it." Lin Mo smiled.

It's almost agreed. If Zhang Houcai performs well next, this contract will be stable.

As for Zhang Houcai's performance, Lin Mo was not worried at all. After all, for Zhang Houcai, the system gave him an A+ potential in criminal defense ability!

After the chat, Lin Mo walked to Zhang Houcai's side.

"Lawyer Lin." Zhang Houcai used to call Lin Mo by his first name, but now that he is an employee, he naturally changed the name.

"Lawyer Zhang, how is your family's condition?"

Zhang Houcai was startled. His previous court performance was too bad. Is Lawyer Lin trying to criticize me?

So he hurriedly said: "Lawyer Lin, I will definitely try my best to make up for the advance money!"

"I'm not in a hurry for the money. I have a big order now. It depends on you."

Then, Lin Mo told Zhang Houcai the content of the conversation just now.

When he heard this, his eyes widened: "Lawyer Lin, I have to take on half of the lawsuit alone? This... I'm not good at it!"

Lin Mo patted Zhang Houcai on the shoulder: "Believe in yourself, the glory and future of our law firm all depend on you! If you can't do it, our law firm won't get this order, and if we can't get this order, we will continue to lose money."

Of course, Lin Mo said this to scare Zhang Houcai. How can you stimulate his potential without giving him some pressure?

It's not like he doesn't know that Zhang Houcai has potential.

If you want to stimulate it, you have to use some means.

Sure enough, when Lin Mo said this, Zhang Houcai showed a shocked expression, and he immediately said: "Lawyer Lin, I will definitely not hold our law firm back! But...what if I try my best and it still doesn't work?"

As he said this, Zhang Houcai showed a worried expression.

Lin Mo smiled: "If it still doesn't work, it means you haven't worked hard enough."


This shouldn't be a problem that can be solved by hard work!

Then Lin Mo smiled and said: "If you don't push yourself hard, you don't know how strong you are!"

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