Under the roar of the inspector on the stage, the tired students raised their arms one after another, holding the pamphlets in their palms, and began to recite while running.

The distance between the front and back of the team is particularly narrow, and such a posture is anti-human.

The moment she raised her hand, Jiang Shuxuan felt dizzy and in a daze because she didn't have enough sleep.

Running requires ventilation, and as a result, you have to endorse, which disrupts the breathing frequency, so the whole person is in a state of hypoxia.

Many students also had the same symptoms, but they all held on and ran in a well-planned manner no matter how uncomfortable they were.

Because if you don't follow the instructions, you will be removed from the team by the superintendent and brought to the rostrum for criticism.

At this time, the superintendent teacher who was on the track had already begun to stare at people eagerly.

On the podium today, the chief inspector saw the dizzy students and sneered:

"Look at your physiques. You all look like sick men. Even running a few steps can tire you out like this. How can you win this protracted battle in the college entrance examination with such a physique? How can you get into a prestigious school?!"

"Run faster! Lift the book higher!"

"Running while memorizing can not only improve your physical fitness, but also absorb knowledge at the same time. You can exercise and study at the same time, which greatly saves time!"

"Our teachers do this for your own good and for you to have a good body! You must understand the teacher's good intentions!"

The chief inspector was very proud when he said this, as if it was some great trick.

Completely ignoring it, the students looked drowsy and shaky, which was entirely caused by memorizing while running and had nothing to do with weak constitution.

The real reason lies in this stupid policy.

But all the inspectors don't seem to want to figure this out, and don't want to use scientific methods, as if only such efforts can be regarded as hard study!

Sure enough, some students really couldn't stand it anymore, some couldn't keep up with the team, and some dropped their arms.

These people were immediately pulled away from the team and given a lecture, as if all the mistakes were caused by the children themselves.

When other people saw this scene, they were deeply afraid of being dragged out for education, so they forced themselves to continue. Some people's faces turned red.

At this moment, another group of teachers came in at the entrance of the playground.

They are the head teachers of each class. They will come to inspect the classes on the eve of the end of the running exercise.

The head teachers who rushed to the scene quickly entered their classes.

Soon, they called out some students from the ranks and started talking and educating.

After a while, there were many students standing next to the runway.

Jiang Shuxuan passed by them and could see the fear and panic on the faces of these students.

She knew that when these people were pulled out, the head teacher must have discovered something, so they were pulled out for education.

For example, a man and woman who just passed by were suspected of being in puppy love because they talked too much during dinner, and they were being reprimanded loudly.

The girl felt wronged and painful, and the boy tried his best to explain.

There are also books that were found in the dormitory that have nothing to do with study. For example, just now, a weak-looking boy wearing glasses was scolded by the teacher because he brought a book about astronomy, saying: "We are provincials." A key high school, you are the first in the class to take the lead in reading such useless books. From now on, such books that have nothing to do with learning are not allowed to appear in school! "

After saying that, he threw the book into the trash can.

The frail boy stared at the trash can for a long time without any resistance, and his expression gradually became dull.

Scenes like this were being staged every minute. What was already an extremely tense running exercise instantly turned into a rectification meeting. All things unrelated to study were not allowed to happen.

At this moment, every student is under great pressure and is afraid of being pulled out.

Jiang Shuxuan was also frightened, and her heartbeat accelerated. She was already tired, but she felt dazed and fell to the ground.

At this time, someone helped her.

She wanted to thank her, but when she saw her face, Jiang Shuxuan's heart skipped a beat. It was her class teacher—Yang Hua.

Yang Hua looked at Jiang Shuxuan seriously, and then said:

"Jiang Shuxuan, can't you handle this level of intensity? It seems that your physique is still too poor. You can do two more laps this morning to strengthen your physique."

Jiang Shuxuan's eyes widened and she added two more laps!

It was fine at first, but something happened!

Jiang Shuxuan immediately explained: "Teacher Yang, I actually stayed up late yesterday to write the questions you sent me. It was caused by lack of sleep. My physical condition is not bad."

Yesterday, after self-study at 11:30 midnight, Yang Hua gave Jiang Shuxuan some extra food.

It is said that it can be completed in half an hour, but in fact it is five test papers!

Jiang Shuxuan wrote until 3 a.m. before going to bed, and got up again at 6:30 a.m. to run.

Can you not be tired?

There are many more such situations.

The average sleep time of the first 100 students is only four hours a day.

The rest of the time is spent writing questions...

The purpose is to get into a good university and support the school’s reputation.

When Yang Hua heard what Jiang Shuxuan said, he frowned: "So Jiang Shuxuan, do you think the homework I assigned is unreasonable? Do you have to take up your rest time to finish it?"

As he spoke, Yang Hua suddenly became excited: "Then I am not assigning these assignments for your own good. As the number one in the class, you are the most promising to enter the top universities in the country. I am assigning these assignments for you. In order to have a good future for you, it actually harms you? "

Yang Hua stared at Jiang Shuxuan with a sharp expression.

When Jiang Shuxuan saw Yang Hua's sharp and PUA-like statements, she sneered and was no longer afraid.

My heart is as gray as ashes.

She has heard these words too many times. Everything here is done in the name of your good, but in fact, it is all about oppression, extreme oppression.

Get the best test scores.

You are not allowed to have your own hobbies, you are not allowed to complain about the system, you are not allowed to...

Normal humanity is completely eliminated here!

Thinking of this, Jiang Shuxuan sneered: "Haha."

At this time, Yang Hua exploded. In his eyes, this was extremely disrespectful!

"Jiang Shuxuan! What's your attitude!"

Yang Hua roared loudly.

Soon, an inspector came over to ask about the situation. Yang Hua explained the situation and added: "Jiang Shuxuan's current attitude is very dangerous. She resists learning, has a negative attitude towards learning, and also opposes the learning plan I formulated. Strategy, I think the supervising teacher needs to correct Jiang Shuxuan’s ideological attitude!”

The inspector looked at Jiang Shuxuan, his face not very good: "We happen to have something to see Jiang Shuxuan, take her away."

All explanations are feeble. They are like a group of creatures that cannot understand human language. Jiang Shuxuan has become numb.

Soon, Jiang Shuxuan was taken to the superintendent's office, where the superintendent personally came to "correct" her ideological attitude.

The superintendent is a middle-aged man with a big belly.

When Jiang Shuxuan came in, he was sitting on a chair, drinking tea and looking at Jiang Shuxuan with a condescending expression.

It was as if Jiang Shuxuan was a prisoner.

Soon, he spoke slowly: "Jiang Shuxuan, do you know where you went wrong?"

Jiang Shuxuan sighed inwardly. She knew that if she continued to resist and fight, she would never find rest.

Now she just wants to study honestly, then spend this last year safely, enter university and leave here forever.

So Jiang Shuxuan said in a low voice: "I was wrong. I should not delay writing the question. I should squeeze out the time to complete the task as soon as possible. I should not be playful. I will not make the same mistake again in the future."

At this time, the superintendent nodded: "Yes, that's right. I am sincere in admitting my mistake."

Jiang Shuxuan breathed a sigh of relief, it was finally over.

But the next moment, the director's tone immediately became serious: "But Jiang Shuxuan, we have other reasons for looking for you. What do you think this is?"

The next moment, a young teacher walked into the office, took out a half-completed Rubik's Cube and handed it to the superintendent.

When Jiang Shuxuan saw the Rubik's Cube, her eyes immediately widened.

The superintendent sneered, and then threw the Rubik's Cube in front of Jiang Shuxuan: "Classmate Jiang, our superintendent found this in your pillow. How should you explain it?"

Jiang Shuxuan's heart skipped a beat, and her heart broke instantly.

Her only hobby is to play with the Rubik's Cube. She likes to listen to the smooth sound of the Rubik's Cube being turned, which is very relaxing.

I like the feeling of accomplishment after putting it together.

This was her only pleasure during intense study, and she relied on this way of relieving stress to persevere.

Every time she finished a day's study, she would hide in the toilet with the Rubik's Cube and play with it for a while. That was the time when her mind was most free.

However, I didn’t expect that it could be discovered even if it was hidden inside the pillow!

Seeing Jiang Shuxuan was stunned, the superintendent sneered: "Humph, you said you were only focused on studying! I see you are completely focused on having fun!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Shuxuan didn't wait for a reply.

The superintendent raised his fat right leg and stepped hard on the Rubik's Cube.


There was a crisp sound, and the Rubik's Cube was stepped on to pieces!

"don't want!"

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