Lawyer: The bully is not guilty? I will send him to death!

Chapter 114 Can’t even handle the pressure of studying?

Last night, Jiang Shuxuan didn't know what happened at Chen Anmin's house, she just felt very flustered.

I wrote the homework assigned at home until 1:30 in the morning, and I couldn't fall asleep for a long time after going to bed.

All electronic products including mobile phones were confiscated, and it was impossible to contact Chen Anmin.

She sat down and took out an old diary from the gap between the mattress and the bed board.

This is the notebook she used to write diaries when she was in elementary school and junior high school.

It writes about her few happy days, and Chen Anmin is always there.

She has not written in a diary since she left home in high school, and today she turned to the last page.

Holding the pen, he wrote: "Today is the first day of being expelled. I don't know why, but I'm a little lucky, because I spent a long time with Anmin today, talked a lot, and agreed to go to college together. Then we should be able to meet each other every day." Staying together for shopping, going to school, eating well... At that time, we probably no longer only had 15 minutes a day, hee hee..."

Hope is needed to survive, and Jiang Shuxuan's hope is to go to college with Chen Anmin.

After finishing writing, she put the diary into the mattress and fell asleep with hope.

Four and a half hours later, at 6:30, Jiang Shuxuan woke up at her mother's call.

"Shu Xuan, the human sleep interval is 1.5 hours. As long as you get up within the 1.5-hour time period, you won't feel sleepy, so it's scientific to sleep for four and a half hours. If you feel sleepy, go back to bed at noon. Sleep for 1.5 hours.”

Jiang's mother's voice lingered in Jiang Shuxuan's ears.

Jiang Shuxuan didn't say anything. She just got up sleepily, washed her face with cold water on the sink, brushed her teeth and started studying under her mother's supervision.

Even at home, her time is perfectly accurate.

At this time, a roar rang out from her sister's room: "I won't go to school! If you want to force me to study like my sister, I will jump out of here!"

Jiang Long (Jiang's father) walked out of Jiang Shuying's room angrily: "Shuying, I think you are useless! If you dare, get out of this house!"

"Get out! I'm still afraid of you! I'm going to pack my bags now. According to your education methods, you will drive my sister to death one day!"

Jiang Shuying stood at the door, pointed at Jiang's father and cursed angrily.

Jiang Shuying, Jiang Shuxuan's sister, was the little girl who greeted Jiang Shuxuan last night. She was in the second grade of junior high school and was judged to be hopeless by Jiang and his wife.

"Hmph! Jiang Shuxuan, your sister is already useless. You have to study hard and don't let me and your mother down."

Jiang Long walked to Jiang Shuxuan's side and spoke seriously.

Jiang Shuxuan looked at her "rebellious" sister and smiled. She envied her sister, why she could be so rebellious, as if she had the courage to fear nothing.

But I was so weak that I didn't even dare to say a word of resistance.

Jiang Shuxuan went in to study, but for some reason, she became more and more panicked and couldn't read the book at all.

More than an hour has passed and I haven't even finished reviewing a hundred words.

When Jiang's mother came to call for breakfast, the panic became more and more intense.

She walked out of the room and happened to bump into Jiang Shuying who was walking out of the room. Her small body actually dragged a suitcase.

Jiang Shuxuan touched her head and said softly: "Let's go after eating."

"Sister, don't worry about these two heartless old people. You treat them as parents and care about their feelings, but they treat us as tools and don't treat us as people at all!" Jiang Shuying muttered: "How about you Come run with me."

Jiang Shuying is young and has a very crazy tone.

Jiang Shuxuan smiled: "It's only one year. I just need to persist for one year. Let's eat now."

"Hey...if you run away, you can fly away with Brother Anmin now."

Jiang Shuxuan suddenly blushed: "What are you talking about? We are not... Hey, let's go and eat!"

Jiang Shuxuan pulled her to the dining table. Breakfast was milk, eggs and corn.

Jiang's mother is still saying: "Milk and eggs are rich in protein and are nutritious. Eat more and your mind will move faster when writing questions..."

Jiang Shuying groaned: "Then if everyone eats like this, they will all be admitted to Qingbei University. You even fed me six walnuts before."

"If you don't want to eat, get out of here and leave it for your sister to eat. Your sister wants to go to college, so just go pick up the rags." Jiang Long said angrily.

Breakfast was completed amidst discordant sounds.

"Shu Xuan, I'll give you my mobile phone. I'll browse the latest news for 10 minutes to accumulate material for your composition."

Jiang's mother handed Jiang Shuxuan a mobile phone.

The moment she got the phone, Jiang Shuxuan was not looking for any material, but wanted to open WeChat and learn about Chen Anmin's recent situation.

However, there are no apps on the desktop except news-related apps.

Helpless, she could only click in.

But the moment I clicked in, the column of Jianghai News read "Jianghai No. 1 High School Student Jumped off the Building"

Jiang Shuxuan's heart began to beat wildly, and she clicked in tremblingly.

The cover of the news showed a tall and thin boy standing on the railing in the corridor outside the teaching office. He spread his arms, and behind him were several frightened people.

The first sentence of the news, "It is reported that at 7 o'clock this morning, Chen Anmin, the perennial number one student at Jianghai No. 1 High School, jumped from the ninth floor. He has been taken away by an ambulance. His life or death is uncertain..."

Jiang Shuxuan felt like the world was spinning.

That figure is so familiar to her!

Every time he arrived at the back of the mountain first. She saw his figure from behind first every time. How could she not recognize him?

The first sentence of the news, Chen Anmin's eye-catching name, made her completely give up.


Jiang Shuxuan was trembling all over. He didn't understand why the boy who had always been looking forward to it, who was still planning his future yesterday, would resolutely choose to leave today.

At this moment, his father Jiang Long, who was sitting next to him, was also holding his mobile phone and saw the news. He just said lightly: "Students of Jianghai No. 1 High School? This student's psychological quality is too fragile. He can't even study like this." I can’t bear any pressure and jump off the building. It’s really childish.”

Then Jiang's mother added: "Shuying, aren't you planning to jump off the building? Just imitate this guy and jump. Anyway, yours is just like this guy named Chen Anmin, as light as a feather."

Then she turned to Jiang Shuxuan and said: "By the way, Shuxuan, I have put away all your Rubik's Cubes. I will not give them to you until you have finished taking the college entrance examination...and... "

At this moment, Jiang Shuxuan's consciousness was in a trance.

Mentally fragile? His death is as light as a feather?

Jiang Shuxuan stood up instantly and ran into her room. Tears fell on her phone. She wanted to cry, but she couldn't cry. Only tears kept flowing down.

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