Lawyer: The bully is not guilty? I will send him to death!

Chapter 125 Xia Ling’s fierce plan, an advantageous start!

Lin Mo did not speak, but raised his hand directly, wanting to request sanctions against Chen Guodong.

But before Lin Mo could make a move, Huang Youhe directly slammed the gavel and said seriously: "Chen Guodong! I'll warn you once, and if you do it again, you will be taken away from the scene!"

The judge called him by his name, and the problem was very serious.

Huang Jiancheng grabbed Chen Guodong and signaled him not to speak.

Chen Guodong's face turned red, and he stared at Lin Mo.

Huang Youhe: "Defendant's lawyer, please start your statement now."

Huang Jiancheng raised his eyebrows.

It was his turn. In fact, he was very happy now. As a veteran lawyer, he was certainly not scared by Lin Mo's lawsuit application.

Before you argue and before the judgment, no matter how terrible and big your charges are, if they are not established, they are all nonsense.

He understood this principle too well, and the reason for his happiness was that Lin Mo's charges were too big, and if the subsequent arguments were not good, it would not be of any benefit to him.

On the contrary, it would benefit him a lot!

And he had a hundred ways to refute Lin Mo in his mind!

At this time, Huang Jiancheng straightened his collar and stood up.

Actually, he didn't need to stand up to make his statement, but standing up made him look more imposing.

However, one person also stood up at the scene. Xia Ling raised her hand to the presiding judge with a look of difficulty: "Presiding Judge, I... have a stomachache. I'll go out for a while."

Huang Youhe waved his hand, indicating that it was okay.

So Xia Ling fiddled with the backpack she carried with her and left.

Lin Mo narrowed his eyes. Xia Ling was quite normal a second ago, why did her face suddenly become ugly?

The route Xia Ling took just passed by Huang Jiancheng.

Huang Jiancheng was just about to start reading after being affected by Xia Ling.

As a result, Xia Ling passed by.


A crisp sound of metal hitting the tile floor sounded at the bottom of Huang Jiancheng's feet.

He looked down and his eyes widened instantly.

A shiny wrench fell to the ground?

The wrench fell from Xia Ling... beside him?

Since the court was very empty, the clear sound was very long and attracted everyone's attention.

"Hey, what's the matter with the wrench?" The presiding judge Huang Youhe asked puzzledly.

At this time, Xia Ling lowered her head and smiled coldly at Huang Jiancheng, then raised her head and said with a smile: "Oh, presiding judge, you don't know, our law firm is quite poor, I sometimes work part-time as a car repairman to supplement my family income, so it's reasonable for me to carry a wrench with me."

Huang Jiancheng's mouth twitched when he heard it, reasonable your uncle!

"Pick it up and put it in the security office." Huang Youhe did not pursue it, this kind of thing should be found during the security check.


Xia Ling bent down to pick it up, and when she held the wrench, Xia Ling suddenly used the other side of the wrench to support the floor, and a moment of force, the wrench bent directly.


This scene happened at Huang Jiancheng's feet, and he saw it so clearly.

"Yellow dog, an old bone is rusty, do you want me to repair it for you?" Xia Ling said with a sneer.

If this wasn't a courtroom, Xia Ling would probably have laughed.

"Huh?!!" Huang Jiancheng's eyes widened.

The next moment, he couldn't help but imagine that if this force was used on his bones, he instantly felt a dull pain in his bones, and the miserable state of his bones being crushed by the wrench made him gasp and shudder.

Xia Ling put away the wrench and glared at Huang Jiancheng.

Then she sneered: "Hehe."

She waved the wrench before leaving.

Huang Jiancheng was shocked and speechless for a while, and was extremely worried: "Are you going to use this wrench to hit me?"

He had heard of Xia Ling's reputation as a violent woman. Last year, she beat lawyers every day and beat the parties, which made her a little famous in the circle.

Since she followed Lin Mo, she kicked the chair in the court and threw Ning Hong over her shoulder.

She also forced Jiang Wu to eat other people's shit...

This woman is extremely bad!

It is also possible that she will hurt hostile lawyers!

Huang Jiancheng was afraid that this guy might accidentally hit him and kill him with a hammer...

He was already panicking.

Lin Mo was right in front of him and saw this scene. He was also very surprised. When did this girl bring a wrench? !

The security system of the court failed? ?

Suddenly thinking of something, Lin Mo immediately went to look through Xia Ling's backpack and opened the bulging interlayer.


Lin Mo was dumbfounded when he saw the backpack full of "tools".

It contained saws, electric drills, hammers.....

Seeing this, Lin Mo's cold sweat flowed down. It was illegal to bring these things in!

After a moment of silence, Huang Jiancheng calmed down and prepared to start his statement.

At this time, Xia Ling came back as if she had stepped on the right time.

When passing by Huang Jiancheng, she smiled coldly, and then made a bone-breaking gesture and imitated the sound of bone cracking.

Huang Jiancheng was startled and his heart began to beat.

After finishing everything, Xia Ling returned to her position.

Seeing this, Lin Mo coughed and pulled his backpack with his hands: "Ahem."

Xia Ling quickly realized it and lowered his head to explain: "Boss! I brought all the weapons to protect you!"

Lin Mo's mouth twitched. You brought an electric drill to protect me?

"How did you bring it in?"

"Hey, hey, I'm just kidding. In fact, these are all props. Some are plastic and some are metal-like. I specially customized them." Xia Ling said mysteriously.

"So did you come in to fool the security guard? Are you selling toys?"

Lin Mo said speechlessly.

During the security check, I went in first, but I didn't expect this girl to be so good at everything.

"Hey, boss, you are so smart, I will reward you with a wrench." Xia Ling put the bent wrench in Lin Mo's hand.

Lin Mo weighed it. It was light but crisp. It probably had something to do with the material.

At this time, Huang Jiancheng finally collected his emotions and prepared to make a statement.

But he was sweating profusely and his eyes were a little dodgey.

"Defendant's lawyer, please make your statement as soon as possible." Huang Youhe's angry voice came.

Huang Jian was already flustered. After prompting him, his thoughts were already confused.

He spoke tremblingly: "I... we reject all the plaintiff's lawsuit applications... we..."

After saying this, he couldn't think of what to say next.

"It's over?" Huang Youhe was confused.

"I...I'll look for it, I still have it." Huang Jiancheng was a little panicked. He had obviously prepared a lot, but he couldn't say a word!

At this moment he was sweating profusely.

"Lawyer Huang, you are also an old man. How could you make such a simple mistake? You have wasted too much time. Your statement is over." Huang Youhe directly interrupted Huang Jiancheng who was looking for information.

"Ah?! I..." Huang Jiancheng was dumbfounded and had no choice but to sit down.

This scene was broadcast via live broadcast.

Everyone in the legal profession was very shocked. Everyone knew Huang Jiancheng more or less and knew that he was a veteran lawyer.

"Huang Lu, how could you make such a stupid mistake?"

"Yes, I was ready and speechless. This only happens to lawyers in their early stages of practice."

"What's going on?"

"Huang Lu was quite proud just now, why is he suddenly speechless?"

Due to the angle of the live broadcast, the scene of Xia Ling's wrench falling to the ground was not captured, so no one knew exactly what happened.

All I know is a crisp sound, and then a wrench.

Don't care about this detail.

in court.

Lin Mo also laughed: "What did you whisper to him?"

The defendant's statement was also very important, but when Xia Ling manipulated it and Huang Jiancheng said something, it was simply a tragic accident.

If there is no targeted objection, then his logic will not be so coherent in the subsequent presentation.

The judge may not understand what you want to express.

It can be said to be a good move!

Xia Ling said at this time: "I told him to repair his bones."

Okay, let’s start with personal threats...

But looking at Huang Jiancheng's frightened look, he couldn't think of suing us.

"Xia Ling!"

"Well, I know it's very dangerous. I won't do it next time." Xia Ling looked aggrieved.

"No, I mean, you have to discuss it with me next time." Lin Mo said calmly.

"Eh?!" Xia Ling looked surprised.

Over there, Huang Jiancheng ended his statement in a hurry.

Huang Youhe looked at Lin Mo: "Plaintiff's lawyer, please submit relevant factual basis for your lawsuit application..."

"Okay, Judge."

Lin Mo nodded, and the most critical part came next.

But the advantageous start is not bad!

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