Lawyer: The bully is not guilty? I will send him to death!

Chapter 132 Meeting a Nine-Star Lawyer for the First Time? ?

At this moment, everyone's eyes were on Huang Jiancheng.

Many lawyers also looked at Huang Jiancheng with some expectation. After all, he had a great reputation in the legal community and had not filed a lawsuit for many years.

Every junior wanted to see how powerful the famous predecessor was.

In the court, Huang Youhe also looked at Huang Jiancheng.

"Defendant's lawyer, the plaintiff's lawyer has already presented evidence and argued for the lawsuit application. Do you have anything to say about this?"

Huang Jiancheng was silent for a few seconds and felt a little irritated.

But as a professional and veteran lawyer, he knew that he could not show such an expression.

The opponent would catch the details and understand his heart, so he kept an expressionless and extremely calm look.

The reason why Huang Jiancheng was irritable was because Lin Mo's argumentation method first proposed the logical relationship comparison argumentation process of "instigating me to kill myself".

Then came the even more heaven-defying comparison law.

To be honest, as a veteran lawyer, he couldn't come up with a systematic rebuttal idea in his mind when facing Lin Mo's rhetoric.

However, Huang Jiancheng did not panic. He knew that his advantage was not to clarify the logic of the argument in a short time.

He was able to make a name for himself in the legal profession because of his unique talent!

He called that state "time stagnation". It takes a while to enter this state.

He needs some time.

Thinking about it, Huang Jiancheng smiled bitterly: "I didn't expect that a young man like Lin Mo could force me to use my talent."

Whether it is "I kill myself" to prove that the parents deliberately killed or the prison comparison method, it is not something that ordinary lawyers can think of.

"But you are unlucky to meet me!" Huang Jiancheng sneered.

Then, Huang Jiancheng glanced at his watch. The vice principal of Jianghai No. 1 High School sent a message on the electronic watch, and arrived at the scene in 5 minutes.

Just use these five minutes to enter that state.

Huang Jiancheng raised his hand: "Judge, our new representative from Jianghai No. 1 High School will arrive at the scene in 5 minutes, and the photos that Lin Mo just showed me disgust me. I need five minutes to go to the toilet to deal with them, so I apply to stop the trial for five minutes."

Although he was going to defend the school's kitchen, he had to use these five minutes to gain time.

Huang Youhe did not express his opinion immediately, but looked at Lin Mo: "Defendant's lawyer, do you agree to adjourn for five minutes?"

Huang Youhe was qualified to stop the trial directly, but he still asked Lin Mo for his opinion.

Lin Mo narrowed his eyes. Under normal circumstances, it is completely impossible to establish a logical rebuttal theory in just five minutes.

Even Lin Mo himself can't do it.

"Then what is the reason for Huang Jiancheng to rest for five minutes?"

Thinking about it, Lin Mo directly used the system detection function on Huang Jiancheng.

[Ding! You are now initiating a test on lawyer Huang Jiancheng. The single test is litigation ability, non-litigation ability, and future potential. Each item is 10 points. 】

[Detect litigation ability. 】

[Ding! Testing is in progress. ]

[Test successful! ]

[Name: Huang Jiancheng]

[Job: Hongjun Law Firm]

[Salary: 0]

[Legal litigation ability: All types of litigation ability A+ level]

[Overall litigation ability score: 90 points. ]

[Personality shortcomings: conceited, vengeful, insidious]

[System evaluation star rating: 9-star lawyer (full star 10 stars)]

[Note: This person has a special talent ability, add two stars, and it takes another 1 point to query his special talent ability]

After the test results came out, Lin Mo focused on Huang Jiancheng's star rating.

It turned out to be nine stars, only one star away from the ten-star lawyer.

But according to the system notes, it was because one of his special talents added two hearts.

Without this ability, his strength would only be on par with Ye Gu of Xingfu Real Estate.

Lin Mo was not surprised by this special talent.

Because many geniuses are gifted, the human brain is magical.

"It only takes 1 point to check the talent ability, and I have quite a lot of points."

Last time, I tested three times, consuming 30 points, and there are 90 points left.

After winning the lawsuit against Xingfu Real Estate, I gained 120 points. Minus the 10 points just consumed, I still have 200 points, which is very sufficient.

"Check his special talent."

[Ding! The query is successful. Huang Jiancheng's special ability is: 'flow state']

[Flow state: After Huang Jiancheng enters the flow state, the content and speed of neural transmission in his brain double, and his thinking ability will be greatly improved. 】

After reading it, Lin Mo understood.

The flow state is a state that many geniuses can have.

Isolate all external noises and immerse yourself in your own thinking, and think to the extreme.

This is a talent that is common in the streets. Go to the mathematics department of a top university and grab anyone, and he can enter this state.

It's just that everyone's flow state is different.

It is definitely not easy for Huang Jiancheng's flow state to be improved by two stars.

It should be at the top level.

However, thinking of this, Lin Mo revealed a barely perceptible sinister smile.

This state is extremely physically demanding. If Huang Jiancheng consumes a lot of physical energy to prove the bait and smoke bombs he released, it will be exactly what he wants!

The more he thinks, the better it is for him.

Because Lin Mo's killer move is still behind.

So Lin Mo said without hesitation: "Judge, we agree to adjourn the court for five minutes and wait for the principal of Jianghai No. 1 High School to come. I want him to realize how serious his mistake is."

Lin Mo's tone was serious, making everyone think that Lin Mo was really waiting for the principal of Jianghai No. 1 High School to admit his mistake.


Huang Youhe knocked the gavel: 'Then adjourn the court for five minutes now. '

At this time, Huang Jiancheng also laughed: "How stupid! You still want to wait for the principal of Jianghai No. 1 High School to come and continue to criticize the principal, right? Then you are totally wrong!"

Huang Jiancheng left the chair and rushed to the toilet.

In the toilet cubicle, Huang Jiancheng closed his eyes, his thoughts gradually deepened, and slowly all his senses lost contact with the outside world.

Only what Lin Mo said in the trial remained in his mind.

Even the words he had ignored and did not remember before were constantly replayed in his mind.

The whole process of the trial began to replay in his mind.

Although it was only five minutes, it seemed like several hours had passed in his mind. He had several hours of thinking time.

It was as if time had stopped.

How to refute Lin Mo's "I kill myself" and how to refute the comparison method of illegal detention, he thought of it during this time.

Gradually, Huang Jiancheng exited the flow state, and a smile rose at the corner of his mouth, with an extremely confident expression.

The only drawback was that the body consumed a lot of energy, and there was a gurgling sound from his stomach.

The rapid operation of the brain consumes an astonishing amount of energy.

Huang Jiancheng habitually touched his pocket and suddenly smiled helplessly: "I haven't had a lawsuit for many years. I used to prepare chocolate in advance."

Huang Jiancheng didn't bring any food supplies, and his mind was a little dizzy.

But it's okay, the rebuttal arguments he thought of can definitely crush Lin Mo!

Thinking of this, he staggered out of the toilet and returned to the court.

At this time, a tall bald man strode into the court.

But the expression of this bald guy was full of grief and anger, especially after seeing the camera of the live broadcast, his grief and anger became more serious.

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