Lawyer: The bully is not guilty? I will send him to death!

Chapter 151 When the gameplay becomes a patent, how should you respond?

As Chen Wu roared as he sacrificed his life, the office fell silent. Even the entire company heard Chen Wu's roar and became completely silent.

But unlike Chen Wu's madness, everyone just showed a lonely expression.

Wu Yi and Tian Hai who were present sighed helplessly when they saw Chen Wu's crazy appearance.

They understood Chen Wu's approach from the bottom of their hearts.

That was Chen Wu's helpless move after despair. Before countless cases, under the pressure of Penguin, a super-large company, there was little hope for him to solve the problem through law.

How about competing with Penguin in terms of gameplay.


The reality has become obvious. Seawing updates cannot keep up with Penguin, and team members have reached their limits.

Only Chen Wu went crazy and tried to kill him with his life.

Thinking of this, Wu Yi and Tian Hai couldn't help but their eyes turned red, and a tear flowed out. This game was like their baby.

Now that he is about to be destroyed by the other party, and with his friend risking his life, the heartache is really unbearable.

"Lawyer Lin... we... what should we do?" Tian Hai choked and looked at Lin Mo.

Lin Mo looked calm and looked at Chen Wu and asked: "So, Brother Chen is questioning my strength and our Shunhe's strength?"

Chen Wu raised his head again and said seriously: "Yes, if you don't win, it will waste our remaining cash flow!"

Wu Yi on the side wanted to explain that the commission fee for this case will be deducted from the compensation fee and does not need to be paid by the company at present.

But he was stopped by Lin Mo, who said: "Since you don't believe me and question me, I will analyze it in detail with you now. The game is plagiarized."

The intellectual property rights involved in game plagiarism can be said to be the most complex category, involving many laws.

The three of them all looked at Lin Mo at this moment. They didn't understand the law, they only knew that from every angle, Penguin's "Top of the Clouds" imitated them.

"First of all, game plagiarism is divided into three categories. The first category is code plagiarism. As senior technicians, you should know this. The second category is art resource plagiarism, and the third category is gameplay plagiarism."

"So which categories does Penguin's Above the Clouds violate?"

"First of all, code plagiarism is excluded. As far as I know, Top of the Cloud is a built-in mode of the game League of Heroes. All the source code used belongs to League of Heroes and does not constitute infringement."

“So what constitutes infringement?”

Lin Mo got Wu Yi's mobile phone from his hand and pulled up the comparison pictures of the two games they produced in the early stages.

"This is part of the comparison chart you produced. It is obvious that the graphics and UI design of the two games are very similar, which involves plagiarism of art resources."

"The main laws involved include the Copyright Law, the Regulations on the Protection of Information Network Communication Rights, and the Trademark Law."

At this time, Chen Wu wanted to interrupt, but Lin Mo stopped him and said first: "I know what you want to say. Penguin's subsequent updates have indeed solved all these problems. Whether it is the screen performance or UI design, everything has been replaced by Another set is required so that no infringement is involved.

In this regard, their legal department is indeed powerful and has rich experience.

We have missed the best time to sue them. If we sue now and we use their previous pictures as an argument, Penguin Legal will have a lot of defense options.

We will be in a protracted war.

Brother Chen, this is what worries you. This is why you think you won’t win, right? "

Chen Wu was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then nodded.

"So, Lawyer Lin, do you have any good ideas?" Wu Yi asked from the side.

Lin Mo: "There is a way. Since I took it, don't worry."

Chen Wu then asked again: "Lawyer Lin, what about the plagiarism of the gameplay?"

As we all know, the most essential problem is that Penguin's original Cloud Top completely imitated the gameplay of Tower Blade Auto Chess.

The gameplay involved is plagiarism.

Regarding this point, Lin Mo: "There is a principle in intellectual property law, which is to protect expressions but not ideas. What does this mean?"

"To put it simply, the law believes that game play is regarded as a design concept and an idea, so the basic game play is not protected, whether abroad or domestically."

Hearing what Lin Mo said, the expressions of Wu Yi and Tian Hai darkened.

The most classic gameplay is the cops and robbers of CS, which has been imitated by countless gun games, and the moba gameplay of DOTA has also been widely borrowed.

There is no infringement involved.

So the most basic gameplay is not protected by the law.

Chen Wu also shook his head: "So, Penguin is only involved in the infringement of an art resource, and it has been heavily modified by them. It is difficult to prove."

"Then Lawyer Lin, what can you do? Fight them for several years over the plagiarism of art resources?"

Wu Yi and Tian Hai looked at Lin Mo. Not to mention the lawsuit for several years, if this continues, the company will not be able to survive even two months!

At this time, Lin Mo smiled slightly and asked calmly: "Do you know the patent law?"

The three nodded, but none of them understood why the game involved patent law.

"When the gameplay is just a design concept, it is not protected by law, but when a certain gameplay becomes your patent, it is protected by patent law."

The three of them understood instantly, their eyes lit up. Although they didn't understand the law, they felt a little direction after hearing what Lin Mo said.

Chen Wu also stopped what he was doing at this moment, no longer questioning Lin Mo, and hurriedly asked: "Can the gameplay also be applied for a patent?!"

Chen Wu's tone was very surprised.

The other two also had questions at the same time.

Yes, in everyone's impression, patents are those physical mechanical devices, such as car engines, etc.

Gameplay can be applied for patents, and the three people in the game industry are also the first to hear that the gameplay can be applied for a patent.

Lin Mo explained: "If it is the game itself, as an intellectual rule, there is no way to apply for a patent."

The three of them are like students at this moment, listening carefully.

Because this may be the life and death moment of their company!

Lin Mo continued: "my country's patents are divided into three types, inventions, hardware patents and design patents, and the inventions involve technical creation."

"Technical creation?" The three were even more confused. How could the gameplay involve technical creation?

Lin Mo smiled and said, "Everyone, if the gameplay involves relevant technological creation, it will naturally be protected by patent law."

"Wait! Lawyer Lin, I know all these words, why don't I understand them together?"

Tian Hai also said, "How can the gameplay involve technological creation?"

For this point, even those who have studied law, if they are not practitioners related to intellectual property protection, almost don't know.

Not to mention laymen.

Lin Mo nodded: "I'll give you a few examples and you will understand."

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