Lawyer: The bully is not guilty? I will send him to death!

Chapter 162 Even after I get the compensation, I will still sue you!

Zhang Xiao's attitude was extremely tough, giving people the impression that he was going to sue.

However, since he had come to the mediation court, the judges of the mediation court still had professional ethics and still needed to mediate.

The judge sitting in the middle looked at Lin Mofang and signaled if Lin Mo had anything to say, and if not, he would speak.

Lin Mo just said lightly: "This lawyer friend, we don't have to confront each other. Since I came here, it is to seek some benefits for Haiyi."

Obviously, as long as you understand some human relationships, you will know that Lin Mo wants to talk and has already released this meaning.

Yes, Lin Mo wants to talk, not only wants to talk, but also wants to delay time.

Because after a large number of patent applications are successful, Lin Mo's bold idea can be implemented!

That is to join forces with several other small companies that have been plagiarized and are on the verge of bankruptcy to sue "Wanmeng Star", a plagiarized masterpiece!

So Lin Mo entrusted Wu Yi and Tian Hai, two people in the game circle, to contact those small game companies that were also plagiarized by Penguin.

Leading to bankruptcy.

If we only help Haiyi win the lawsuit, we will earn too little.

If we help several companies win the lawsuit, the profit will be several times higher, and we can also save several startups and earn a wave of reputation.

So the negotiation with Zhang Xiao can be delayed as long as possible, until several other small companies also apply for patents, and then we can directly sue Wanmengzhixing.

As for Yunshangzhiding, if we can get compensation, we will get it, and if not, we can go to court, and fight two cases together!

Moreover, there is also an auto chess gameplay inside the Penguin "Wanmengzhixing" game, which is completely copied from their own Yunshangzhiding.

In fact, Lin Mo's ideal result is that at the end of the negotiation, he will get a lot of compensation from Zhang Xiao like a fool, and then withdraw the lawsuit.

Then Haiyi will sue "Wanmengzhixing" with several other companies to get another huge compensation.

Hurry up and grab Penguin.

And now the most important thing is to attract the attention of Penguin's legal department. Lin Mo doesn't want them to know that he is making a big deal.

And the mediation court is the best place to attract attention!

At this moment, Zhang Xiao still had a tough attitude.

He held his chest with a proud look on his face.


The judge of the mediation court was a young man who seemed to know more about games, so he was sent to mediate.

He was also an old acquaintance of Penguin's legal affairs, but there was no exchange of interests here. Penguin won before because it was powerful.

So he would not favor any party.

The young judge said to Zhang Xiao: "Lawyer Zhang, you don't have to be so arrogant. Since you are in the mediation court, let's talk about it."

After that, he looked at Lin Mo again:

"Lawyer Lin, according to my investigation, the game "Cloud Summit" has not been profitable at present, and is even in a loss-making state. You proposed a compensation of 100 million yuan in order to have room for subsequent bargaining, right?"

Lin Mo narrowed his eyes when he heard it, but did not speak, and his expression remained calm.

Then, Lin Mo took out a stack of information and began to prove Penguin's initial plagiarism.

And Zhang Xiao also heard the judge's last sentence, bargaining room.

In fact, he didn't want to go to court from the bottom of his heart, because as long as he went to court, there would be a risk of losing.

Losing the lawsuit would be a major disaster, and he might not be able to stay in Penguin, which he had worked hard for 20 years to get into.

But if it is in the mediation stage, the Penguin Legal Department has a special compensation fund.

If the negotiation really fails, the compensation fund can be used.

Because the senior management of Penguin is also afraid of losing the lawsuit, and losing a lawsuit will have a huge impact on the stock price of a behemoth like Penguin!

It may be a fluctuation of tens of billions.

So Penguin is really a case that is not stable, and it would rather pay a little money in private than lose the lawsuit.

Lin Mo naturally knows this truth, so he made a sky-high claim and then released his willingness to negotiate.

It was just to fool Zhang Xiao, my 100 million is fake, and we can negotiate!

Sure enough, after Lin Mo took out the first version of the art UI and the gameplay comparison chart, Zhang Xiao fell into deep thought.

The judge will consider these plagiarized pictures of existing art resources. The risk of losing the lawsuit is not high, but there is still a slight chance.

So Zhang Xiao chose to negotiate.

Lawyers who can enter Penguin are all good. Zhang Xiao's argument is that the subsequent Cloud Summit was immediately changed.

The same art resources only existed for less than a week, and the player traffic of Cloud Summit during that period was very low, and plagiarism did not bring players.

Request to reduce the compensation fee by 50 million.

Lin Mo firmly grasped this point. No matter what you update, if you don't attract players, it's plagiarism anyway, so he is only willing to reduce the compensation fee by one million.

So the two fell into a tense confrontation.

Xia Ling on the side was a little puzzled: "Why is the boss's argument so ordinary today? It feels a bit... indistinguishable from the crowd?"

It's not indistinguishable from the crowd, because when Xia Ling followed Lin Mo before, Lin Mo could always throw out a few heaven-defying arguments in a short period of time, and his imagination was so big that it was jaw-dropping.

And today, like a French machine, he had a debate with the other party.

There was a dispute over the amount of compensation.

Three hours later, Lin Mo was only willing to reduce the compensation by 5 million, which made Zhang Xiao very angry.

Finally, Zhang Xiao directly took out the evidence that the latest update of the tower knife auto chess was completely plagiarized from the top of the cloud.

Lin Mocai said leisurely: "We did not plagiarize, we just borrowed the gameplay, but I think the compensation can be reduced by 10 million."

Hearing that the price was reduced to 10 million, Zhang Xiao felt relieved for some reason. Finally, the talks had some results.

Lin Mo, on the other hand, was smiling but not smiling. This guy had fallen into his own rhythm.

His subsequent mediation will definitely be to proactively lower the compensation instead of going to court.

Seeing that there was progress, the mediating judge immediately adjourned the case and waited until next time.

Both sides agree.

But before leaving, Zhang Xiao thought that he had figured out Lin Mo's intentions, and he might have come to ask for compensation, so he said to Lin Mo directly: "Lawyer Lin, let me tell you clearly, at most we If you don’t accept the compensation of 9 million, then you will have to go to court.”

It seemed like he was scaring Lin Mo.

"Nine million is still too little. I want to talk more."

"Haha." Zhang Xiao smiled and strode away.

On the way back, Xia Ling asked with some confusion: "Boss, now that we have all the patents, why don't we just file a lawsuit?"

Lin Mo smiled and said: "Yes, we already have the killing move, why not kill more? Don't worry, wait a little longer."

The next negotiation was two days later. The two returned to Jianghai. Instead of going to the law firm, they went directly to Haiyi.

On the way, Lin Mo was also paying attention to the trends in the gaming industry.

Already, two popular small game companies have announced they are about to go bankrupt.

They are Tiancheng Deeds, which launched "Bubble Kart", and Eternal Company, which launched "CS Zombie Crisis Mode".

In Lin Mo's impression, these two games on Earth were foreign games introduced by a domestic agent. After they became popular, Tengzi began to launch games with exactly the same gameplay.

In this parallel world, it was invented by two small domestic game companies.

Although the paths were different, they could not escape the same fate, and were copied into the "Star of Ten Thousand Dreams" by Penguin.

The racing mode and Resident Evil mode of Dream Star Collection are copied from these two companies.

These two games have a large audience, so they have aroused heated discussions among players. At the same time, a large number of players have come forward to accuse Penguin, making them on the hot search list.

After returning to Sea Wing.

Wu Yi, Tian Hai and others immediately came forward anxiously.

Wu Yi: "Lawyer Lin, have you read the latest hot searches?"

"Look, have the founders of these two companies contacted each other?"

Tian Hai nodded: "We got in touch! But they don't believe you, Lawyer Lin, and it's hard for us to reveal the patent."

Lin Mo nodded: "Okay, make an appointment with the founders of these two companies, I will talk to them, and bring the patent documents of the Hex system."

"Is this... exposing our tactics before signing the contract?" Tian Hai hesitated.

Lin Mo: "Don't worry, if given the chance, these two founders, just like you, would love to kill Penguin."


The two quickly contacted each other.

The action was quick and the meeting time was set for tomorrow morning.

Lin Mo also asked Sun Quan, Zhang Houcai, and Xia Ling to be on call at any time. As long as they reached an agreement, the three of them would directly settle in the two companies.

At the same time, he also told Wu Yi and Tian Hai to dispatch a group of people to coordinate the operation.

The two naturally agreed.

The next morning, Lin Mo appeared in a private room of a mid-range teahouse at nine o'clock on time.

Booked two private rooms.

At nine o'clock, we will first meet with the founder of "Tiancheng Deeds" and at ten o'clock, we will meet with the founder of "Eternal Company".

At nine o'clock, the door of the box was pushed open, and a young man dressed elegantly and wearing gold-rimmed glasses walked in.

After seeing Lin Mo, he first showed joy and immediately came over to shake hands with Lin Mo:

"Lawyer Lin, hello, my name is Wang Xun. I have watched every trial of yours. They are really exciting."

After chatting for a while, Lin Mo got straight to the point: "Mr. Wang, do you have any ideas to sue Penguin? Their game Dream Star copied your bubble kart mode."

Speaking of this, Wang Xun sighed:

"Lawyer Lin, I'd better not bother you anymore. If you can't win, it will ruin your reputation."

A smile appeared on Lin Mo's lips. This guy spoke quite artistically.

If you don't believe that you can win, don't believe it. If you insist on saying that you lose, you will ruin your reputation, as if you are thinking about Lin Mo.

But this is the founder of the company, he can talk.

Lin Mo didn't waste any time and directly took out the patent for the Hex game mechanism and placed it in front of Wang Xun:

"Mr. Wang, look at what this is."

Wang Xun first glanced at the patent document. He was a little curious, and then picked it up and looked through it.

"What... is this?"

He knew all the words written on it, but he couldn't understand them when they were put together. What were the steps to gain BUFF...

"Why does it feel like a game?"

"Yes, it's a game, and it's a game patent."

"Game patent?" Wang Xun pondered: "It seems... I seem to have heard of this thing, but what does it have to do with me?"

Lin Mo smiled now: "Mr. Wang, take a closer look to see if this patent describes the Hex game mechanism on Top of the Cloud."

When Lin Mo said this, Wang Xun's eyes immediately widened, as if he realized something, no wonder it was so familiar!

He went back and read it again, and this time, he understood it!

"Really! Penguin can also apply for a patent for this thing? The legal department is too strong. If other companies copy their Hextech system, wouldn't it be infringement?" Wang Xun sighed.

Mr. Wang knows a little about the law, but his eyesight is not accurate.

Lin Mo corrected: "Mr. Wang, look at who has this patent."

Wang Xun immediately lowered his head, and his eyes almost bulged:

"This... this patent belongs to Haiyi Game Company?"

Wang Xun was stunned. What's going on?

Then, Lin Mo explained it in detail, which made Wang Xun dumbfounded.

"This... this... can it be played like this? You are registering Penguin's patent and then suing them?"

Lin Mo nodded: "Yes, so Mr. Wang, do you want to join us?"


There was a loud knock on the table, and Wang Xun slammed it hard, his face flushed:

"Join! Why not join! I want to get rid of this bad breath!"

It can be seen that after Wang Xun heard that he could really get revenge, he wanted to do Penguin from the bottom of his heart.

Then it was to sign the contract. Wang Xun didn't even look at the contract and signed it directly.

"Okay, Haiyi and our lawyers will come to your Tiancheng to assist in the future."

"Okay! Thank you, Lawyer Lin!"

The two shook hands and started the cooperation happily.

Then Lin Mo changed to a private room and waited until ten o'clock

Waiting for the founder of "Eternal Company".

This founder is also quite young, but he has lost his hair at a young age, his hair is already very sparse, his dark circles are very heavy, and he exudes a sense of fatigue.

At first, he didn't believe that Lin Mo could beat Penguin.

Until he saw that the patent for the Hex game mechanism belonged to Haiyi, his eyes lit up instantly.

Without saying anything, he cooperated directly.

As a result, before noon, Lin Mo signed contracts with two companies.

Back to Haiyi, he took out two contracts and showed the results.

"Well, this time it's a triangular alliance." Wu Yi and Tian Hai have received invitations from the CEOs of the two companies to set up a group, and the formal cooperation begins now.

Chen Wu is already packing up and preparing to move into the other two companies.

As long as he can attack Penguin Company, he Chen Wu will do it!

Sun Quan and three others also moved into the two companies and started to apply for patents.

Another day later, Lin Mo once again came to the mediation court of Nanshan District Court in Shenzhen City and started a verbal battle with Zhang Xiao.

But today, Zhang Xiao felt that the negotiation was unexpectedly smooth?

Lin Mo actually agreed to reduce it by 20 million!

After the negotiation, Zhang Xiao was smiling. After a few more talks, it is estimated that it can be reduced to less than 10 million.

When Zhang Xiao returned to the company and reported to Xiong Fei, the deputy director of the Ministry of Law, he specially showed the progress.

Xiong Fei also expressed his affirmation, and even praised him: "You are a good kid. You can even negotiate with a super thorn like Lin Mo. You are really capable. But I guess they are also guilty. They just want a little compensation. We still have money in our compensation fund. We can give them a few million to shut them up."

Lin Mo's negotiation behavior was guilty in Xiong Fei's eyes. In addition, all his thoughts were on the game Wanmeng Star, so he didn't pay attention to Lin Mo anymore.

A lawyer who dared not go to court, Xiong Fei unilaterally thought that Lin Mo was scared.

So, don't pay attention to it.

After the second negotiation, perhaps because of the recent high public opinion on game plagiarism, someone broke the news that Lin Mo was helping Haiyi sue Penguin Games for plagiarism, and is currently in the mediation stage.

In addition, the companies that were plagiarized by Penguin have frequently reported bankruptcy recently, and this topic has become a hot search again.

After all, Haiyi is currently the only company that dares to sue Penguin, and Lin Mo is a lawyer with great online fame, so it naturally attracted a lot of comments.

And all the comments are relatively positive.

"Wow, Lawyer Lin has made another move! It's another high-end game!"

"Sue Penguin? This... this is too fierce."

"Does Lawyer Lin Mo want to destroy Penguin's Nanshan Pizza Hut reputation this time?"

"I'm so excited. It would be great if Lawyer Lin could win. I don't like seeing these dreamy game companies go bankrupt."

"Yes, only when the game industry is flourishing can better games continue to appear. If Penguin continues to copy, who will start independent games in the future?"

"For the health of the game industry, I support Lawyer Lin!"


The voices on the Internet are particularly high.

Lin Mo smiled: "Then I have to disappoint everyone and help everyone realize their dreams."

After Lin Mo returned to Jianghai, he immediately got down to work.

The patent applications of Tiancheng Shiji and Yongheng Company progressed steadily, and two small companies joined along the way.

Including Haiyi, there are already five companies in the alliance. Everyone is silent, holding their breath, and applying for patents fiercely.

Lin Mo also ran to Shenzhen Nanshan Court from time to time to negotiate with Zhang Xiao.

Half a month later, the compensation has been reduced to 50 million.

The mediating judge saw progress and did not terminate the mediation, and did not go to court.

Then, another half a month passed.

In addition to Haiyi's patents, all applications have been successful, and the remaining four companies have also completed 80%!

Everything is ready!

Therefore, Lin Mo directly submitted a complaint to the Nanshan Court on behalf of the five companies. The person suing was Penguin's "Dream Star."

However, Zhang Xiao didn't know about all this and was still negotiating with Lin Mo.

Finally, a few days later, Lin Mo relented and the compensation amount was reduced to the minimum of 10 million.

Zhang Xiao also agreed to compensate without saying anything, on the condition that Lin Mo withdraws the lawsuit.

The compensation was quickly transferred to Haiyi's account.

Lin Mo also withdrew the lawsuit in accordance with the regulations.

When the lawsuit was withdrawn, Lin Mo couldn't hold his lips tightly. The ten million yuan was just like a gift.

I am withdrawing the lawsuit from Top of the Clouds, and I did not promise not to sue your Wanmengzhi.


Zhang Xiao, on the other hand, returned to the company as if he had completed a glorious mission, but was called directly to the office by Xiong Fei without even claiming credit.

Xiong Fei handed over a legal summons and said angrily: "What's going on? Didn't you say that Lin Mo withdrew the lawsuit?! Why has he united five companies to sue us, Wanmeng Star?!"

"They also said that our patent infringement requires us to compensate five companies for a total of 500 million yuan!?"


Zhang Xiao was stunned. Didn't Lin Mo just say he would withdraw the lawsuit?

And at this moment, on the Internet.

The news that Lin Mo collected money to withdraw the lawsuit was revealed, leaving the entire player community dumbfounded.

They originally thought that Lin Mo would go to court directly and defeat Penguin again.

Unexpectedly, the lawsuit was withdrawn?

It caused dissatisfaction among many players.

A large number of young people are asking why Lin Mo wants to withdraw the lawsuit. Even if he loses, they will not have any complaints.

But you can't defeat others without fighting!

How undignified this is!

The difference was that at this time, thunderous cheers erupted from within Seayi Company.

Because the compensation of 10 million has been obtained!

In any case, the company was saved.

Lin Mo smiled and said: "Is this enough? The fun has just begun."

Wu Yi and Tian Hai were so excited that they shed tears, but they still pulled Lin Mo and said:

"Lawyer Lin, many players on the Internet are questioning your withdrawal of the lawsuit. Should we issue a joint statement to explain that we are still suing?"

At present, it is really just a little trick of Lin Mo, and he got some money.

The real big deal is the massive number of patents applied for in this month!

Lin Mo will not accept mediation this time, then it will really be a court meeting.

This is Lin Mo's first time playing in such an advantageous downwind game.

Lin Mo smiled and said:

"Please post one, hint at what happened, and explain my behavior. I won't post it, and everyone will understand. By the way, don't post any information related to patents.

We can even mislead Penguin's legal affairs, making them think that we are uniting to use the public opinion offensive to pressure them to correct the plagiarism or compensate them. "

Regardless of whether it's useful or not, the later you let them know something about the patent, the better.

Lin Mo has now devoted himself wholeheartedly to the case.

Because the Nanshan District Court heard the case quickly, the trial will begin in three days.

Time is tight, we have to sort out the case and sort out the defense process, and there is no time to issue an announcement.

At this time, Lin Mo received a message from Zhang Xiao:

"Lin Mo, you are shameless!"

Lin Mo picked up the phone, took a look at it, and replied: "I am shameless? I withdrew the lawsuit on Top of the Clouds in accordance with the regulations, but I don't seem to have promised you not to sue your company, Wanmeng Star, right?"


Seeing this news, Zhang Xiao hit the table with a hammer.

I was fooled!

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