At this stage, Xiong Fei is lying on the ground unconscious, and anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

The winner of this lawsuit is already Lin Mo.

In the major legal commentary live broadcast rooms, the big Vs are fiercely discussing Lin Mo's patent.

What the major netizens are more concerned about is how this matter will be judged.

So they all rushed into Luo Daxiang's live broadcast room.

Because only Luo Daxiang is relatively calm at the moment and is still analyzing the situation.

"Mr. Luo, Penguin now infringes on 61 patents, so how much compensation will it pay?"

Luo Daxiang nodded, which is exactly what he is thinking about now.

So he started to analyze with the audience: "It is like this, patent infringement is mainly divided into five types of compensation:

"Actual loss of the right holder"

"Profits from infringement by the infringer"

"Reasonable multiples of patent license fees"

"Statutory compensation", and "Punishment damages"

At present, I cannot define the actual loss of the right holder, that is, the patent owner. I guess the court cannot calculate it either, it is too complicated.

The profits from infringement by the infringer can be found through Penguin's financial situation.

This may be a reference for the amount of compensation.

Of course, I think the judge may refer to the "reasonable multiples of patent license fees."

But this brings us back to a point. We all know that these five companies The company's patents are all authorized by a company called "Seal".

Obviously, Seal is actually a shell company co-founded by five companies.

The licensing fee of the patent may be zero.

So it depends on how the judge makes the final decision, and the current attention to this lawsuit is so high.

If the Nanshan Court does not give a reasonable amount of compensation, it is estimated that it will cause great public opinion problems.

And don't forget that Lin Mo also sued Penguin Games for unfair competition. From the current point of view, unfair competition is also established.

This crime can also be fined, and Penguin must be punished. "

Luo Daxiang did not say the specific amount of compensation. He did not have detailed data in this regard and could not say for sure.

But he told netizens how the judge would sentence.

The simple and clear explanation made everyone roughly understand.

Now we are looking forward to the final judgment of the presiding judge Long Zuo.

In the court meeting room, the collegial panel.

Several judges are working with the judges of economic law to calculate the amount of compensation.

The court has already received the monthly turnover of Penguin's Wanmeng Star project.

Now there is a problem in front of Long Zuo.

That is, the game Wanmeng Star has no profit....

Yes, Wanmeng Star is still in the process of expanding to attract users. Without launching any paid items, there is no profit.

The account is full of various publicity expenses...

The publicity expenses actually consumed an astonishing 1.4 billion!

"So, Chief Judge Long, Penguin's Wanmeng Star project is still in a loss-making state. We have to change the reference method for compensation."

The judge also scratched the back of his head and said with difficulty.

Long Zuo's mouth twitched.

He knew that this was Penguin's usual routine. First, copy other people's games, and then use a lot of publicity to attract players, and even don't launch any paid props.

After the game he copied was exhausted, Penguin's game was the only one, and it began to make money fiercely.

But at this stage, he is losing money.

"Then change it. How much is the licensing fee that Haibao Company paid to Haiyi and the other five companies? We will compensate them at three times the licensing fee."

The other courts looked through the information, looked at each other, and then said: "The licensing fee of Haibao is... zero."

"No licensing fee?"

"Yes, presiding judge, this company is a shell company created by Lin Mo, mainly to avoid Penguin Legal's discovery that they are applying for a large number of patents, so the patent licensing fee is naturally zero."

Long Zuo nodded, and now the amount of compensation can be negotiated.

There is no reference.

Suddenly, Long Zuo thought of something: "Show me the information of the highest profit month and the lowest profit month of Haiyi, Yongheng, and these five companies."

The information was quickly delivered to Long Zuo's hands.

Long Zuo found that the highest profits of these five companies were relatively average. After deducting all expenses, the monthly profits were all around 4 million.

This is actually a very high revenue for companies with only more than 20 people.

So what about the lowest profit?

Long Zuo took a look and found that it was negative!

"Judge, in the later period, because Penguin Dream Star has a fast update frequency, many activities, many game modes, and good social attributes, most players have lost, so the revenue is negative."

Long Zuo nodded: "So what is the profit life of these games?"

The profit of a game has a lifespan. Except for some Shenyou that has been profitable for 20 years, the profit cycle of most games is only one or two years.

"We estimate that it should be about one year. Even if these games are not copied by Penguin, other companies have successively launched similar game play, and the subsequent competition will be very fierce."

The judge considers compensation in many aspects.

Long Zuo thought for a while and said: "Then calculate it according to six times the highest profit."

"Is this... a bit too low?" The judges looked at each other.

They all knew that if Penguin succeeded in making this game, the profit would be terrifying.

At this time, Long Zuo said seriously: "Don't forget, Lin Mo also sued Penguin for unfair competition. My final judgment should be:

Penguin should pay 120 million yuan in compensation, order to cancel the Wanmeng Star project, and rectify the infringement issues of all internal games.

In addition, Haiyi, Tiancheng Shiji and these five companies have a large number of patents. Their games can dominate the market until the end of their profit life."

The judges thought about it and finally nodded.

This is a very reasonable way of punishment. After all, the highest profit in a month is 4 million. Even if Penguin does not appear, the profit will gradually decline.

In this wave, each company can get 24 million yuan and have the opportunity to dominate the market.

"How about this judgment?"

Long Zuo asked again.

120 million yuan in compensation is actually the highest compensation amount in the entire game infringement lawsuit.

The Wanmeng Star, which Penguin invested heavily in, had to be removed from the shelves, and even the Cloud Summit had to be rectified, which was actually dead.

This wave of Penguin was hit hard.

The indirect losses are estimated to be in the tens of billions.

The amount of compensation did not reach the level of 500 million proposed by Lin Mo, mainly because the highest monthly profit of these five companies was too small.

This was already the highest compensation that Long Zuo could impose.

The collegial panel had no objection, and Long Zuo nodded:

"Then let's sentence it like this."

After that, he got up with the information and went to the court.

Walking into the court, everyone's eyes were on Long Zuo.

Everyone was looking forward to how Long Zuo would sentence.

Before Long Zuo sat down, he directly rang the gavel:

"Now, let's proceed to the final statement phase. Do both parties have anything else to say?"

Long Zuo first looked at Lin Mo.

And Lin Mo was still sitting leisurely on the chair, waving his hand: "Judge, I have nothing to say."

It has come to this point, what else is there to say?

Talking too much will only delay the judgment.

Then Long Zuo looked at Xiong Fei. Well, Xiong Fei was sitting on the ground with a dull look in his eyes.

"Xiong Fei..."

No response.

Even Zhang Xiao, the assistant, was confused at the moment and had no intention of speaking.


Seeing this, Long Zuo directly knocked the gavel: "Now announce the result of the penalty!"

"Everyone stand up!"


In the whole court, everyone stood up and looked at Long Zuo with expectation.

This is the first lawsuit that Penguin has lost. Everyone is looking forward to how much compensation will be awarded!

Long Zuo read out: "According to the law... Penguin Games Co., Ltd. has committed 61 infringements against Haiyi, Tiancheng Shiji, Yongheng... five companies. According to the compensation regulations, Penguin Games Co., Ltd. is first ordered to pay a total of 120 million yuan in compensation to Haiyi, Tiancheng Shiji and other five companies."

When the compensation was announced, everyone in the court showed shocked eyes.

120 million yuan!

You should know that at present, the highest compensation for game infringement is only 50 million.

That was when the company completely copied and infringed more than 260 art resource patents.

Today, Penguin only infringed 61 patents and had to pay 120 million!

Moreover, many professionals fully understand the profitability of the games of these five companies. This is a huge profit!

Even Luo Daxiang showed a shocked face at this moment.

"The specific compensation amount of the five companies will be further detailed according to the amount of patent infringement." Long Zuo added.

The compensation of 120 million yuan immediately became a hot search.

And Long Zuo didn't stop.

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