Lawyer: The bully is not guilty? I will send him to death!

Chapter 173 This wave of profits is huge! The law firm’s account is full of money!


The information fell directly on Zheng Tao:

"Damn! Trash! You are all trash! A bunch of good-for-nothings! I thought Shunhe Law Firm was a top-tier law firm, but it turned out to be an unknown law firm with only five people!

And that Lin Mo, he sent his clients to jail in the two cases he just started! actually lost to such a lawyer?


Liu Huateng's face flushed red, and he even felt that he couldn't get enough oxygen, and he was about to faint from anger...

Zheng Tao also hurriedly went up to help Liu Huateng up:

"Boss Liu, please listen to my explanation. This time, Lin Mo was caught off guard. His real strength is just like that. When we get back on our feet, we will definitely be able to stabilize the situation!"

Zheng Tao didn't care, he just comforted Boss Liu first!

However, at this moment, the picture on the big screen changed again.

The interview with Lin Mo was played.

Liu Huateng also looked over. He wanted to see who was the guy who caused the company's stock to evaporate tens of billions.

As a result, as soon as Lin Mo came to his perspective, Lin Mo said:

"I think that game companies across the country can imitate our operations and apply for patents for key game functions, which can effectively protect yourselves. Of course, if your game is also copied by Penguin, then please speed up your pace and grab everything you own!

Let Penguin Game Company taste your pain and let them experience the real cruelty!"

This is Lin Mo's last interview, as if launching an absolute counterattack against Penguin.

Liu Huateng was stunned....He turned his head and looked at Zheng Tao: "How can you stabilize this situation? Is this also within your expectations?"

Zheng Tao...was speechless this time, and even his body began to tremble.

"Quick! Gather all the people in the legal department! Register the patent! Register the patent! Otherwise...otherwise we are finished!"

Zheng Tao panicked, pushed Liu Huateng away directly, and pulled Wang Kun away.

"Damn it! Zheng Tao, if you can't handle this matter, I want your heads!"

Liu Huateng also knew how serious this matter was, and cursed directly.


While Liu Huateng was cursing.

Lin Mo had already got on the car back to the law firm.

"This time I made a big profit." Lin Mo smiled.

The contract signed with Haiyi Company at the beginning was 15% of the compensation, so the law firm could take 15% of the 10 million that Zhang Xiao cheated, which is 1.5 million.

In the subsequent contracts signed with the five companies, I took into account the huge amount, so I gave up a little and only took 10%.

120 million can be divided into 12 million!

After this wave, the law firm directly earned 13.5 million!

It can be said that it made a lot of money!

Penguin's money is easy to make.

Now we just wait for the compensation from Penguin.

There is no need to worry about Penguin refusing to pay, because a company of Penguin's size will not default on its debts.

Really dare to default? Directly revoke the business license...

That's not a joke for Penguin.

At the same time, the sound of system settlement came to Lin Mo's mind.

Received emotional value rewards from the founders of five companies.

Gratitude, respect, and admiration were maxed out.

A total of 450,000 in monetary rewards were provided.

Added together, the total income was 13.95 million.

Great profit!

Reputation rewards are also here.

[Lin Mo +9,000 reputation]

[Shunhe Law Firm +2,000 reputation]

This is the highest increase in Lin Mo's personal reputation, while the reputation of the law firm itself is relatively low.

This may have something to do with the media's description.

The publicity of the Tianwang Mountain Battle was mainly to promote Lin Mo personally, so the increased reputation was also more for individuals.

After these reputation increases, the ranking of the law firm also rose.

[Shunhe Law Firm: 21,600→32,600 reputation, ranking: 397→309 (88↑)]

Although the reputation increased this time, the increase in ranking was not as much as the last time.

Last time, 101 people were added, and this time only 88 people were added.

This is because the higher the ranking, the higher the reputation of each law firm, and the more points are needed to increase the ranking.

But it doesn't matter. According to past records, as the reputation increases, the law firm's orders will increase.

At this time, Xia Ling, who was sitting next to him, said: "Boss, Xiao Sun asked us to go to Haiyi headquarters to celebrate."


Just change the route, but Lin Mo found a problem and said with a smile: "Xia Ling, you call Sun Quan Xiao Sun?"

"Oh, this, I used to call him Lawyer Sun, but he said that he came late and had little experience, so just call him Xiao Sun."

Xia Ling said very honestly.

Hearing this, Lin Mo couldn't hold back his mouth.

Sun Quan definitely didn't think so. With his personality, he must be polite and want Xia Ling to figure out the comparison of strength.

Sun Quan must be confident that he is better than Xia Ling.

He wants Xia Ling to face the reality and call him Brother Sun.

Unexpectedly, Xia Ling is a bit stubborn. She is a single-celled organism. She can't tell that Sun Quan is being polite, so she really calls Sun Quan "Little Sun"...

"What's wrong, Boss? Is it wrong to call him that? Actually, I think it's a bit wrong. I still recognize Xiao Sun's strength. He should be called Lawyer Sun." Xia Ling pursed her lips.

Lin Mo stopped immediately: "No, just call him Xiao Sun. Who told this kid to be polite to you?"


With just a few words, Sun Quan's position in the law firm was established.

However, Lin Mo saw it very clearly. In this case, Sun Quan played an absolute technical core.

Of course, everyone played very well. Zhang Houcai won by quantity, and Xia Ling contacted five companies for barrier-free communication.

No one can be missing.

However, after this case, Lin Mo saw everyone's fatigue.

"It's time to recruit people."

Lin Mo Mo calculated in his heart.

The first bullying case was completely for the purpose of fighting a famous turnaround battle, and at the same time, in order to help Wang Lele, no money was collected.

The second case was the case of blind brother's marriage fraud. Here, 1 million commission fees were received from blind brother.

The third case was the Wang Hao counter-killing case, which had no income.

The fourth case was to help the Pengcheng prosecutors win the Jiang Wu mental illness murder case, and signed a long-term cooperation contract, earning 1.2 million yuan. However, Zhang Houcai has done a great job recently, and the Pengcheng prosecutors directly signed a four-year contract, with 4.8 million yuan in the account.

The fifth commission was to help Jiang Shuxuan and Chen Anmin sue Jiang Haiyi Gaohe's parents, with no income, but great fame.

With this fame, they signed a service fee of 4 million yuan a year for Yongsheng Sports, and received 4 million yuan in the account.

At the same time, there were 1 million yuan in light business cooperation service fees from nearly 30 companies.

These incomes added up to a total of 10.8 million yuan. After deducting the wages paid to Zhang Houcai and Xia Ling, there was still 10.32 million yuan left.

Adding the emotional value rewards given by the system in the previous few times, the total was 11.22 million yuan.

It has been four months since Zhang Houcai joined the law firm. In these few months, Zhang Houcai has received a total of 400,000 yuan in salary + commission.

Xia Ling's average monthly salary, including bonuses, is 20,000 yuan.

Lin Mo didn't feel bad at all for paying Zhang Hou only 100,000 yuan a month, and even felt that it was too little.

After all, he was responsible for all the basic affairs of the law firm in the past few months.

It can be said that he alone supported the underlying construction of the law firm.

He has made great contributions!

As for Xia Ling, she is also a meritorious protector...

With her by my side, at least I won't be beaten to death.

So, the law firm currently has a total of 25.17 million yuan in its account!

This income can be said to be the annual total income of a mid-level law firm, and it is not the net profit.

"Now that there is money in the account, it is indeed time to expand recruitment to cope with the business cooperation brought by fame, otherwise the law firm will not be able to maintain the subsequent legal services."

Lin Mo thought, and began to build the construction of the law firm in his mind.

From then on, Shunhe Law Firm was finally on the right track and became a serious law firm.

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