Lawyer: The bully is not guilty? I will send him to death!

Chapter 175 Law firm partner levels and lawyer promotion system

Zhang Houcai looked at the recruitment plan in his hand and was extremely shocked.

It’s not that I was shocked because of how many people were hired, and the number of people to be hired was not mentioned at all. What was written was “Plan for establishing a non-litigation business department, Minister——Zhang Houcai.”

"Lawyer Zhang Houcai is fully responsible for the establishment of the department."

A few simple words directly set the tone for recruiting people.

"This...Lin Lu..." Zhang Houcai stuttered in his voice.

"What? Can't you understand?" Lin Mo squinted his eyes.

If Zhang Houcai couldn't understand this, he wouldn't have the strength to be the minister.

Zhang Houcai immediately shook his head: "I understand! It's just..."

Of course he understands!

He understood that this meant that Lin Mo would hand over the entire non-litigation business of the law firm to himself!

From now on, he, Zhang Hou, will be the leader of the non-litigation business!

Moreover, non-litigation business is almost always the most profitable project in most top law firms.

And it includes many projects, such as legal counsel, who needs to be responsible for providing legal assistance to all cooperating companies.

There is also corporate business. The public business alone includes providing legal services for corporate businesses such as enterprise (company) establishment and registration, mergers and acquisitions, changes, reorganization, restructuring, property rights transactions, property rights definition, asset replacement, bankruptcy, etc.

It also involves securities, finance, and other industries.

As long as the business does not go to court, it is included.

This is definitely the most complex business in the law firm, with the most projects and the most people.

Zhang Hou only knew how important this position was!

What's even more outrageous is that Lin Mo asked him to build this business department by himself.

Seeing Zhang Houcai's shocked silence, Lin Mo smiled and said, "What? Is there any problem? Are you still afraid and don't dare to do it?"

Zhang Houcai took a deep breath and said with some guilt: "Lin Lu, I... I'm afraid I'm not qualified for such an important position. I'm afraid I'll mess up the law firm's business..."

He just wanted to ask Lin Mo for a few people to relieve the current business pressure.

Unexpectedly, Lin Mo directly asked him to set up the entire non-litigation department. This was so frightening that Zhang Houcai's heart was beating wildly.

At this time, Lin Mo just waved his hand:

“You don’t have to worry about this, Brother Houcai, I have said before that our law firm’s goal is to become a top law firm.

But now, the business in the law firm is in chaos, and it is completely a grassroots team.

If this continues, it will only make the law firm's business more complex and cause constant problems, which will ultimately lead to a decline in the law firm's business strength.

If we want to become a top law firm, we must have professional people doing professional things, and we must set up professional departments. "

Zhang Houcai also understood what Lin Mo said.

No first-tier law firm is a mixed bag of departments. Business is chaotic.


"No more butts. You know, Brother Houcai, you are my start-up employee. Now I am sending you to set up the department because I trust you. When the law firm enters a positive cycle in the future, you will be able to be upgraded to a partner by then. When you go back to your hometown, no one will look down on you anymore.”

Lin Mo patted Zhang Houcai on the shoulder and said with great certainty.

As he said this, Lin Mo was afraid that Zhang Houcai wouldn't believe it, so he took out another list of law firm partner levels.

"I've made a set of progression tables, take a look."

In fact, when Zhang Hou heard that he could straighten his back when he returned to his hometown, he was a little excited.

The last time he took money to help his old father treat his illness, he gained a good reputation in his hometown. People said that he had finally grown up and was able to take charge.

For him, a man who has been bullied in society for many years, this is tantamount to a kind of heartfelt affirmation.

Zhang Houcai enjoyed the compliments very much, and he felt respected!

Thinking about it, Zhang Hou took the form again.

[Shunhe Law Firm Partner Level Table]

[T0: Founding Partner]

[T1: Senior Partner]

[T2: Senior Partner]

[T3: General Partner]

Benefits are written behind each level of partner, mainly the law firm's dividend ratio and case commission ratio.

The higher the level, the higher the bonus, and the higher the commission you get for each case you handle.

The current founding partner column reads "Lin Mo"

The senior partner wrote "Qiu Ying"

In addition to the partner level table, there are also levels for lawyers in law firms.

The "eight-grade system" is adopted

There are eight levels of lawyers, the highest being seventh grade. After two years of seventh grade, the title of senior lawyer will be awarded.

Senior lawyers have the basic qualifications to be promoted to general partners.

This is the promotion mechanism of a law firm.

At this time, Lin Mo said:

"Brother Houcai, now you are qualified to be promoted to general partner, but if you want to be promoted to senior partner, you need to do something important that is beneficial to the law firm.

In my opinion, it is good to establish a non-litigation business department.

You have a first-mover advantage. This opportunity will not be available when the law firm matures. "

Zhang Houcai certainly has a first-mover advantage. After all, the law firm currently only has a few people...

Of course, these were all the reasons why Lin Mo deceived Zhang Houcai, an S-level talent, into working.

Because Lin Mo discovered that although Zhang Houcai worked hard without complaint, his desire to work would decrease after certain needs were met.

No matter how much money I give, I won't do it anymore...

For example, after you have earned enough money for medical treatment for your family, you no longer care about his salary of 100,000 yuan a month.

If he hadn't known that many of the firm's businesses would stagnate once he left his post, Lin Mo estimated that he would have quit long ago...

Brother Houcai is quite unique.

So Lin Mo added: "Brother Houcai, our law firm operates with the belief of saving the people and upholding justice, but to achieve this wish, we need extremely professional construction. Are you willing to devote yourself to such a good thing that benefits the country and the people?"

After these words came out, Zhang Houcai was stunned.

He scratched his head and felt a little dizzy.

He just wanted to ask for a few people. Lawyer Lin not only talked about the dignity of returning to his hometown, but also about saving the people...

He remembered that when he just became a lawyer, his parents talked about this topic.

He must be a righteous lawyer in the future.

This concept seems to be the same as what Lin Mo proposed!

"I... Can I really do it?" Zhang Houcai seemed to question himself.

"Okay! Definitely! To achieve this goal, let's work together!"

Lin Mo directly shook Zhang Houcai's hand.

Zhang Houcai looked into Lin Mo's eyes, and for some reason, he also felt the blood boiling.

When he was in Yongyuan, he worked overtime like crazy to treat his family's illness and was exploited.

When this problem was solved, he was a little confused, and he didn't feel anything when looking at the money in the account.

But now, he seems to have a new goal!

Is this... Is this the feeling of having a dream?

Zhang Houcai felt the long-lost blood.


Zhang Houcai nodded excitedly: "Struggle for fairness and justice!"

Zhang Houcai took the schedule and left. Lin Mo gave him the greatest autonomy, and the recruitment budget even gave him a monthly expenditure of one million.

Seeing Zhang Houcai's enthusiastic expression, Lin Mo breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he couldn't help but smile. This kind of top talent has a weird personality, and ordinary methods can't make him devote himself wholeheartedly.

After getting along for so long, Lin Mo has actually figured out Zhang Houcai's personality.

So there is this now.

This is not a pie in the sky.

Making the law firm synonymous with fairness and justice is also one of Lin Mo's pursuits.

After sending Zhang Houcai away, Sun Quan also came to work.

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