Xia Ling has also been observing Liu Su for some time.

Liu Su is a very gentle, sensible and elegant woman.

Today was the first time Xia Ling saw Liu Su lose such a temper.

After shutting up, the fat man flinched a little, but still mustered up the courage to say:

"Liu Lu, since you have promised us that you can revitalize Chunqiu Law Firm, but at least... at least you have to produce some results. We can't let so many of us work with you without a source of cases."

Liu Su did not resist this sentence.

The angry expression also turned into helplessness.

At this time, the fat man immediately said: "Liu Lu, Mr. Yang has liked you for a long time. As long as you agree to accompany him on a date for one night, he can contact the High Court of Wan City through connections to have the case retried. At that time , there is room for improvement!”

After Liu Su was silent for a while, he just gave the fat man a cold look: "Hongwen, we have known each other since college. I know you are a very upright and kind person. Why, why can you say such a thing?" talk?"

The fat man named Hongwen showed a guilty expression. He knew he was in the wrong and did not dare to look into Liu Su's eyes. He just stammered: "Liu Lu... we... we are no longer young people..."

As he spoke, Hongwen's eyes became moist for some unknown reason, and he suddenly collapsed and said:

"Senior Liu Su, money... I need money. If the law firm doesn't work anymore, my mortgage, car loan, training classes for my children, and medical expenses for my parents, I... I can't bear it, I can't bear it. ah..."

"Senior sister, please forgive me and accompany me for a while. Everything is ready. It's all ready!"

"And Mr. Yang's father is a senior partner of Tianwu Law Firm. As you know, Tianwu Law Firm is a serious red circle firm, and if he is a famous criminal defense lawyer, he can help our law firm fight this lawsuit. The probability of winning is 90%, and it can also help our law firm stand up, and even cooperate with Tianwu. At that time, our law firm will really come to life!”

When Hongwen said it, his voice almost vibrated and his whole body was trembling.

"So... So you mean to sacrifice me?" Liu Su looked sad. She never expected that her former junior fellow student and now comrade-in-arms would say such things.

Even for the sake of life, one should not be so heartless!

"No, it's not a sacrifice, it's a small dedication! Senior sister, as long as you make a donation, the rest of our law firm will be alive!"

Hongwen's eyes widened and he said excitedly.

At this moment, Liu Su sighed and said feebly: "Hongwen, don't you know that Young Master Yang is a famous playboy, and his father is also a famous pervert in the industry, I want to accompany him Not alone."

With that said, Liu Su sat down on the chair feebly.

Hongwen was stunned for a moment, and he also remembered how bad the Yang family and his son were in that circle.

Only then did he realize how stupid what he just said was.

But for the sake of living, Hongwen gritted his teeth: "Senior sister, if there is no news about this case within a day, I will take the remaining key lawyers to find another way out. Don't blame us, everyone has to eat."

Liu Su didn't speak anymore. She completely understood Hongwen's mood at the moment.

Compared to himself, Hongwen has more feelings for Chunqiu Law Firm.

Hongwen is even considered one of the founders.

This law firm was initially founded by two of Liu Su's classmates, the two who ran away.

Hongwen is considered a follower.

During the development of Chunqiu Law Firm, Liu Su went to study abroad for a Ph.D.

Nearly ten years have passed since the founding of the law firm.

Liu Su was invited by the two main creators more than a year ago to help out. Unexpectedly, the two of them broke up...

So in fact, Hongwen is the one who cares about Chunqiu Law Firm the most, and he is the one who least wants to see Chunqiu Law Firm fall apart.

That's why he said such heartless words just now, because he was really anxious.

Saying that leaving was a decision he had to make in order to survive.

"How many people are leaving?" Liu Su said softly.


After saying this number, Hongwen left.

Liu Su looked at his back and said nothing, but Liu Su was gentle and soft-hearted.

At this moment, she was also very tangled in her heart.

The gentle face is full of sorrow.

At this moment, Xia Ling, who was squatting in the ventilation duct, was shocked and angry!

She naturally understood what it meant to accompany that "Mr. Yang".

Liu Su's figure and appearance are both first-class, and she is blessed by her status as a well-known lawyer, and she has a hint of a royal sister.

This is simply the dream object of countless men.

Especially those young men who live and drink every day, ordinary people can no longer satisfy them.

Only by conquering a stunning beauty like Liu Su would they feel a sense of accomplishment.

"Damn it! A bunch of non-humans! Humanoids! Dirty!"

Xia Ling cursed viciously.

Then he immediately started looking for information about the man named "Mr. Yang".

"Who exactly is Young Master Yang?"

Xia Ling found that there was no way to start.

"By the way, that fat man said that Mr. Yang's father is a senior partner of Tianwu Law Firm. This is easy to find!"

First, I opened the official website of Tianwu Law Firm and found the staff structure and senior partners column.

A middle-aged man in fine clothes, with a slicked back hair and a beard appeared.

"Yang Tiangong?"

Xia Ling immediately searched for this name on various platforms and websites.

At first, Xia Ling just searched on the short video platform and found that they were all positive images, like the promotions released by Tianwu Law Firm, without any valid information.

Xia Ling directly changed the place, Tieba.

Sure enough, there is a lot of material here.

I quickly searched for useful information about Yang Tiangong.

Without looking, she would have thought that Yang Tiangong was a senior partner of a law firm. After looking at it, Xia Ling was dumbfounded.

"Yang Tiangong, born in the countryside, with a doctorate in law, married into the family of a factory tycoon in Wan City. Within ten years, his wife, his father-in-law and his mother-in-law died one after another, leaving behind his son from his previous husband."

"Through operation, his nominal son was supported to become the leader of the group, and the actual group leader is him."

"Having resources in the business and legal fields, and a wide network of contacts!"

"His son, Yang Shouyi, is a well-known second-generation playboy in the Greater Bay Area who likes to play with emotions."

"Yang Tiangong's hobby: racing wheel battles with his son."

Seeing the wheel battle, Xia Ling instantly understood why Liu Su showed such resistance.

They said they were accompanying Yang Shouyi alone, but in fact they might be accompanying them, father and son, and together!

Who the hell is being punished?

Moreover, as described above, the methods of these two father and son are extremely abnormal.

Xia Ling frowned and looked at Liu Su with some sympathy. She couldn't bear such a beautiful sister to be tortured.

"Dig! It must be dug away! Let the boss help him with the lawsuit! There must be a way! Don't ask that Yang Tianguang!"

Xia Ling gritted her teeth.

With that said, he began to exit the ventilation duct, and now he had received the most important news.

Then you can start poaching people!

The next day, Xia Ling dressed up and went directly to Chunqiu Law Firm.

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