Lawyer: The bully is not guilty? I will send him to death!

Chapter 187 Using protest to initiate retrial procedures!

The law firm was already desolate because of the empty building. The arrival of the three people made the mood of the law firm heavy again.

The people who were sorting out the documents according to Lin Mo's request also noticed the arrival of the family members.

Liu Su was the first to greet them.

"Mr. Wu, you are here."

"Lawyer Liu, is there any new news? Has the retrial application been approved? Can we hold the court again?"

The man asked with an expectant tone.

The man's name is Wu Bin, and he is the husband and father of the dead mother and daughter.

When asked this, Liu Su looked embarrassed. She didn't know how to respond to Wu Bin's expectations.

Because the application for retrial has been rejected by the court.

If Wu Bin is told this news, he will definitely collapse on the spot!

Because this means that the chance of trying the criminal is getting slimmer and slimmer!

At this time, Lin Mo came up and said without hesitation: "Mr. Wu, the retrial application failed."

Wu Bin was stunned for a moment before receiving this thundering news!

"Ah? Why... why? Why was it rejected?! It was clearly intentional murder! That woman wanted to kill my wife and daughter!"

Wu Bin collapsed to the ground, helpless and painful.

"Lin Mo!"

Liu Su shouted in a serious tone, blaming Lin Mo for saying it so bluntly.

Wu Bin had already suffered a big blow, how could he bear it like this?

At this time, seeing Wu Bin collapse helplessly, the two old men also understood something, trembling all over, hesitating and unable to speak...

Tears could not stop flowing down.

"Justice...justice, God, is there no justice in this world?!"

The two old men wailed to the sky.

Liu Su frowned, and for a moment he didn't know how to comfort the three people.

The next moment, Lin Mo said, "There is still a chance. Even if the retrial application fails, you can still appeal."

"There is still a chance?!"

Wu Bin immediately stood up and held Lin Mo: "You are also a lawyer, please, help my wife and daughter get justice! Please!"

"I kneel down for you!"

As he said, Wu Bin was about to kneel down without saying a word, but fortunately Lin Mo immediately supported him.

Turning his head to Liu Su, he asked, "Teacher Liu, are you applying for an appeal?"

"Yes, I have submitted the appeal application."

Liu Su knew that he could appeal.

The so-called appeal means that after the first instance, the second instance, and the retrial are rejected by the court, you can apply for a final appeal.

If the appeal is successful, the court will start the retrial procedure again and get a chance for a trial.

The process of the appeal is that the defendant or plaintiff is dissatisfied with the court's judgment and submits an appeal application to the procuratorate. After the procuratorate accepts it, if it feels that the grounds for the appeal are sufficient, it will appeal to the higher court.

The key point is that the procuratorate must believe that your reasons for protest are sufficient.

Lin Mo nodded, and then said to Wu Bin calmly: "Mr. Wu, calm down, the matter can still be resolved, and the court will definitely be able to open again. You can take the two elders to rest first, and leave everything to us."

Hearing Lin Mo say this, Liu Su on the side breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, Lin Mo almost cut off the hope of Wu Bin and the two elders as soon as he opened his mouth.

If he said anything shocking again, the victim's family would not be able to stand it!

Fortunately, Lin Mo's final tone was very rational.

At this time, Wu Bin also regained his normal thinking ability, looked at Lin Mo and asked:

"Are you the helper that Lawyer Liu Su found? I haven't seen you before."

Liu Su said: "Mr. Wu, his name is Lin Mo, a well-known lawyer in Jianghai recently. I believe you must have known him."

"Lin Mo? I seem to have heard of him." Wu Bin thought for a while, and suddenly widened his eyes: "You are the attorney for Wang Hao's counter-killing case! The one who helped Wang Hao successfully defend his innocence!"

Lin Mo nodded: "Yes."

As for why Wu Bin only knew about this case.

Generally speaking, only when you start a lawsuit yourself will you know about related cases.

Wu Bin's wife and daughter were killed by someone with a car, and he must have learned about related cases on the Internet.

He must have known the news of Wang Hao's innocence in the most famous counter-killing case recently.

"It's you! You are a professional criminal defense lawyer!"

"Lawyer Liu, did you specially invite this to help?!" Wu Bin looked at Liu Su and said excitedly.

Liu Su nodded.

"Great! Lawyer Lin, thank you for your help!"

Wu Bin held Lin Mo's hands with both hands and thanked him from the bottom of his heart.

Lin Mo also nodded: "I will do my best."

Then, Lin Mo looked at Liu Su and said: "Teacher Liu, can you show me the protest application you wrote?"


Liu Su ran to get it immediately.

The protest application is very important. The prosecution will decide whether to initiate an appeal based on the submitted protest application.

If the protest application is not written to the point, the prosecution may decide not to appeal.

Then the opportunity for the final hearing will be lost.

After Lin Mo got the protest application, he read it.

"How is it?" Liu Su's heart couldn't help but lift up.

She also knew that this was the last chance, so before submitting the protest application, every word was considered for a long time.

"When was the time to initiate the appeal?"


Before, Hongwen repeatedly forced Liu Su to sacrifice herself to win the chance of a successful retrial.

In fact, after Liu Su's application for retrial failed, she began to apply for a protest. This was her last chance and her final trump card for not agreeing to sacrifice herself.

Yesterday, after Hongwen took people away, Liu Su directly submitted an application for a protest to the Procuratorate of Dongguan City.

Launched a last-ditch effort.

"Withdraw it."

"Where is the problem?"

Liu Su did not ask why, Lin Mo must have a reason to say so.

Lin Mo: "The writing of the protest application is very skillful. If you want the prosecutor to accept it, you have to attack the basis of the court's judgment. You have to make the prosecutor think that there is a problem with the basis of the court's judgment before they will accept it."

"Is that so? I..." Liu Su realized that she was still too green in the criminal field!

Lin Mo didn't have much emotion: "It doesn't matter, Mr. Liu, your field is civil, and you have only been a lawyer for a year. You almost always beat the opponent in the first instance. It is normal that you have no experience in appeal."

Liu Su's lack of experience comes from her genius dialectical ability. She can beat the opponent in the first instance, so why would she appeal?

Liu Su was a little embarrassed by this, especially by her former student.

"Then I will learn from you how to write an appeal application."

"Me? I can't write it myself."


Liu Su didn't understand what this meant. If he didn't write it himself, who would he give it to?

At this time, Lin Mo called Xia Ling over.

"Boss, what do you want me to do?"

"Contact Zhang Houcai, let him contact the Pengcheng Procuratorate, and let Hongyun give some opinions on the case in Dongguan City, such as how to write an appeal application.

If they don't understand something, let them ask me directly."

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