Lawyer: The bully is not guilty? I will send him to death!

Chapter 190 The appeal was successful! This is so professional!

Jiang Yuming is a real rich man. In his eyes, if something can be done with money, it doesn't matter!

But when his wife Zhang Huayue heard that she wanted to spend money, her face turned dark instantly and she said dissatisfied:

"This is our hard-earned money, why should we give it to such poor people? Don't you know the person in the court? Let them help us again."

Jiang Yuming was stunned for a moment. He was so anxious just now that he forgot about it.

As a businessman, he will spend what he needs to spend, but if he can save it, of course he will.

As he spoke, he picked up a phone and called a number overseas.

"Boss, do you have anything to tell me?" A voice came from the other end of the phone.

Jiang Yuming said in a low voice: "Tell Xiao Hui and ask him to help make that Lin Mo's lawyer fail in his appeal."

"Okay boss."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Yumin breathed a sigh of relief.

"How could such a simple method be forgotten? The retrial application submitted by that woman Liu Su was rejected in this way, so the protest is also valid, haha."

Jiang Yumin sneered.

As for why you didn't call the judge directly, it was because of a violation.

The other party strongly requested to set up an intermediary.

Not long after, Jiang Yuming's cell phone rang.

"How's the situation?"

"Boss, Xiao Hui said it's a bit difficult. Prosecution is a matter for the prosecutor and not the same system as him."

Jiang Yuming frowned: "I don't care about that. Tell him that if he can't do it, I will expose all the bad things he did at Neon Kyoto University more than ten years ago."


Hang up the phone again.

Another half an hour later, the subordinate called.

"Boss, he said that if you try your best, there should be no problem."

"Haha, I knew he didn't want to come out."

With a sneer, Jiang Yuming hung up the phone and breathed a sigh of relief.

With the handle in hand, you can control others. This is an eternal truth.

In an office of Wanshi High Court, Xiao Hui, a judge, dialed the prosecutor's phone number.

"Hello? Is this Judge Xiao?"

"That's right, it's me. Lin Mo is protesting. Please review it carefully."

"This... is certain, but I can only reject their protest within the scope of the procedures. If their protest application is not written professionally enough, I can directly reject it.

As for a professional and flawless protest application, very few lawyers can write it!

So don’t worry, I don’t think they can write a professional protest application. "

The other end of the phone said with absolute certainty.

Xiao Hui didn't say much. Being able to do this was already the limit of judicial procedures.

After hanging up the phone, I thought about it. It is quite difficult to write an application for protest to the point. There are very few lawyers who can write it professionally.

Thinking about it, Xiao Hui felt relieved.

Time is passing.

Lin Mo's preparations for the trial are progressing in an orderly manner.

On the other hand, the lawyers on the Internet are very noisy.

Especially for the criminal Jiang Song, after he threw the girl out on the way, did he know that there was another person under the car?

A heated argument broke out.

Some people think that it is nonsense not to know, and some people think that the chassis of the Mercedes-Benz Big G is too high and too hard, and people cannot feel the people under the car.

These two theories seem simple, but in fact they have a huge impact on penalties!

Others are discussing whether Lin Mo can successfully protest.

Another day later, Xia Ling rushed to Lin Mo.

"Boss, Lao Zhang has sent the protest application form! Take a look."

He said and handed over a piece of A4 paper.

Liu Su happened to be nearby and came over.

"Teacher Liu, what do you think is the difference between this protest application and yours?" Lin Mo asked after reading it.

" seems that the entire article implies that the judge's decision was biased and that there was something wrong with the judicial process of the trial?"

"Yes! This is the key to the protest."

Lin Mo pointed to the protest application and explained: "The so-called protest means that you believe that the judge's decision is unreasonable, and you will initiate a protest when there are problems."

Liu Su nodded here, she understood this.

"So what's the problem? Do you simply think the sentence is too light? The prosecutor will definitely not accept the case, and the protest will likely fail."

"If you want to have a 100% success in protesting, the secret is to believe that the court has obvious violations during the conviction and trial, which are issues with judicial procedures. Then the prosecutor will accept the case."

"If you look at this protest application, you suspect that the judge may have violated the rules during the sentencing process to make a fuss. It is very professional."

Liu Su thought about it and understood instantly.

If you want the prosecutor to 100% accept the protest, simply complaining about injustice is not enough. You have to point the finger at the judge!

It proves that there is something wrong with the judge's trial procedures and there are serious violations.

Then the prosecutor will review it and find that there are indeed certain problems, and then launch a protest.

In addition, in this case, anyone with a discerning eye can see that if there is a problem, the prosecutor will 100% protest.

Thinking of this, Liu Su felt a little ashamed, because the version of the protest application she wrote was biased towards claiming injustice.

"Hehe, the prosecutor wrote it, of course it's professional!" Xia Ling laughed softly.

"Okay, I'm going to submit the protest application."

Lin Mo took the materials and went to the Guan City Procuratorate again and resubmitted the protest application.

Due to the particularity of the case, the protest application was accepted very quickly.

At this time, a bald prosecutor was holding the protest application and reviewing it.

He had received the news that he needed to examine the application very carefully and reject it directly if there was anything unreasonable.

But when he reviewed it, his originally calm face gradually became solemn, and finally revealed an expression of disbelief.

"This... is this the protest application they wrote? So professional?"

The entire process revolved around the high court's illegal operation. Every point was well-founded, such as believing that the judge had obvious bias during the sentencing stage.

The judge tried to deliberately reduce Jiang Song's sentence, etc....

It also described how the judges violated the rules.

The bald prosecutor couldn't make up his mind. Under normal circumstances, he had to appeal to the court.

But... someone else said hello over there.

If he didn't appeal, he would violate the rules, and if he appealed, it would be difficult to explain.

So he submitted the protest application to his superiors, and it soon arrived at the prosecutor's desk.

The chief prosecutor just glanced at it and said, "It's reasonable and compliant, why don't you appeal?"

With this sentence, the Dongguan City Procuratorate accepted the appeal and formally filed an appeal with the Dongguan City High Court.

The next day, Xiao Hui was dumbfounded when he received the news of the prosecutor's appeal.

Didn't we agree on it? ! Why did you change your mind?

So he contacted him immediately.

"What's the matter? Didn't we agree on it?"

The voice on the other end of the phone was very helpless: "Judge Xiao, this is not my fault. Lin Mo's appeal application is too professional! It's exactly the same as what we wrote. Every point is there, there are no loopholes, and I can't not appeal!

If I don't appeal, I will be punished if Lin Mo reports it, and I may even lose my position!

And this appeal request was issued by the chief prosecutor, not me."

"How professional is it?"

After saying this, Xiao Hui soon received a picture on his mobile phone, which was Lin Mo's appeal application.

When Xiao Hui saw it, he was dumbfounded.

" told me this is a protest written by a lawyer? This must be written by someone in your system! Or else it was written by a prosecutor who resigned to become a lawyer!"

Nothing else, this protest highlights a professional!

"It doesn't matter, we have to accept it, sorry, old classmate."

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

Xiao Hui was stunned, thinking of Jiang Yuming's words, he began to tremble all over.

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