Lawyer: The bully is not guilty? I will send him to death!

Chapter 202: Execution! Playing hard to get with Teacher Liu Su

-γ€€ During the recess, almost everyone who was watching this live broadcast was discussing the issue of the penalty.

Everyone saw Lin Mo's outstanding performance, and Zhou Tuo was almost unable to refute it.

And it was all reasonable and in line with the current situation.

In Luo Daxiang's live broadcast room, everyone was asking Luo Daxiang about his views on the penalty.

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network β†’π”±π”΄π”¨π”žπ”«.𝔠𝔬π”ͺ]

Regarding this issue, Luo Daxiang said: "In this case, Zhou Tuo asked for a huge amount of compensation for the outstanding behavior of the parties. The other arguments are completely untenable. Even if Lin Mo did not perform well, the penalty might return to the first instance judgment.

Not to mention that now Lin Mo's lawyer is considered to be super god, so the judgment..."

Luo Daxiang did not make a judgment but kept it a secret.

But this tone directly made everyone in the live broadcast room boil!

What does this mean!

If successful, the death penalty may be executed!

At this time, Luo Daxiang explained: "Of course, all this depends on the authenticity of the information about Jiang Song submitted by Lin Mo. If it is completely true, theoretically, Jiang Song will hardly break down easily."

While speaking, Luo Daxiang saw a prominent paid bullet screen in the live broadcast room.

"Teacher Luo, Jiang Song is a professional player in our circle. What Lawyer Lin said is basically true. We also know that Jiang Song did practice karts when he was a child. Recently, he has also been practicing for a racing license and is preparing to run a professional race."

The paid bullet screen is very conspicuous and everyone saw it.

After seeing it, Luo Daxiang said meaningfully: "Then, it depends on how the court will sentence."

Other live broadcast rooms are also speculating.

Some people say that the death penalty of the first instance will be maintained.

And some bloggers believe that Jiang Song's behavior is too bad and must be executed.

They are arguing happily.

In the audience, Jiang Yumin frowned, Zhang Huayue's face was dull, and there was despair in her eyes.

She murmured, "No, it's impossible to lose. The mother and daughter just had bad luck. Others wouldn't get stuck under the car, but they did. What does this have to do with my daughter!"

"This has nothing to do with my daughter! Ahhhhh!"

Zhang Huayue roared crazily, this was her desperate roar.

As if the mother and daughter who were tortured and killed were the culprits.

Soon, the bailiff went to warn her.

"Why warn me! I spent 20 million to settle! They don't want it. They just want my daughter to die. They are the murderers!"

Zhang Huayue continued to roar crazily.

The next moment, she was subdued.

Just at this time, an hour later, the clerk announced the reopening of the court.

The presiding judge Gong Lin and the two judges returned to their seats.

At this moment, everyone's eyes turned to the presiding judge.

Everyone was looking forward to her verdict.


Gong Lin struck the gavel.

"The cause of this case."

"In response to Jiang Song's intentional injury to the death of a person, the victim was dissatisfied with the second-instance judgment, the prosecutor appealed, and the Supreme Court instructed our Dongguan High Court to initiate a retrial of this case."

"Now, I announce the result."

"First, it is determined that the defendant Jiang Song is guilty of intentional homicide."

"Second, it is determined that the defendant Jiang Song knocked down Tian You and Wu Ting at the intersection in front of the entrance of Huayuan Primary School on Nanhuan Road in Dongguan City, and then started the car again after braking, rolling the two people under the car, and deliberately dragged them for 1 kilometer, causing their death. And knowing that there were people under the car, and there were countless vehicles around to remind him, he still dragged and committed a crime, which caused a huge adverse impact on society!"

"Third, it is determined that according to the defendant's lawyer, Jiang Song lost control of his emotions. , unable to control the situation of the vehicle, without factual basis, Jiang Song's behavior was obviously intentional. "

After reading, Gong Lin raised his head to take a breath and continued:

"In summary."

"This court believes that there is no factual evidence in the second-instance judgment, so the original second-instance judgment is revoked."

"Now the verdict is changed. The defendant Jiang Song is guilty of intentional homicide and torture, which has caused extremely bad social impact. The crime is extremely heinous! Now sentenced to death! Deprivation of political rights for life!"

"This death sentence will be transferred to the Supreme Court for approval. After the Supreme Court approves it, the death penalty will be executed!"

"And the defendant must compensate the victim with 2 million yuan in cash."


"This judgment will be closed ten days later..."


The gavel in Gong Lin's hand fell, and the case was completely determined.


The whole court was silent.

But after a few seconds, a strong exclamation broke out.

"Execute the death penalty!"

"It's not a suspended death sentence! It's execution!"

"Fuck! This sentence is really cruel!"

"What's cruel! Deliberate killing, this should be the result to convince the public!"


Everyone was amazed.

Mainly, I didn't expect that the death penalty would be imposed!

This is a death penalty that will eat purple pills!

How can I not be surprised.

Jiang Song's mother Zhang Huayue was stunned, muttering: "Death penalty? Death penalty..."

"Death penalty!"

The next moment, she suddenly widened her eyes, her face was so hideous that it was about to break.

"Ah! It can't be the death penalty! My daughter is so good! How could it be! The sentence was wrong! Judge, you made the wrong sentence!"

Zhang Huayue collapsed and sat on the ground, wailing.

No one will sympathize with her, but everyone is in a good mood!

That’s how it must be judged!

Although Jiang Yumin remained calm on his face, his body softened and he fell off the chair.

Jiang Song, who was in the center of the court, was stunned for a moment after hearing the verdict.

After confirming that I heard correctly.

"I refuse to accept it! I have no intention of killing them! I really have no intention of killing them!"

At this moment, Jiang Song's face showed extreme horror.

This time the panic was not acted by her, but the kind that came from her heart!

But Gong Lin didn't respond to her.

He got up and left the court.

"No! Don't leave! Give me a chance! I still have great years and countless talents! I can't just die like this!"

Jiang Song climbed on the railing and roared heartbreakingly.

No one paid any attention to her.

Lin Mo sneered and said coldly: "Jiang Song, you haven't realized your mistake until now. You are still thinking about your future. You are afraid not because of guilt, but because you can no longer experience life. , Therefore, people like you cannot be forgiven by the law, so let the law punish you. "

After saying that, Lin Mo also stood up and started packing his things.

Jiang Song couldn't bear to hear this. He looked at Lin Mo with blood-red eyes, as if he wanted to eat Lin Mo alive.

Zhou Tuo, who was sitting opposite Lin Mo, slumped in his chair at this moment, just like every lawyer Lin Mo had ever faced.

"I lost like this? Not only did I not win, but my sentence was also increased??" Zhou Tuo said to himself.

Lin Mo interrupted him: "Lawyer Zhou, it's not that the sentence has been increased, it's that your client was defended to death by you. This is indeed not something ordinary lawyers can do. On this point, I admire you very much, you Much better than me.”


When Zhou Tuo heard this, his emotions completely collapsed and he roared.

Lin Mo ignored it, but picked up the information and prepared to leave.

And at this time, poof!

Wu Bin rushed over quickly, knelt down in front of Lin Mo, and bowed.

"Lawyer Lin! You are really...I don't know how to thank you! I give you my respect! Woo hoo hoo..."

Wu Bin cried excitedly.

Lin Mo helped him up, patted Wu Bin on the shoulder and said encouragingly: "What are you doing for a grown man to cry? Cheer up, live a good life, and make your wife and daughter's spirits in heaven happier!"


Wu Bin nodded seriously, his eyes finally changed from the previous lifelessness to hope.

Lin Mo noticed that the family members standing behind Wu Bin all had dark faces, looking at him and Wu Bin with resentful expressions.

They are still brooding over not accepting huge compensation.

"Mr. Wu, I think you should be prepared to live alone in the future. It depends on how you distribute the compensation of two million, because your relatives are no longer reliable, even your parents and your wife's parents."

Lin Mo said it seriously.

Little did he know that Wu Bin had already made up his mind: "Huh, when I said that, I was already thinking about severing relations with them! What are these guys with no conscience doing?"

Lin Mo nodded.

It can be seen that Wu Bin really likes his wife and daughter. In order to find justice for them, he would give up huge compensation and family affection.

Being able to do this can be said to be a responsible husband and father.

It's a pity...

"Mr. Wu, there is still a long way to go, so take care of yourself."


Wu Bin thanked him and left directly, avoiding all the people and walking through the side door of the court.

The case was indeed judged fairly, and Jiang Song was put on trial.

But no matter what, the real fact is that his beloved wife and daughter passed away.

Every interview with a reporter, or even meeting with relevant people, reminds him of painful facts.

So he chose to leave quietly.

This is his way of protecting himself.

Lin Mo didn't say much. In this environment, as a lawyer, he had done his best.

The only way left is up to him.

Everyone in the court was still having a heated discussion.

Zhang Huayue, who was yelling, had been taken away by the bailiff.

The Internet was also shocked by this verdict.

"Death penalty! The death penalty is really coming! This Jiang Song is finally going to die!"

"Lawyer Lin Mo is awesome!"

"Awesome performance again!"

"It's great! This time it's really great! Jiang Song, this devil, is disgusting and murders people! This time it's confirmed!"


The Internet was also in a state of jubilation.

In Luo Daxiang's live broadcast room.

He also said with great emotion at this moment: "The focus of this judgment is mainly that Lawyer Lin used Jiang Song's daily life style, the way she drove a vehicle, and a comprehensive analysis of her family background and property to prove that Jiang Song The intentional homicide perspective.

Moreover, the judge agreed with this view after in-depth investigation.

That's why he was sentenced to death.

The entire argument was watertight and even overturned Judge Gao Niu’s opinion at the first instance.

Jiang Song's crimes were directly exposed to the public..."

Luo Daxiang said heartily.

For him, this case can even become a textbook case in his class!

As long as it is related to traffic problems, you can find it from the first and second trials of Jiang Song's case, and then find the answer in the re-appeal and retrial!

Luo Daxiang even thought of some strange cases in traffic accident cases.

The parties who hit people to death were sentenced very lightly.

Many people say that it was actually premeditated murder, but just because it was hit by a car, it was not intentional homicide.

Then in the future, you can use Lin Mo's case as a reference.

Perhaps it can solve many traffic-related death cases.

The news that Jiang Song would be executed immediately made the headlines in Dongguan City. The people who had lost confidence and did not want to pay attention to this case saw it through the news.

Everyone was stunned!

First the judge was arrested, and then Jiang Song was sentenced to death!

For a time, the whole Dongguan City was boiling!

"Fuck? I didn't read the second-instance verdict before. Why did the judge go to jail today? Is Jiang Song going to be executed?!"

"Someone is here!"

"Fuck, didn't they say that Liu Su from Chunqiu Law Firm would come to fight? I saw that she was a civil lawyer, so I didn't expect her to win so much?!"

"Wrong! It's not Liu Su, it's a lawyer named Lin Mo! I heard that Liu Su invited him!"

Dongguan City actually pays almost all attention to this case, which is why Liu Su designated this case as the Zhenxing Law Firm.

As long as they win, they can win the attention of the whole people in Dongguan City!

With such a large exposure, there will be no shortage of cases at that time, and the law firm will be alive.

In the court.

"Lin Mo."

After Wu Bin left quietly, Liu Su came over and called out in a gentle tone.

The case was over, Lin Mo breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "Teacher Liu, do you have any guiding opinions for the students' case practice this time?"

Liu Su narrowed her beautiful eyes, and really thought about it seriously, and then quickly approached Lin Mo.

She came in front of him and looked at Lin Mo's face carefully.

Because the distance was too close, Lin Mo could even feel the lingering fragrance of osmanthus and body temperature on Liu Su.

Liu Su's eyes at this moment were like a curious baby.

After observing for a while, he whispered: "No change, it's still the same person, has the brain evolved?"

Lin Mo was happy, this look: "Teacher Liu, do you suspect that I am not the same person?"

Liu Su actually nodded with a serious face.

"I used to only follow you in the video, and I saw your progress, so I was very happy.

But these two days, after I really worked with you, I found that you are completely different.

Your thinking and angles in litigation are unpredictable. You don't look like a law student who has just graduated for more than two years, but like a top lawyer who has been in the industry for many years.

Even a first-class criminal defense lawyer like Zhou Tuo was defeated in front of you.

In addition to brain evolution, I can't think of other words to describe you."

Liu Su also analyzed it very seriously.

Lin Mo did not answer the question directly, but raised his head slightly and said lightly:

"Boys have to grow up after all."

As a mature woman, Liu Su did not ask too much, she just nodded and smiled: "Well, you are now a man who can stand on your own."

She raised two thumbs while speaking.

Suddenly Liu Su remembered the conditions that Xia Ling proposed before the case.

Join Shunhe Law Firm!

Now that she has watched Lin Mo's trial, Liu Su feels that she has made a choice.

At this time, Lin Mo grabbed Liu Su: "Teacher Liu, come and accept the interview with me. I will tell everyone that I am here to help you with the lawsuit, and then I will announce that you are my teacher.

In this way, your Chunqiu Law Firm can also gain a wave of fame, and you can also use my online fame to improve your fame."

After that, Lin Mo took Liu Su and strode towards the door of the court.


Liu Su was stunned for a moment. She was just thinking about joining Shunhe Law Firm!

Why did Lin Mo...

Before she could react, Lin Mo had already pulled Liu Su out of the door of the court.

Click, click, click!

The flash of the camera kept shooting.

The reporters no longer cared about order. This was a death sentence!

No reprieve, it was execution!

This ending was simply a great relief!

It was beyond the expectations of most people!

In short, it was a shocking news, and it was handled by Lawyer Lin Mo himself. It was absolutely full of topics!

If not now, when will the interview be conducted? !

We must get first-hand information.

So, after taking the photo, all the reporters rushed forward, and the microphones were about to drown out Lin Mo.

"Xia Ling! Protect the emperor!"

If this continues, there will be no way to conduct a normal interview.

At this time, Xia Ling came out from behind Lin Mo, panting, and made a gesture, pushing everyone back a distance.

"Huh." Xia Ling breathed a sigh of relief: "Boss, the bailiff just released me, so I'm late."

The reporters were also sobered by this push, Xia Ling is here!

Those who don't want to die rushed forward, and the whole scene automatically became orderly.

At this time, a reporter asked: "Lawyer Lin, can you give a self-evaluation of your performance in this case?"

Lin Mo nodded and said:

"Everyone, this time, I am not actually suing in the name of Shunhe Law Firm, but I was entrusted by Lawyer Liu Su to help their Chunqiu Law Firm to sue."

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Liu Su. Except for local reporters, reporters from other places hardly knew Liu Su.

Until Lin Mo continued: "If I have to make a self-evaluation, I think the main credit goes to Lawyer Liu Su and Chunqiu Law Firm. All the evidence and information related to this case were handled by Lawyer Liu Su. She and Chunqiu Law Firm are indeed very strong.

I just won this lawsuit with their help."

Lin Mo's words were to apportion the credit to Liu Su and Chunqiu Law Firm, helping them to become well-known.

In the process of sorting out the case materials, Liu Su and several other lawyers did make a lot of contributions.

Liu Su listened from the side, and she knew that Lin Mo was helping her promote it.

"Then, Lawyer Lin, what do you think of the fact that most traffic accident fatalities are lightly sentenced?"

"Lawyer Lin, in this case, did Jiang Song really choose to kill the mother and daughter in order to save time as you said?"


The reporters' questions were thrown out one by one.

There were many highly professional questions, but they were all resolved by Lin Mo one by one.

When it was the last reporter's turn to interview, she found that almost all the questions had been asked. After thinking for a while, she asked:

"Lawyer Lin, why are you so good?"

Everyone looked at Lin Mo.

"Because I have a good teacher."

"Good teacher?" Everyone was puzzled.

The next moment, Lin Mo pulled Liu Su to stand in front of the camera: "Yes, Lawyer Liu Su is my teacher in law school. She taught me legal knowledge, and she is also a genius civil litigation lawyer and the current boss of Chunqiu Law Firm.

If you encounter a civil case that cannot be solved, you can come to my teacher, Lawyer Liu Su."

At this moment, all the reporters were stunned for a moment, and then immediately began to continue recording.

I thought the hot topic of the interview was over, but I didn't expect there would be even hotter topics!

Liu Su turned out to be Lin Mo's college teacher!

So, as reporters, they have a natural sense of traffic.

Liu Su, an absolutely mature and beautiful lawyer, a genius civil litigation lawyer, now with the title of Lin Mo's college teacher.

It's hard not to make this news explode!

So the next second, countless flashes were aimed at Liu Su and began to shine.

Click, click, click.

Then, the reporters interviewed Liu Su again.

Liu Su had never seen such a scene before. She was originally gentle, so she could only whisper and stammer his response.

It was not easy to end the interview.


In the car, Liu Su, with a flushed face, breathed a sigh of relief.

"How about it, Teacher Liu, this wave of GG is not bad, your Chunqiu Law Firm is popular, and with the teacher's strength, there will be no shortage of cases in the future." Lin Mo said.

Liu Su heard that, her nose was sour, and she was a little moved.

She knew that such an interview opportunity was rare, and at least she had to win a lawsuit like today.

And Lin Mo actually took this opportunity to give himself a GG.

How could she not be moved?

"Lin Mo..."

But before, didn't Xia Ling say that the condition was to join Shunhe Law Firm? Why did Lin Mo do this now?

Liu Su didn't understand.

So she asked: "Lin Mo, before... the condition that Xiao Ling said..."

"Oh, don't worry about that, Teacher Liu, don't you want to revitalize Chunqiu Law Firm, so I will help you, otherwise I really let you be my subordinate, then... how can I be embarrassed."

Lin Mo scratched his head.

Hearing this, Liu Su's nose was sour again.

Lin Mo helped him again.

Then how should I repay the boy in front of me?

Suddenly, Liu Su thought of the information he had found before, and Shunhe Law Firm's current civil cases were already overwhelmed.

In addition to the previous operation of digging himself.

"Lin Mo... Actually, I can come to help you." Liu Su said with some guilt.

Lin Mo helped me so much and gave me the most precious interview opportunity.

What kind of teacher am I? !

Lin Mo smiled when he heard this.

This is called playing hard to get!

Yes, Lin Mo will not give up the opportunity to recruit Liu Su. Civil litigation must have a top lawyer like Liu Su to carry the banner.

But how to successfully recruit Liu Su is the key among the keys.

If it is in accordance with the contract, Lin Mo believes that she will come.

But she will have regrets in her heart, because Chunqiu Law Firm has completely closed down because of her departure.

Even if Liu Su does well in Shunhe in the future, according to her personality, she will definitely be full of regrets from time to time.

So Lin Mo doesn't want Liu Su to come with regrets.

So Lin Mo used the reverse thinking. As long as I keep giving, a gentle and kind person like Teacher Liu Su will definitely feel guilty.

Will come to help in order to repay myself.

This is why Lin Mo has been promoting Liu Su.

It seems that he is promoting Liu Su, but he is actually coveting her body.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Liu. I had to use some tricks on you, but I really need talents like you. I can only apologize silently." Lin Mo said in his heart.

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