Lawyer: The bully is not guilty? I will send him to death!

Chapter 22 Today, all the school bullies in the country cried!

The elegant girl wearing small glasses took out her mobile phone and played a video in front of the two bosses.

The video footage shows Lin Mo presenting evidence of home invasion and robbery in court.

Feng Buping looked at it and was still a little confused, unable to figure out the logic behind it, so he said: "Xiao Yang, please quickly compile all the relevant information for me!"


Secretary Xiao Yang seemed to be a high-intensity Internet surfer. Within half an hour, he put all the relevant information in front of Feng Buping.

After reading it, Feng Buping couldn't stand it anymore.

Showing a shocked expression.

He figured it out!

What a genius lawyer!

It turns out that the initiator of everything was this lawyer named Lin Mo.

It was he who filed a lawsuit over a school bullying case, and finally ended the lawsuit by producing evidence that the other party had committed a home invasion and robbery.

But after so many years as a police officer, how could Feng Buping not know that this was a plan?

It was obviously to lure the school bullies into the room to collect protection money, but it was determined to be a home invasion and robbery.

This is simply a conspiracy by lawyers.

The most important thing is that this lawyer named Lin Mo is still sharing his experience online.

The result ushered in a nationwide anti-bullying upsurge.

"This is nonsense!" After understanding the ins and outs, Feng Buping couldn't stand it any longer.

He said how come thousands of students across the country were robbed of so much money in just one day.

It turns out that they all learned from this lawyer Lin Mo!

Some students even invented various methods to induce people to rob.

They are all having fun!

The same goes for these brainless campus gangsters. How dare you snatch two thousand? You are so stubborn!

"Isn't this the same as what we call fishing law enforcement? Has Lawyer Lin broken the law?"

Another minister also said helplessly after reading: "Lao Feng, don't tell me, we really can't catch this Lin Mo. He has not broken any laws..."

The corner of Feng Buping's mouth twitched. He was in a high position. Of course he knew that fishing law enforcement was mainly administrative.

And Lin Mo is not a police administrator...

Moreover, there is no evidence that he was responsible...

He is completely innocent.

"Are there any laws against this kind of inducement to commit crime?"

Another minister shook his head: "Luo Daxiang has already said that it does not constitute any crime. If there is a debate, the sentence can only be reduced from the perspective of the parties' ignorance of the law."

"Then let the method he invented spread on campus?"

"This...I don't know, I'm not good at this aspect of the law."

"Hey, there's nothing we can do about this little lawyer!"

Feng Buping happens to be the leader in managing school violence, and how to deal with this area has always been his concern.

Unexpectedly, before he found a solution, this lawyer named Lin Mo gave him a big show!

Punishing school bullies is a good thing, but I didn't ask you to be so radical!

Human crimes do not deserve the death penalty...

Feng Buping was in a daze now.

It would be okay if there were only one or two, but now there are thousands of campus robberies a day. If they are not handled well, the social impact will be huge.

To arrest or not to arrest?

We know clearly that it was a trap set up by someone, but it is also true that the crime was committed. How is this going to work?

What can be done to achieve the fairest possible treatment?

Feng Buping's mind was spinning so crazily that it was going to burn out.

"Old Xing, what do you think we should do?" Feng Buping touched his head.

"This... Lao Feng, don't ask me. I'm not in charge of this project, so I can't interfere." Deputy Minister Xing knew the complexity and quickly put aside the relationship.

"Hey, I didn't expect that I would be stood up and grilled by a young lawyer!" Feng Buping sighed: "I'll call the Supreme People's Procuratorate first to ask about the situation."

With that said, Feng Buping picked up his phone and called.

"Hey, are you the prosecutor? I, Feng Buping, let me ask Lin Mo about that. Now students all over the country are imitating him, how can we catch him?"


Feng Buping held his cell phone and his eyes widened: "You don't know either? You..."

He sighed and hung up the phone.

"What's going on?" Deputy Minister Xing asked.

"They don't know. They have already asked the old men at the Supreme Court..." Feng Buping said speechlessly.

"Ah?! Did this alarm those few people?"

"Hey, who would have thought that a small lawyer could cause such a big disturbance?" Feng Buping said helplessly.

"What about this situation now? Lao Feng, what should you do?"

Feng Buping narrowed his eyes: "Arrest, since the evidence is sufficient, arrest them all, these gangsters have turned the world upside down!"

"We must act in accordance with the law and we must not upset the hearts of our students."

"That little Yang, prepare a manuscript and send it to all provinces and cities."

Feng Buping must have severely cracked down on school bullying, but as he was in a high position, he had to pay attention to many issues.

Only then did he become timid. Now that the evidence is sufficient, why not arrest him?

Secretary Xiao Yang, who was listening on the sidelines, finally showed a smile: "Director, I'm going to draft the manuscript right now!"

same moment.

Supreme Court, in the chamber of the First Class Justice.

Because it aroused huge public opinion in society.

Wang Zhenghua was trained here so that he could not hold his head up.

"Zhenghua, the superiors are very dissatisfied with this public opinion. Do you know what mistake you made?" an old man in front of him asked seriously.

Wang Zhenghua did not answer, but lowered his head and muttered in his heart: "You didn't want me to be sentenced directly without any pressure..."

"What are you muttering about?" The old man in front of Wang Zhenghua looked serious.

"'s okay."

"I know what you are thinking. I did make you stress-free, but I didn't let you cause such a big public opinion!" the old man said, patting the table.

Wang Zhenghua was furious when he heard this.

I judge according to the law that the public opinion is caused by that boy Lin Mo!

This has nothing to do with me!

If the old man knew what Wang Zhenghua was thinking, he would definitely be furious.

Who asked you to sentence you to death in court!

Wouldn't you hand it over to the prosecutor for prosecution, prolong the sentencing time, and minimize public opinion?

In the end, it's a good thing for you, you will be executed directly in court!

It would be strange if public opinion doesn’t explode!

You feel good about pronouncing the verdict in court, and you don't care if you cause trouble, right?

Wang Zhenghua did not dare to confront the old man, but took a deep breath: "Teacher, this matter about Lin Mo..."

The old man glanced at Wang Zhenghua: "You are the first person to be sentenced. You don't know what to do?"

Wang Zhenghua was shocked and stopped talking.

The old man saw his expression and said calmly:

"According to the law, I have contacted prosecutors in various places to file a public prosecution with confidence."

Wang Zhenghua nodded.

In fact, the law is very complicated and is not black and white. Judges will make decisions based on their discretion.

Take Tian Yingguang as an example. He was sentenced to death in court mainly because Huang Xuan was stunned by Lin Mo.

I can't produce any useful evidence or make a useful reply.

If a little bit of evidence is produced, the death penalty will not be given in court.

If you are well prepared after appealing, you may have a chance to have your sentence reduced.

"If nothing happens, you can go back." The old man lowered his head and said writing something.

Wang Zhenghua was about to leave when he suddenly remembered something:

"Well, Lin Mo recently took on another marriage case, which is quite popular. I'm afraid that he will cause public opinion again..."

Wang Zhenghua has a psychological shadow. He doesn't know why he always feels that this guy Lin Mo will give him everything.

Especially on the way to the Imperial Capital yesterday, while browsing short videos, Lin Mo received another commission from an Internet celebrity.

This feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

"Huh?" The old man raised his head and glanced at him.

"What kind of public opinion can a divorce lawsuit cause?"

Wang Zhenghua: "We Jianghai have had three divorce judgments before, and I have submitted all the files."

"Oh, I saw that one, about dividing a large amount of property in a divorce." The old man remembered: "We are having a meeting to study this issue."

The random old man laughed:

"Zhenghua, I know what you are afraid of. There are not many lawsuits that can arouse public opinion. If Lin Mo can arouse another wave of public opinion, then he will come to serve on our Supreme Court."

Wang Zhenghua also nodded, thinking this was unlikely.

Every judicial case that arouses public opinion promotes the progress of social justice.

If Lin Mo could lead twice, he would just come to the Supreme Court to study law.

The old man continued to laugh and said: "It's just a divorce lawsuit, what kind of trouble can he make?"

"Well, we are also urgently studying the marriage law here, but as you know, the process of legislating and amending the law is very complicated."

Wang Zhenghua nodded to express his understanding.

Random also laughed, maybe he was worrying too much.

As many legal Vs said, Lin Mo did not show strong legal literacy during the trial.

Marriage lawsuits are quite complicated. Ning Hong is also well-known, and her professionalism is even better than Lin Mo's. It's not certain whether Lin Mo can win.

Now it is really too much to think that he can arouse public opinion again.

At the same time, public prosecutors and law enforcement agencies in various places received the news.

Regarding the recent frequent robberies of minors, all cases are handled in accordance with the law.

For a time, public prosecutors and law enforcement agencies everywhere became busy.

These gangsters were taken to court with a complaint.

The parents of these gangsters have cried and cursed on the short video platform, and some have even cried bitterly.

"Why! It was obviously them who induced my son to commit robbery! These bastards should be arrested!"

"Yeah, how could my cub do such a thing as robbery! They were definitely induced!"

"My baby is the victim!"

"It's all the blame on that lawyer named Lin Mo! What a bad idea! If my son has any shortcomings, I will kill that lawyer!"


But this time, netizens were all happy.

"Finally happy!"

"Yeah, when I looked at those school bullying cases in the past, the parents who were the perpetrators were so arrogant!"

"That's right! Keep barking! Why don't you scream anymore!"

"Damn! We honest students are not easy to bully!"

"Fight back! Fight back!"

"In previous years, these gangster parents were extremely arrogant, bullied others, and acted like they were wronged. They were so angry that they were so angry. This year they finally got their comeuppance!"

The whole Internet is full of praise.

And at this moment.

Shunhe Law Firm.

Lin Mo was also paying attention to the public opinion in the society, and he expected the favorable situation.

However, the most eye-catching thing is that the parents of the school bullies say they will kill themselves.

This gave Lin Mo a stress reaction.

"Bodyguard, I need a bodyguard!"

I can’t die again in this life!

At this time, the door of the law firm was pushed open.

“Is anyone there?”

A sweet voice sounded.

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