Xia Ling's thoughts were active and she immediately entered the state. She was now going to play the role of a 30-year-old lady.

"You must be Lawyer Ning Hong..."

The tone was slightly noble, but not without elegance.

After the two exchanged pleasantries, Ning Hong invited Xia Ling to the office for a detailed discussion.

"It's like this, Lawyer Ning, my husband abuses me, I want to give him a warning and make him change, what should I do?" Xia Ling sighed and said.

"Domestic violence?!" Ning Hong's eyes lit up immediately: "Ms. Xia, have you considered divorcing your husband?"

"Divorce?" Xia Ling shook her head deliberately in surprise: "My husband is the source of income for the family. If I divorce him, my life will decline."

Ning Hong smiled mysteriously: "You don't know, I can let you get 40% of what you deserve after the divorce."

Xia Ling's mouth twitched inadvertently, and she wanted to hit someone, but she held back.

Showing an interested expression: "Can it be like this? The law does not allow it."

Ning Hong narrowed her eyes, and another client took the bait!

Human nature is like this. If you can get a sum of money, who would want to depend on whom?

Then, Ning Hong showed her three previous lawsuits.

All of them helped women get a large amount of property.

"Ms. Xia, you see, this is all reasonable and legal, and the court also recognizes it." Ning Hong pointed to the information and said.

Xia Ling nodded: "But I still don't understand the mechanism. Can you explain it in detail?"

Ning Hong smiled:

"Ms. Xia, if you don't mind, I have an open class in the afternoon to help us women protect our rights. You can come and listen."

"Protect our women's rights? Are there any conditions?"

"Yes, just show some of your asset proof." Ning Hong said.

"This is simple." Xia Ling took out her mobile phone and showed Ning Hong the real estate certificate.

Ning Hong's eyes lit up immediately when she saw it. Tens of millions of assets, and it's just one place!

If it's done, it will be a super big order!

She continued to look carefully, and there was no trace of P-picture, and this kind of real estate certificate was almost not available for download online.

Soon I believed it.

"Ms. Xia, you are already a member of our offline women's rights protection class. Welcome to join." Ning Hong smiled brightly.

Ning Hong took out a red membership card and handed it to Xia Ling.

Xia Ling put away her phone and nodded: "When is the class in the afternoon?"

"1 o'clock, Jianghai International Hotel Conference Room 1..."

After recording the time, Xia Ling left.

Ning Hong leaned back on the chair beautifully. This divorce lawsuit is so profitable!

"I'm about to win a lawsuit against a blind brother. I can get 18% of the share, which is estimated to be millions. There is a seamless connection with Ms. Xia here. Life is really beautiful."

As for whether the blind brother's lawsuit can be won, Ning Hong has never considered losing.

How can I lose a lawsuit with Lin Mo?

Time passed quickly. At one o'clock in the afternoon, Xia Ling appeared in the Conference Room 1 of Jianghai International Hotel on time.

This kind of hotel conference room is very spacious and is often rented for speeches or hosting activities.

As soon as he entered the door, he was stopped by the security guard. He had to show the membership card given by Ning Hong before he could enter.

At a glance, all the people were women. Several people gathered in a small group and chattered about something.

Xia Ling passed by a group at random, and the content he heard destroyed his three views.

For example, a young woman who had plastic surgery: "Before, Lawyer Ning Hong helped me win the lawsuit, and I can get more than 5 million in assets! And I have only been married for a year, and I make 5 million a year!"

Others: "Sisters! I envy you so much! You will soon have a little financial freedom!"

"Hey, who knows my family? My marriage partner only has three houses, but when I got married, I valued his house. I will definitely get one after the divorce!"

"I heard that as long as you listen to Lawyer Ning Hong's class carefully, you can do it yourself!"

"Yes, there are sisters who have listened to Lawyer Ning Hong's class and succeeded."

"I am doing it, but my stupid man is still working hard to make money. When he makes enough, I will divide it all away!"

"Sisters, we must be independent and get rid of men. This path is absolutely correct!"


After listening to the whole circle, Xia Ling's three views were destroyed and her fists were clenched.

All along, she has been following the principle of chivalry and justice. Taoism taught her morality and thoughts, and she learned justice and harmony in college. She is full of positive energy.

She finally understood why Lawyer Lin said to be restrained.

If Lin Mo hadn't said it, she would have hit him!

She was so angry.

These women said they were independent, but they wanted to divide the men's property. They were both powerful and independent!

How could there be such people!

Xia Ling was furious.

"No! Restrain yourself. I want to see how Lawyer Lin will solve it! How to send them to jail!"

Xia Ling was furious and sat alone in a seat.

The recording and video were all on.

Not long after, Ning Hong appeared in the conference room in a suit and delicate makeup.

At this moment, the whole exhibition hall was boiling.

More than 200 women in the audience cheered, as if they had seen their savior.

"Lawyer Ning Hong! Help me with the lawsuit! I want financial freedom!"

"Woohoo! Lawyer Lin, you are my idol!"

"Lawyer Ning, you are the savior of us women!"

"Ladies, I am so moved. I finally met a lawyer who fights for our women's rights! Woohoo!"


Not only cheers, but also women with excited expressions and even crying.

Xia Ling was stunned.

What kind of magical scene is this?

Xia Ling immediately raised her bag and started to shoot the cheering scene.

Ning Hong waved her hands and walked up to the podium triumphantly.

"Family members, I am Lawyer Ning, and my goal is to save all women who are oppressed by the family!"

Then the lecture quickly got to the point.

Ning Hong began to explain how "oppressed women" in the family can take up the weapon of law to defend their rights.

But the content directly shattered Xia Ling's three views!

If it was really to defend their rights, it would be fine, but the meaning conveyed in both explicit and implicit ways was: "Divorce, divide the property! It's safer to find me, Lawyer Ning!"

Especially when giving examples of how much money each sister got, there was fierce applause from the audience.

Everyone was excited, stood up and applauded, like a fanatical believer!

"Sisters, we are all members of an organization, we should help each other!"

Ning Hong struck while the iron was hot and continued to speak passionately.

"Now we invite a group of our core members to come on stage and take our slogan oath!"

Then a group of sisters rushed to the podium enthusiastically and began to shout slogans enthusiastically.

The crazy look scared Xia Ling.

This...this atmosphere is completely a pyramid scheme!

Xia Ling thought to herself.

Then, another successful person gave a speech, and these people directly described Ning Hong as a god.

It seemed that as long as you find her, Ning Hong, to file a divorce lawsuit, you can get a large sum of money.

The women below were even more enthusiastic:

"Divorce! I'm going to get a divorce today! I must get my husband's money!"

"I believe in lawyer Ning Hong, she is a lawyer who speaks for us women!"

"These stinky men can't imprison my freedom! We must fight! We must be independent!"


Xia Ling clenched her fists when she saw this scene. At this moment, she finally understood why Lin Mo had to restrain himself.

If she didn't restrain herself, she wanted to beat Ning Hong, the unscrupulous lawyer, to death.

What kind of lawyer is this? This is just taking advantage of the loopholes in the law!

Crazy propaganda of the opposition between the sexes, shaping men into obstacles for women to pursue a better path, as long as the property is divided after divorce, life will be free.

This is simply a reversal of black and white!

The most important thing is that these women still believe it, and like crazy believers, they worship Ning Hong as the savior.

This has become a fanatical group!

What law did this violate?

Is Lawyer Lin going to sue Ning Hong for organizing a pyramid scheme?

But no, Ning Hong did not receive any remuneration funds, and it is not a pyramid scheme.

After thinking it over, Xia Ling believed that Ning Hong had not violated any law.

"Then why did Lawyer Lin ask me to record this?" Xia Ling showed a confused expression.

Ning Hong cannot be sent to prison based on this video.

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