Lawyer: The bully is not guilty? I will send him to death!

Chapter 34: Organizing a cult! Are the other party’s lawyers going to jail?

Zhang Jinghong picked it up and looked at it, and there were all kinds of recordings.

The content of the recording is nothing more than Wang Xue asking Zhang Youcai if he can transfer money. Zhang Youcai's answer every time is "Okay, baby, it's just a transfer, don't bother me."

Ning Hong said proudly: "President, there are dates on the surface of these evidences, and they can all correspond to the transfer information submitted by the other party's lawyer. Every transfer was approved by the other party, so there is no illegal transfer of assets."

Wow, everyone watching the live broadcast was excited and talking about it.

Luo Daxiang also shook his head and said: "The crime of illegal transfer of assets was easily resolved by the other party."

At this time, the blind brother (Zhang Youcai) came to his senses and shouted: "Wang Xue! You bitch! You come to ask me every time during the live broadcast! If I don't agree, you interfere with my live broadcast! I thought You agreed to a small-amount transfer, and you took advantage of my live broadcast to delete the transfer information on my phone!

So now you say I agree? I don't agree at all! Pay me back the money! "

Lin Mo narrowed his eyes. It turned out that this was what happened. Wang Xue had long been prepared to counterattack this wave.

No need to think about it, they must all be Ning Hong’s masterpiece.

Boom, boom, boom!

Zhang Jinghong said seriously: "Be quiet! The plaintiff, the party concerned, give you a warning!"

The blind brother immediately covered his mouth and pulled Lin Mo anxiously: "Lawyer Lin! Fight back quickly! I didn't expect that they were responsible!"

Xia Ling also clenched her fists at this time, how mean!

But as a law student, she knew that it was impossible to establish the crime of illegal transfer of assets. It was too difficult to prove that the man had consented every time.

"Boss, what should we do now?" Xia Ling tugged on Lin Mo's sleeve.

At the same time, netizens also commented one after another.

"This... this is too cheap. Our blind brother is still too immature!"

"It's not immature, it's just that I trust my wife too much. Now I understand, but I can't agree randomly!"

"Teacher Luo, does this really not prove it?"

Luo Daxiang also shook his head at this moment and said: "There is still a chance, but the hope is very slim and a long argument has to be carried out. But don't forget that the two of them are still husband and wife. There is a high probability that this crime will not be established. Everyone, continue reading. Look How does Lin Mo operate.”

Because Luo Daxiang discovered that Lin Mo's expression had almost no change. This expression was also shown by Lin Mo in the previous lawsuit.

Even though he was beaten by the opponent in the early stage, Lin Mo still didn't panic and endured it until he produced the winning evidence.

"Yes, just trust Lawyer Lin and that's it!"

"Looking at Lawyer Lin's expression, he is quite stable."

"Everyone, don't worry!"

With the lessons learned from the past, you don't know what kind of killer Lin Mo can come up with until the last moment.

in court.

Zhang Jinghong looked at Lin Mo: "Plaintiff's lawyer, do you have anything to say about the evidence presented by the defendant?"

Lin Mo shook his head.

In the dock, Ning Hong was even more proud at this time.

Lin Mo shook her head, which proved that she had won first. Wang Xue also looked at her with gratitude. Lawyer Ning's method was so easy to use!

At this time, Xia Ling couldn't sit still: "Lawyer Lin, didn't you say you must believe that you will win? What...what should we do next?"

If she doesn’t win, her salary will be gone next month!

At this time, Zhang Jinghong continued:

"Please continue to submit your factual basis for the crime of fraud."

Lin Mo nodded and without hesitation submitted the relevant photos and edited videos taken by Xia Ling directly to Zhang Jinghong.

"Presiding Judge, this is evidence that Wang Xuefang carried out organized and large-scale fraud against my client after joining a fraud organization!"

"At the same time, I believe that the defendant's lawyer Ning Hong is the leader of this fraud organization. All Wang Xue's fraudulent activities against my client were directed by her."

"And I think this fraud organization is a cult in nature! And lawyer Ning Hong's identity may be equivalent to the leader of a cult!"

"I now suspect that Lawyer Ning Hong is not only involved in fraud, but also organized a cult to carry out illegal and criminal activities. The nature is extremely evil!"

Ning Hong was still smiling when she listened to Lin Mo's words, but her eyes almost popped out the next second!

Fraudulent organization?


Ning Hong:? ? ?

Am I still a scammer?

Or the leader of a cult?

Organizing a cult?

Damn it! What is this?

Ning Hong's waist was about to be broken by Lin Mo!

On the trial stage, Zhang Jinghong frowned as she looked at the photos and videos submitted by Lin Mo.

At the same time, the entire network exploded!

The majority of netizens were also confused.

Forget about being the leader of a fraud organization, why did lawyer Ning Hong become the leader of a cult?

Many netizens also showed relieved smiles!

It’s finally here!

Attorney Lin’s super tricky ideas!

"I'll go! I, Barrister Lin, really have to do some hard work!"

"Hahahaha! I'm laughing so hard! Lawyer Lin wants to sue the other party's lawyer!"

"Report! The latest news, Attorney Lin is going to send the other party's lawyer in too!"

"No! I can still accept the jump from marriage lawsuit to fraud, but suing the other party's lawyer and dragging the cult leader and fraud leader onto her, I can't stand it any longer!"

"As expected of Lawyer Lin! He even dares to label the other party's lawyer as a cult leader!"

The entire Internet was in an uproar.

The lawsuit was going on, and it was outrageous enough that it was hit by the other lawyer.

And they even dragged out a cult leader....

When people are speechless, they will laugh.

For example, Luo Daxiang laughed now.

Especially when he saw Lin Mo speaking out these charges with an extremely serious expression, he couldn't hold it back anymore.

"Teacher Luo, don't laugh, analyze it, what's going on?"

"Yes, this is too much... the cult was dragged out..."

"This is too crazy, Lawyer Lin is not driven crazy..."

Luo Daxiang adjusted his expression: "Okay, everyone, I know this is outrageous, but we all know that Lawyer Lin is not a person who will mess around, so please continue to watch."

"Before seeing the evidence, I don't know how to judge."

Unlike others, Zhang Jinghong, the presiding judge, instantly turned black!

At this time, Ning Hong's face turned red with anger and she began to refute:

"Lin Mo! Are you mentally ill? You can't win the positive argument, so you have to resort to this kind of nonsense!"

"You are an unscrupulous lawyer! Trash! Wild tricks!"


Ning Hong wanted to say more.

Zhang Jinghong glared at Ning Hong.

Ning Hong shut up instantly and dared not say anything.

Then she ordered the relevant video to be broadcast publicly.

So Ning Hong's exaggerated performance at the conference and the fanatical faces of those women were all displayed to the audience of the entire network.

That scene was a real cult carnival scene, and it was no problem to say that it was a large-scale sacrificial activity!

Coupled with Ning Hong's exaggerated and outrageous remarks.

It shocked everyone directly!

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