Lawyer: The bully is not guilty? I will send him to death!

Chapter 41 The opposing lawyer was sentenced! The first case in history!

At this moment, the court was very quiet, and everyone even held their breath.

Even outside the court and on the Internet, all the viewers fell silent, their eyes fixed on the judge.

This judgment concerns the fate of the plaintiff and the defendant, and even the death of the defendant's lawyer.

It also concerns the marital happiness of many netizens!

On the bench, Zhang Jinghong announced the result:

"The cause of this case is that the plaintiff Zhang Youcai sued the defendant Wang Xue for malicious transfer of assets during marriage, fraud, and domestic violence. This case is heard by the Jianghai Primary Court of this court."

"This primary court has jurisdiction over the case, and all the laws referred to are based on Chinese law."

"Now, I announce the result of the trial."

"After the collegial panel's research and judgment, the lawsuit request raised by the plaintiff's lawyer."

"According to our country's definition of malicious transfer of assets and fraud: the defendant Wang Xue, under the instigation of his lawyer, transferred all his property without the knowledge of the plaintiff, including 20% ​​of his pre-marital property.

And forced the defendant to divorce by coercing and squandering money in order to achieve the purpose of divorce and property division. purpose, and the plan was reached before the marriage. This court believes that his purpose of marriage is impure, and he squandered a lot of the plaintiff's property after marriage, which constitutes the crime of fraudulent marriage based on subjective will, and constitutes fraudulent behavior, but does not constitute the crime of malicious transfer of assets. "

"Due to the extremely bad circumstances and huge amount, but considering that the marriage between the two parties still exists, the sentence is lighter and sentenced to two years in prison. "

"In response to the plaintiff's lawyer's claim that Wang Xue forced the plaintiff's party Zhang Youcai to undergo sterilization, it constitutes intentional injury. Because the party agreed with his subjective will, it is rejected.

However, because Wang Xue's fraudulent behavior, he agreed to dissolve the marriage relationship between the two parties. At the same time, Wang Xue squandered the plaintiff's assets in the name of marriage during the marriage, and agreed to compensate 1 million yuan, and at the same time ordered Wang Xue to transfer all 11 million yuan to Zhang Youcai. ”

“Because Wang Xue’s behavior of forcing Zhang Youcai to undergo sterilization caused online public opinion and dealt a huge blow to Zhang Youcai’s career and reputation, the defendant Wang Xue needs to pay Zhang Youcai 100,000 yuan in mental damages.”

“However, since Wang Xue submitted a diagnosis of mental illness, the above judgment will take effect after a medical evaluation. If Wang Xue is confirmed to have a mental illness after the evaluation, she does not need to bear legal responsibility.”

“At the same time, in the middle of the trial, the plaintiff’s lawyer Lin Mo’s accusation against the defendant’s lawyer Ning Hong was established in court because it involved this case.”

“The defendant’s lawyer Ning Hong, because he instigated a mentally ill patient to commit fraud, constituted an indirect principal offender and constituted the crime of fraud.”

“At the same time, his offline organization of gangs achieved all the components required by the cult organization, and this court determined that he was Cult organization, its leader Ning Hong constitutes the crime of organizing a cult. "

"But it has not carried out large-scale illegal and criminal activities since its establishment, so it is sentenced to a lighter sentence. "

"The defendant's lawyer Ning Hong, constitutes the crime of fraud and organizing a cult, and is sentenced to seven years in prison and his legal qualification certificate is revoked. "

"But this court believes that there are still omissions in the case and the plaintiff's lawyer has not submitted enough evidence, so the case will be transferred to the procuratorate, and the police will be ordered to collect all the evidence and initiate the public prosecution process. "

"All the claims filed by the defendant are rejected!"

"This case is the initial judgment. According to our country's litigation... the defendant can apply to the higher court for a retrial."

"The judgment... will be sent to both parties within fifteen days."

"Dong Dong Dong!"

"Zhang Jinghong raised the gavel and dropped it.

"Now, the court is closed!"

At this moment, Zhang Jinghong did not show any partiality, and her face was full of majesty. Even considering that Lin Mo submitted limited evidence, she also handed Ning Hong over to the procuratorate, which was equivalent to asking the police to collect evidence.

This time she didn't want anyone to regret it!

She wanted to shock these lawyers who were wandering on the edge of the law!

No matter how the higher-ups held them accountable, this was her verdict. Finally, she glanced at Lin Mo with mixed emotions in her eyes.

The verdict was over.

At this time, a hearty cry came directly from the plaintiff's seat.

"Woo woo woo! Saved! Saved! All the property is saved! Lawyer Lin! You are my god!" Blind Brother lay on the ground, tears streaming down his face, and was about to kowtow.

He was so happy at the moment, his heart was beating wildly, and he was almost dying of joy.

Not only did he save the property, but he also got the other party sentenced, and even the lawyer was sentenced!

He was already incoherent, and only by kowtowing could he express his gratitude!

Lin Mo was still holding his head high and enjoying the feeling of winning the case, when he heard a muffled sound at his feet.

He looked down, and my god, Blind Brother had already kowtowed!

"Blind brother! What are you doing! Why are you kowtowing? Kowtowing won't reduce your commission fee!"

Lin Mo immediately helped Blind brother up. If you kowtowing, how can I ask you for it later if you pay less to the client?

"Hey, Lawyer Lin, how can I not pay the commission fee? I will give you half of my property! It's so cool! Lawyer Lin! You make me so happy!"

Blind brother grinned, and at this moment he was full of spring, like a new life!

Lin Mo was embarrassed and stepped away from Blind brother. What a cool speech, if he told others, they would think that the two had some PY transaction...

At this time, Xia Ling also shouted: "Fuck! Boss! You really won! Ning Hong, the idiot lawyer, was really sentenced! Hahaha!"

Xia Ling laughed a little crazy.

This is so cool, she actually sent the other lawyer to jail!

Seeing this, Lin Mo took another step back. Why are these two people so crazy?

"Nizi, you are an orthodox Taoist, can you be more reserved?"

"Reserved?" Xia Ling said cheerfully: "If the evil obstacles are not removed, my path will not be smooth! I have to let her in! Only then can I practice happily!"

Lin Mo's mouth twitched. Are all Taoists so fierce?

"By the way, do you remember the previous bet?"

Xia Ling was stunned for a moment, and the next moment, her face became even happier!

How could she forget!

She chose to win and got four times the salary!

That's four times the salary!

"Wow! Boss! I love you so much! I knew we would win!" Xia Ling rushed over and hugged Lin Mo, looking happy.

"You! Be gentle!"

I didn't expect Xia Ling to be so fierce. She looks petite, but she is quite strong.

"Hey, hey." Xia Ling let go.

She thought she would lose a month's salary when she chose to win. She never thought that Lin Mo actually won!

She earned four times her salary inexplicably! How could she not be happy!

And she won so heartily!

"Boss! We are so great when we work together!" Xia Ling said proudly with her head held high.

"Okay, you and I will kill in court together." Lin Mo laughed.

The plaintiff's seat was very lively and everyone was happy.

But human joys and sorrows are not connected. Lawyer Ning Hong just felt it was noisy.

I knocked your mother!

I was really sentenced!

I am really a cult leader! And I am an indirect principal offender, constituting direct fraud!

I came to fight a marriage lawsuit, as a lawyer, and I also sent myself to jail!

This is the first case in history where a lawyer was sent to jail for a lawsuit!

Is there any justice in this world!

"You! You are a bunch of psychopaths! Lunatics! Criminals! I am innocent! I am a defender of women's rights! Ahhhhh!"

Ning Hong completely collapsed.

Seven years!

Seven years in prison!

Oh no, she will be transferred to the procuratorate and sentenced to even more!

It's all Lin Mo's fault!

"Ah!! Lin Mo, I will kill you!"

She knew that her life was completely ruined and collapsed directly!

Ning Hong turned over the table, picked up the bench, and rushed towards Lin Mo in the plaintiff's seat.

In the mood of collapse and hatred, Ning Hong burst out with ultimate power, and even the bailiffs who came could not catch her.

In this crazy rampage state of hers, Lin Mo deduced that if she hit him, he would break a few bones, and if he was unlucky, he would be hit in the brain and even die.

But at this moment, Lin Mo remained calm, even with a slight smile.

I didn't expect Xia Ling to be useful so soon.

"Xia Ling! Control this criminal!"


Xia Ling cheered, rolled up her sleeves, and jumped nimbly, easily crossing the table, facing Ning Hong who was rushing towards her, and took a stance.

I am not very good at litigation.

But I am really good at fighting!

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