Lawyer: The bully is not guilty? I will send him to death!

Chapter 46: Heart-breaking details of the mother-insulting case! Deja vu? !

This case seems familiar!

Lin Mo began to recall that he seemed to have encountered this case in his previous life, and it was called the April 19 Mother-Insulting Murder Case.

Could it be that such a thing also happened in this parallel world?

Lin Mo immediately clicked on the detailed information to check. After reading the details of the case, Lin Mo found that the pre-process of this case was similar, but the situation was different.

The murderer was named Wang Hao, now 19 years old, born in a rural family, and was admitted to a first-class university despite his poor family background.

His father had passed away, leaving behind his mother and a sister who was one year older.

Since Wang Hao was admitted to a prestigious university, his sister Wang Yan, who was deaf and dumb, thought that going to school was not very useful. In order to reduce the burden on the family, she took the initiative to drop out of school and sacrificed herself to work to bear the tuition and living expenses of her younger brother.

In order to reduce the burden on her sister, the mother who worked as a farmer at home also followed her sister Wang Yan to work in the factory.

But because one of her mother's feet was disabled, the factory no longer took her in.

During this period, a group of gangsters targeted Wang Yan, who was beautiful but honest, and lent her 60,000 yuan in the name of lending money.

In addition, her mother lost her job, so Wang Yan accepted the 60,000 yuan loan, bought a street stall cart for her mother, contacted a supplier, and started a street barbecue business.

The business was pretty good, and life was thriving.

But the gangsters had planned it, and began to ask Wang Yan for high interest fees. The mother and daughter found out that the interest on the principal of 60,000 yuan had to be repaid 100,000 yuan in interest after just one year!

Almost twice the interest rate!

Super loan sharking.

There was no way, the other party was powerful, the mother and daughter were weak, and they were disabled, so they could only bite the bullet and repay.

As a result, all the income of the two was only enough to pay the interest, and the principal could never be repaid!

At this time, the boss of the loan shark gang showed his fangs, as long as Wang Yan and her daughter accompanied her for one night, he could offset part of the interest.

The mother and daughter refused and were directly blocked in the company of the loan shark gang.

On this day, Wang Hao, a college student, went home on vacation and hurried to the loan shark gang company after learning about this.

As soon as he entered, he was controlled by the other party, and even tied him up and forced to watch extremely bad things that destroyed humanity!

He was pressed and watched his mother and sister being humiliated for two hours!

He was so angry that he broke free from the ropes that tied him. He was so angry that he stabbed the boss of the loan shark gang to death on the spot and injured the two younger brothers who carried out the humiliation.

There are two versions circulating on the Internet.

According to the confession of the plaintiff, that is, the family of the deceased, it was Wang Hao himself who brought a knife and killed the deceased.

According to the confession of the defendant Wang Hao, after he broke free from the ropes that bound him, the boss of the loan shark gang cursed a few words, then took out a knife and stabbed him directly.

But he didn't stab him, and not only that, the knife fell to the ground.

As a result, Wang Hao picked up the knife and killed the leader of the loan shark gang.

But unfortunately, there is no evidence that Wang Hao was telling the truth, and there was no video recording at the scene.

There were only witnesses, but all witnesses pointed out that Wang Hao killed people with the knife he brought with him.

And according to Wang Hao, there should be the fingerprints of the leader on the handle of the knife, but after verification by the police, it was found that there were only Wang Hao's fingerprints on the handle.

And most importantly, the source of this knife was the knife used by Wang Hao's mother to cut meat on the dining car.

Multiple evidences pointed to Wang Hao's revenge with a knife. The prosecution directly charged Wang Hao with intentional homicide. The first instance verdict was that Wang Hao was sentenced to death with a two-year reprieve.

The picture in the text is exactly the photo in the court.

It's heartbreaking!

Wang Hao's mother collapsed on the ground with tears on her face, and his sister Wang Yan, who squatted beside her, was also crying.

Wang Hao, who was gentle and thin, knelt in the middle of the court, handcuffed, and kowtowed in the direction of his mother.

And Wang Hao's defense lawyer was Jianghai's famous "justice lawyer" Qiu Ying.

She looked at the judge with red eyes, tears sliding down from the corners of her eyes, leaving tear marks. She was pointing at Wang Hao and arguing with the judge anxiously.

But at this moment, the verdict had already appeared, and her argument was in vain, and it seemed so pale and powerless.

In the end, she covered her face and cried!

It seemed extremely painful!

After reading all the cases, Lin Mo fell into deep thought.

In addition to insulting his mother, this case also insulted his sister. If based on Wang Hao's confession, there is also a shadow of the "Kunshan Longge Counterattack Case".

This is a combination of the mother-insulting case in the previous life and the Kunshan counterattack case!

Lin Mo immediately began to read, wanting to see how Qiu Ying fought the lawsuit.

The process of the lawsuit has not been found yet, but the judge Qiu Ying has been found.

Now 29 years old, graduated from Huazhong University of Political Science and Law, and has been engaged in public interest litigation since graduation.

There is also her trial experience on it. After taking a look, Lin Mo understood why she was called a righteous lawyer. All the cases she had fought were free of charge, and they were all for defending the poor who were wronged.

When this case of insulting the mother came out, there was no lawyer to help Wang Hao defend, and Wang Yan and her daughter had used all their money to repay loan sharks. They had no money to hire a lawyer, so they only had the court's public lawyers, but the level of public lawyers was generally limited.

The level was better than nothing, and the prosecution's charges against Wang Hao might be 100% established.

At this time, due to the promotion of online public opinion, everyone had absolute sympathy for Wang Hao's experience. Qiu Ying took the initiative to stand up after seeing it, defending Wang Hao and striving for a reduction in his sentence.

At this time, Lin Mo saw the trial process.

He found that Qiu Ying had some skills, but her skills were limited. At the beginning, she defended her innocence. She first listed the many crimes of the gangster boss to prove that Wang Hao's side was oppressed and killed in retaliation, which was a legitimate defense.

Lin Mo knew that Qiu Ying listed the crimes of the gangster boss to win the sympathy of the judge.

In Lin Mo's opinion, this approach was also right. In the absence of evidence in his favor, it was the right choice.

Wang Hao's sentence could be reduced. It would be no problem to fight for excessive defense. There was hope for a life sentence or even a ten-year sentence, but the mistake was that she was defending Wang Hao's innocence!

This attaches great importance to evidence!

The most troublesome thing about suing the prosecution is that all the evidence of the prosecution is very complete!

In order to quickly close the case, the most favorable evidence is used!

All the evidence of the prosecution shows that Wang Hao deliberately killed people with a knife!

No matter how much Qiu Ying argues with the scholars and tries her best to argue, you can't produce evidence to prove Wang Hao's innocence.

Moreover, Qiu Ying did not raise any sentencing opinions about Wang Hao to the judge during the whole process.

As a result, after the defense of innocence failed, the judge sentenced Wang Hao to death according to the prosecution's lawsuit application!

But you should know that when doing an innocence defense, the defense lawyer can put forward sentencing opinions.

Lawyer Qiu Ying's consideration is still not clear enough. She can do both an innocence defense and a misdemeanor defense, at least Wang Hao will not be sentenced to death.

Seeing this case, Lin Mo shook his head helplessly.

"Greedy, if it is not an innocence defense, there is still a chance."

But Lin Mo understands Qiu Ying. In such a case, all lawyers will conduct an innocence defense at the beginning!

After all, morally, Wang Hao's reason for killing has been forgiven by the whole society!

That's his family! Dedicated his whole life for his future, even disabled people have to work to earn money to support him, and even sacrificed their own future family!

Being humiliated like this!

Who can swallow the anger? In addition, Wang Hao insisted that he picked up the knife to kill, and the lawyers would try to defend the innocence and want to save this kind child!

But unfortunately, he failed. For this, Lin Mo could only sympathize.

Under this outrageous but helpless case, Lin Mo found that many netizens were calling his name.

"Lawyer Lin Mo! It's time for you to take action! Come and help Wang Hao in the second trial!"

"I also think that Lawyer Lin Mo can do it. He has many tricks. Maybe he can really save Wang Hao!"

"My big brother, Lawyer Lin, applied to fight! He is a master! The record can be checked! He will never cheat!"

"For the first time, I think Lawyer Lin should take the initiative!"

"It's too much! Killing a gangster, eliminating violence and protecting the good, but the hero is sentenced to death?! Is there any justice in this! Lawyer Lin, send them all in! It's too abominable!"

The people are also extremely angry about this!

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